forked from r00t2/gosecret
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= libsecret/gosecret
Brent Saner <>
Last updated {localdatetime}
:doctype: book
:docinfo: shared
:imagesdir: images
:sectnumlevels: 7
:toc: preamble
:toc2: left
:toclevels: 7
:source-highlighter: rouge
2021-11-26 00:01:49 -05:00
This project is originally forked from[go-libsecret^] due to:
* Lack of response from the developer
* Complete lack of documentation
* Poor, ineffecient, or just plain antipattern design
* Missing functionality
and as such, hopefully this library should serve as a more effective libsecret/SecretService interface.
== Backwards Compatability/Drop-In Replacement Support
Version series `v0.X.X` of this library promises full and non-breaking backwards support of API interaction with the original project. The only changes should be internal optimizations, adding documentation, some file reorganizing, adding Golang module support, etc. -- all transparent from the library API itself.
To use this library as a replacement without significantly modifying your code, you can simply use a `replace` directive:
// TODO: did I do this correctly? I never really use replacements so someone PR if this is incorrect.
2021-11-26 00:01:49 -05:00
// ...
replace ( dev => v0
and then run `go mod tidy`.
== New Developer API
Starting from `v1.0.0` onwards, entirely breaking changes can be assumed from the original project.
To use the new version,
import (
2021-11-26 00:01:49 -05:00
To reflect the absolute breaking changes, the module name changes as well from `libsecret` to `gosecret`.
== Usage
Full documentation can be found via inline documentation. Either via the[ documentation^] or[`godoc`^] (or `go doc`) in the source root.
However, here's a quick demonstration.