2019-09-18 03:01:19 -04:00

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
The parsing supports XInclude (
You can use external XML snippets if that's easier/cleaner (it usually is).
<archrepo xmlns:xsi=""
The repo element contains information for each repository we should build for.
name: The name of the repository. This is used for the db name and to generate pacman.conf snippets.
staging: The path to the staging directory. This is where we will build packages and sync to mirrors from.
signPkgs: Either "1"/"true" or "0"/"false". Whether or not we should sign packages. See signDB, gnupgHome,
and gpgKeyID.
signDB: Either "1"/"true" or "0"/"false". Whether or not we should sign the database files. See signPkgs,
gnupgHome, and gpgKeyID.
gnupgHome: The path to use for the GnuPG home (GNUPGHOME environment variable).
The order of preference follows:
1.) gnupgHome attribute (if set)
2.) $GNUPGHOME env var (if set)
3.) ~/.gnupg
See signPkgs, signDB, and gpgKeyID.
gpgKeyID: The key ID to use. It *must* have the signing ("S") capability. If it is a subkey fingerprint,
that subkey will be used. If a subkey fpr is specified but lacks the signing capability, the
(parent) key will be used (if it has signing capability). If no key ID/fingerprint/etc. is
specified, we will use the first key with signing capability found (this should be fine if you
only have one key with signing capabilities in your gnupgHome). If no suitable key is found but
signing is enabled, an error will be thrown. See signPkgs, signDB, and gnupgHome.
The mirrors element contains either localMirror elements or remoteMirror elements (see below).
There must be at least 1 of either type.
<!-- localMirror elements contain the path to a local mirror (exists on the same system as you're building
from). Most users will probably want this if their build box and mirror are the same machine, or if
you only want a local repository.
user: The user to chown the files/directories to (must be running as root user). If not
specified, the default is the current user (or the user calling sudo, if done via sudo).
group: The group to chown the files/directories to (must be running as root user). If not
specified, the default is the primary group for the current user (or the user calling
sudo, if done via sudo).
fileMode: The octal permissions to chmod the files to.
dirMode: The octal permissions to chmod the directories to.
The remoteMirror element is for rsyncing packages to a remote mirror/repo server. Rsync must be installed
locally (it should; it's part of base-devel) *and* the remote server. Obviously, SSH pubkey auth must also
be set up as well for the user. They must have a valid shell on the server for chmodding/chowning.
user: The (remote) user to sync as (e.g. for "ssh foo@bar", user would be "foo").
server: The server to sync to. Can be an IP address, hostname (if resolvable), or FQDN.
port: The remote SSH port.
key: The pubkey to use to connect.
remoteUser: The (remote) user to chown the files/directories to (must be connecting as root user).
If not specified, the default is the connecting user ("user" attribute).
remoteGroup: The (remote) group to chown the files/directories to (must be connecting as root user).
If not specified, the default is the connecting user's ("user" attribute) primary
fileMode: The octal permissions to chmod the remote files to.
dirMode: The octal permissions to chmod the remote directories to.
The packages element contains actual packages to build into the repository.
The aur element specifies packages that should be fetched and built from the AUR.
They contain the name of the package.
alwaysBuild: Accepts "1"/"true" or "0"/"false". If true, always build the package even if the same
version exists already. This only works if you don't delete/empty your staging
directory, otherwise it will be built.
<aur alwaysBuild="true">somepkg</aur>
The pkgbuild element specifies packages that are locally developed/designed.
They contain the name of the package.
path: The path to the package to build.
<pkgbuild path="/path/to/pkgnm.snapshot.tar.gz" alwaysBuild="true">pkgnm</pkgbuild>
<pkgbuild path="/path/to/PKGBUILD" alwaysBuild="false">pkgnm2</pkgbuild>