# This file is heavily commented explaining various configuration options. # The other configuration file examples are uncommented, but their field names # should be easily visually mapped to the ones in here. # All example configuration files evaluate to the same configuration. # The test_uncommented.toml file is the exact same is this but without # empty newlines and comments. # DefaultUsername specifies the default username to use for # authenticating to tunnelbroker.net. # It is optional, as the username can be specified for each Tunnel, # but at least one or the other *must* be provided. # This makes it easier if you have multiple tunnels under the same account # (as possible in higher levels of HE IPv6 certification). # If a username is specified in Tunnel.Username, it will be used. # If not (and, of course, DefaultUsername is specified), then # DefaultUsername will be used for that Tunnel. DefaultUsername = "default_user" # If SingleTunnel is true, each Tunnel below will be run in order instead of # concurrently. # If there is any concern about race conditions (e.g. the same service being # restarted by multiple tunnels, etc.), then it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED # you set this to true. SingleTunnel = true # CacheDbPath is entirely optional. # If not provided, results will be cached in RAM (and thus lost on reboot # or program termination/restart). # (This can be explicitly specified by using the value ':memory:'.) # If provided, it should be a path to a file to use as a SQLite3 database # that holds cached information. # The information that is cached contains only: # * each Tunnel.TunnelID # * the associated tunnelbroker.FetchedTunnel # * a CRC32 of all configuration (as defined in this file) for that Tunnel # The UpdateKey and other configuration defined here (aside from # Tunnel.TunnelID, and Tunnel.ExplicitClientIP if specified) are # NOT stored. # Any tunnel present in a persistent cache DB but *not* defined in the # running GoBroke config will be removed. # Note that the cache DB primary key is based on the Tunnel.TunnelID, # as one cannot define multiple client endpoints for the same tunnel. CacheDbPath = '/var/cache/gobroke.db' # CacheDbPerms specify the permissions for CacheDbPath. # This directive is completely optional, and is # ignored if CacheDbPath is ":memory:" (or unspecified). # If not specified (and CacheDbPath is persistent), # then the runtime user's umask and effective UID/GID # is used if creating a new database file. # If the file exists and permissions are defined, they will # be enforced. # If the file exists but no permissions are defined, they # will be left as-is. [CacheDbPerms] # Permissions are/may be defined for both the file being written # and the parent directory (see below). [CacheDbPerms.File] # The User is optional. # If specified as '-1', the owner will not be modified/enforced. # If specified as an empty string (the default), the runtime EUID is enforced. # Otherwise, it may be a username or a UID (checked in that order). # (For new files/directories, the OS default behavior is used.) User = "" # Group is also optional, and follows the same exact logic as User except # for EGID/groupnames/GIDs. Group = "" # Mode is optional also. # It *must* be equal to the octal mode bits (e.g. it must be an # unsigned integer 0-4095), but may be represented in multiple ways. # e.g.: # Mode = 0o0600 # Mode = 0o600 # Mode = 0x0180 # Mode = 0x180 # Mode = 0b110000000 # Mode = 384 # All evaluate to the exact same value in TOML: # https://toml.io/en/v1.0.0#integer # For consistency with `chmod(1)`, it is recommended to use the # octal representation (0o0600 or 0o600 above). # If you need help determining what number you should actually use, # you can use the calculator here: # https://rubendougall.co.uk/projects/permissions-calculator/ # (source: https://github.com/Ruben9922/permissions-calculator ) # (Supports/includes "special" bits) # or here: # https://wintelguy.com/permissions-calc.pl # (beware of ads) # (provides an explanation of the bits) # Or see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chmod # Note that this does, technically, work on Windows but only read vs. read-write # for the User is used (https://pkg.go.dev/os?GOOS=windows#Chmod). # If not specified, the default is 0o0600 for files and 0o0700 for directories. Mode = 0o0600 # Dir permissions specifiy permissions/ownership of the parent directory of the cache DB. # The same rules, logic, behavior, etc. as in CacheDbPerms.File apply here. [CacheDbPerms.Dir] User = "" Group = "" Mode = 0o0700 ############# ## Tunnels ## ############# # Each Tunnel represents a single tunnelbroker.net tunnel configuration. # Note that each Tunnel is run concurrently. If this is undesired due to # potential race conditions, set the root-level directive SingleTunnel # to true. [[Tunnel]] # The TunnelID can be found by logging into https://tunnelbroker.net/ and, # at the "Main Page" that loads when logging in, clicking on the desired # tunnel name. # The tunnel ID is then displayed in both the URL bar: # https://tunnelbroker.net/tunnel_detail.php?tid= # And as the first line on the first tab ("IPv6 Tunnel" tab), # labeled "Tunnel ID". TunnelID = 123 # If you wish to use a different or explicit "Client IPv4 address", # this can be specified via ExplicitClientIP. # If it is empty or is not specified, the public IP of this host will be determined # via an external service. # This *must* be an IPv4 address (if specified). ExplicitClientIP = '' # If you have specified a custom MTU under the "Advanced" tab for this tunnel, # you can set this value here. # If you have not set a custom one, leave this option unspecified; # the default (and maximum allowed), 1480 MTU, will be used in that case. MTU = 1450 # The Username field is optional IF DefaultUsername was specified. # This also allows you to specify tunnels from different accounts # by providing a tunnel-specific username. Username = "specific_user" # The UpdateKey can be found under the "Advanced" tab on your tunnelbroker.net # tunnel's page, labeled "Update Key". # Your real token is likely to be a bit longer and more random. # This token is used to not only update the client-side tunnel IP but also to # query the HE Tunnelbroker "API" (it's really just a single endpoint) # to get the tunnel configuration. UpdateKey = "abcdef" ###################### ## Config Templates ## ###################### # Each ConfigTemplate consists of a path to a template file and a destination # file at the bere minimum. In addition, Commands may be provided. # Any paths leading up to Destination that don't exist will (attempt to be) # created. # The template is always rendered in memory, but the destination is only written # if: # * The Destination doesn't exist # * The Destination differs from the buffered rendering of the template # Commands are optional, and are a list of commands to be run. # Their running may be restricted to only if the tunnel information/IP # information has changed, always run, or the inverse of all conditions. [[Tunnel.ConfigTemplate]] # Template points to where the template file can be found. # It must be in a Golang text/template syntax/format; see: # https://pkg.go.dev/text/template # Refer to the library's definition of the tunnelbroker.FetchedTunnel struct; # this is the object that is passed to the template. Template = "/etc/gobroke/tpl/dnsmasq/ra_dhcpv6.conf.tpl" # Destination is the file to write to. # It will only be written to if: # * The path does not exist # * The path exists but is different from the in-memory rendered buffer # An attempt will be made to create any leading components that are not # present. # It is recommended to enforce permissions/ownership of these via the # Commands. Destination = "/etc/dnsmasq.d/ra_dhcpv6.conf" ################################# ## Config Template Permissions ## ################################# # Permissions can be defined for the Destionation file. # They are completely optional, in which case the default umask, user, # group, etc. for the runtime user will be used, and permissions/ownership # will not be enforced for existing Destination files. # It follows the same syntax, logic, behavior, etc. as CacheDbPerms. [[Tunnel.ConfigTemplate.Permissions]] [[Tunnel.ConfigTemplate.Permissions.File]] User = "" Group = "" Mode = 0o0600 [[Tunnel.ConfigTemplate.Permissions.Dir]] User = "" Group = "" Mode = 0o0700 ############################## ## Config Template Commands ## ############################## # Commands are a collection of commands to run as part of this template # run. # Multiple Commands may be specified; they will be run in the order specified. # The below Command would be equivalent to: # SOMEENV=SOMEVAL /usr/local/bin/somecmd -f foo # on the shell. [[Tunnel.ConfigTemplate.Command]] # ProgramPath should be the absolute path to the binary to run. # It behaves as an (os/)exec.Cmd.Path (https://pkg.go.dev/os/exec#Cmd), # It is recommended to use an absolute path. ProgramPath = '/usr/local/bin/somecmd' # Args are optional for a Command. # They should conform to the rules for (os/)exec.Cmd.Args. Args = [ '-f', 'foo', ] # If IsolatedEnv is false (the default), the runtime environment variables # will be applied to the command. # If true, *only* the EnvVars, if specified, will be used for the spawned # command (an empty environment will be used if IsolateEnv is true and # no EnvVars are specified). IsolatedEnv = false # If provided, EnvVars can be used to add/replace environment variables. # They should conform to the rules for (os/)exec.Cmd.Env. # Whether they are added to/selectively replace or completely replace # the current runtime environment variables depends on how IsolateEnv # is configured. EnvVars = [ 'SOMEENV=SOMEVAL', ] # If OnChange is true, this Command will run *only if SOMETHING CHANGED*. # (e.g. a /48 was added to the tunnel, the client IP is different, etc.) # If false, this Command will run *only if NOTHING CHANGED*. # If unspecified, the default is to always run this command regardless # of change status. # The very first (successful) run of a Tunnel is considered a "change", # as is writing out this template to disk as a new file. OnChange = true # By default, this Command will be run literally/as-is. # However, in some cases it may be useful to dynamically template out # commands to run. # If IsTemplate is set to true, then this Command.ProgramPath, each # of the Command.Args, and each of the Command.EnvVars will be # treated as Golang text/template strings as well, and will also # be passed a tunnelbroker.FetchedTunnel. # Note that if IsolateEnv is false, runtime/inherited environment # variables will *not* be templated. # It is recommended to not enable this unless necessary as it can add # a non-negligible amount of resource overhead/execution time. IsTemplate = false ####################################################################### # Multiple ConfigTemplates may be specified. [[Tunnel.ConfigTemplate]] Template = "/etc/gobroke/tpl/stat.tpl" Destination = "/tmp/gobroke.dump" ##################### ## Tunnel Commands ## ##################### # Each Tunnel also supports its *own* commands. The syntax, spcification, # behavior, etc. is the same as the Tunnel.ConfigTemplate.Command. # These are executed after all Tunnel.ConfigTemplate (if any) are executed. # This is particularly useful for consolidating service restarts. [[Tunnel.Command]] ProgramPath = 'systemctl' Args = [ 'restart', 'someservice', ] # OnChange in a Tunnel.Command is scoped to any updates of the tunnel # and any changes in ANY of the Tunnel.ConfigTemplate specified # for this Tunnel (if true and ConfigTemplate were specified). OnChange = true ############################################################################### # Multiple tunnel configurations are supported as well. [[Tunnel]] TunnelID = 456 Username = "specific_user" UpdateKey = "defghi" ###################### ## General Commands ## ###################### # Command items may be specified at the root level as well. # The syntax is like all other Commands items, with two exceptions: # * There is no templating performed... # * As such, there is no IsTemplate directive for these. # A root-level Command is run after all tunnels complete. # The OnChange directive is true if any Tunnels result in any changes. [[Command]] ProgramPath = "/usr/local/bin/alltunpsrogram"