package main type Args struct { Version bool `short:"v" long:"version" description:"Print the version and exit."` DetailVersion bool `short:"V" long:"detail" description:"Print detailed version info and exit."` DoDebug bool `env:"GOBROKE_DEBUG" short:"d" long:"debug" description:"If specified, enable debug logging. This may log potentially sensitive information, so be careful."` DryRun bool `env:"GOBROKE_RO" short:"n" long:"dry-run" description:"If specified, only perfrom dry-run operations (read-only). Changes that would be made are logged but are not actually performed."` ConfigPath string `env:"GOBROKE_CFG" required:"true" short:"c" long:"config" default:"/etc/gobroke/gobroke.conf" description:"The path to the configuration file." validate:"required,file"` Daemon bool `env:"GOBROKE_DAEMON" short:"D" long:"daemon" description:"Run as a daemon. If not specified, GoBroke will run once, updating the tunnel configuration if necessary, and then quit."` }