package tplCmd import ( `encoding/xml` ) // Cmd is a command that is executed without any templating. type Cmd struct { XMLName xml.Name `json:"-" toml:"-" xml:"cmd" yaml:"-"` Program string `json:"bin" toml:"ProgramPath" xml:"bin,attr" yaml:"Program Path" validate:"required,file"` Args []string `json:"args" toml:"Argument" xml:"args>arg" yaml:"Arguments"` IsolateEnv bool `json:"isol8_env" toml:"IsolatedEnv" xml:"isol8Env,attr" yaml:"Isolated Environment"` EnvVars []string `json:"env" toml:"EnvVars" xml:"envs>env" yaml:"Environment Variables"` OnChanges *bool `json:"on_change,omitempty" toml:"OnChange,omitempty" xml:"onChange,attr,omitempty" yaml:"On Change,omitempty"` } // TemplateCmd is a command that supports templating. (It's in its own package to avoid a cyclic dependency.) type TemplateCmd struct { *Cmd `yaml:",inline"` IsTemplate bool `json:"is_tpl" toml:"IsTemplate" xml:"isTpl,attr" yaml:"Is Template"` }