125 lines
6.2 KiB
125 lines
6.2 KiB
import copy
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
from collections import OrderedDict
import jinja2
import aif.utils
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PacmanConfig(object):
_sct_re = re.compile(r'^\s*\[(?P<sect>[^]]+)\]\s*$')
_kv_re = re.compile(r'^\s*(?P<key>[^\s=[]+)((?:\s*=\s*)(?P<value>.*))?$')
_skipline_re = re.compile(r'^\s*(#.*)?$')
# TODO: Append mirrors/repos to pacman.conf here before we parse?
# I copy a log of logic from pycman/config.py here.
_list_keys = ('CacheDir', 'HookDir', 'HoldPkg', 'SyncFirst', 'IgnoreGroup', 'IgnorePkg', 'NoExtract', 'NoUpgrade',
_single_keys = ('RootDir', 'DBPath', 'GPGDir', 'LogFile', 'Architecture', 'XferCommand', 'CleanMethod', 'SigLevel',
'LocalFileSigLevel', 'RemoteFileSigLevel')
_noval_keys = ('UseSyslog', 'ShowSize', 'TotalDownload', 'CheckSpace', 'VerbosePkgLists', 'ILoveCandy', 'Color',
# These are the default (commented-out) values in the stock /etc/pacman.conf as of January 5, 2020.
defaults = OrderedDict({'options': {'Architecture': 'auto',
'CacheDir': '/var/cache/pacman/pkg/',
'CheckSpace': None,
'CleanMethod': 'KeepInstalled',
# 'Color': None,
'DBPath': '/var/lib/pacman/',
'GPGDir': '/etc/pacman.d/gnupg/',
'HoldPkg': 'pacman glibc',
'HookDir': '/etc/pacman.d/hooks/',
'IgnoreGroup': [],
'IgnorePkg': [],
'LocalFileSigLevel': ['Optional'],
'LogFile': '/var/log/pacman.log',
'NoExtract': [],
'NoUpgrade': [],
'RemoteFileSigLevel': ['Required'],
'RootDir': '/',
'SigLevel': ['Required', 'DatabaseOptional'],
# 'TotalDownload': None,
# 'UseSyslog': None,
# 'VerbosePkgLists': None,
'XferCommand': '/usr/bin/curl -L -C - -f -o %o %u'},
# These should be explicitly included in the AIF config.
# 'core': {'Include': '/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist'},
# 'extra': {'Include': '/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist'},
# 'community': {'Include': '/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist'}
def __init__(self, chroot_base, confpath = '/etc/pacman.conf'):
self.chroot_base = chroot_base
self.confpath = os.path.join(self.chroot_base, re.sub(r'^/+', '', confpath))
self.confbak = '{0}.bak'.format(self.confpath)
self.mirrorlstpath = os.path.join(self.chroot_base, 'etc', 'pacman.d', 'mirrorlist')
self.mirrorlstbak = '{0}.bak'.format(self.mirrorlstpath)
if not os.path.isfile(self.confbak):
shutil.copy2(self.confpath, self.confbak)
_logger.info('Copied: {0} => {1}'.format(self.confpath, self.confbak))
if not os.path.isfile(self.mirrorlstbak):
shutil.copy2(self.mirrorlstpath, self.mirrorlstbak)
_logger.info('Copied: {0} => {1}'.format(self.mirrorlstpath, self.mirrorlstbak))
self.j2_env = jinja2.Environment(loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath = './'))
self.j2_conf = self.j2_env.get_template('pacman.conf.j2')
self.j2_mirror = self.j2_env.get_template('mirrorlist.j2')
self.conf = None
self.mirrors = []
def _includeExpander(self, lines):
curlines = []
for line in lines:
r = self._kv_re.search(line)
if r and (r.group('key') == 'Include') and r.group('value'):
path = os.path.join(self.chroot_base, re.sub(r'^/?', '', r.group('path')))
with open(path, 'r') as fh:
def parse(self, defaults = True):
self.conf = OrderedDict()
rawlines = {}
with open(self.confpath, 'r') as fh:
rawlines['orig'] = [line for line in fh.read().splitlines() if not self._skipline_re.search(line)]
rawlines['parsed'] = self._includeExpander(rawlines['orig'])
for conftype, cfg in rawlines.items():
_confdict = copy.deepcopy(self.defaults)
_sect = None
for line in cfg:
if self._sct_re.search(line):
_sect = self._sct_re.search(line).group('sect')
if _sect not in _confdict.keys():
_confdict[_sect] = OrderedDict()
elif self._kv_re.search(line):
r = self._kv_re.search(line)
k = r.group('key')
v = r.group('value')
if k in self._noval_keys:
_confdict[_sect][k] = None
elif k in self._single_keys:
_confdict[_sect][k] = v
elif k in self._list_keys:
if k not in _confdict[_sect].keys():
_confdict[_sect][k] = []
if _confdict['options']['Architecture'] == 'auto':
_confdict['options']['Architecture'] = os.uname().machine
self.conf[conftype] = copy.deepcopy(_confdict)
def writeConf(self):
with open(self.confpath, 'w') as fh:
fh.write(self.j2_conf.render(cfg = self.conf))
with open(self.mirrorlstpath, 'w') as fh:
fh.write(self.j2_mirror.render(mirrors = self.mirrors))