#!/usr/bin/env python3 try: from lxml import etree lxml_avail = True except ImportError: import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree # https://docs.python.org/3/library/xml.etree.elementtree.html lxml_avail = False import argparse import crypt import datetime import errno import ipaddress import getpass import os import pydoc # a dirty hack we use for pagination import re import readline import sys import urllib.request as urlrequest import urllib.parse as urlparse import urllib.response as urlresponse from ftplib import FTP_TLS xsd = 'https://aif.square-r00t.net/aif.xsd' # Ugh. You kids and your colors and bolds and crap. class color(object): PURPLE = '\033[95m' CYAN = '\033[96m' DARKCYAN = '\033[36m' BLUE = '\033[94m' GREEN = '\033[92m' YELLOW = '\033[93m' RED = '\033[91m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' END = '\033[0m' class aifgen(object): def __init__(self, args): self.args = args def getXSD(self): pass def getXML(self): pass def getOpts(self): # This whole thing is ugly. Really, really ugly. Patches 100% welcome. def chkPrompt(prompt, urls): txtin = None txtin = input(prompt) if txtin == 'wikihelp': print('\n Articles/pages that you may find helpful for this option are:') for h in urls: print(' * {0}'.format(h)) print() txtin = input(prompt) else: return(txtin) def sizeChk(startsize): try: startn = int(re.sub('[%\-+KMGTP]', '', startsize)) modifier = re.sub('^(\+|-)?.*$', '\g<1>', startsize) if re.match('^(\+|-)?[0-9]+%$', startsize): sizetype = 'percentage' elif re.match('^(\+|-)?[0-9]+[KMGTP]$', n): sizetype = 'fixed' else: exit(' !! ERROR: The input you provided does not match a valid pattern.') if sizetype == 'percentage': if not (0 <= startn <= 100): exit(' !! ERROR: You must provide a percentage or a size.') except: exit(' !! ERROR: You did not provide a valid size specifier!') return(startsize) def ifacePrompt(nethelp): ifaces = {} moreIfaces = True print('\nPlease enter the name of the interface you would like to use.\n' + 'Can instead be \'auto\' for automatic configuration of the first found interface\n' + 'with an active link. (You can only specify one auto device per system, and all subsequent\n' 'interface entries will be ignored.)\n') while moreIfaces: ifacein = chkPrompt('Interface device: ', nethelp) addrin = chkPrompt(('* Address for {0} in CIDR format (can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address; ' + 'use \'auto\' for DHCP/DHCPv6): ').format(ifacein), nethelp) if addrin == 'auto': addrtype = 'auto' ipver = (chkPrompt('* Would you like \'ipv4\', \'ipv6\', or \'both\' to be auto-configured? ', nethelp)).lower() if ipver not in ('ipv4', 'ipv6', 'both'): exit(' !! ERROR: Must be one of ipv4, ipv6, or both.') else: addrtype = 'static' try: ipaddress.ip_network(addrin, strict = False) try: ipaddress.IPv4Address(addrin.split('/')[0]) ipver = 'ipv4' except ipaddress.AddressValueError: ipver = 'ipv6' except ValueError: exit(' !! ERROR: You did not enter a valid IPv4/IPv6 address.') if addrtype == 'static': gwin = chkPrompt('* What is the gateway address for {0}? '.format(addrin), nethelp) try: ipaddress.ip_address(gwin) except: exit(' !! ERROR: You did not enter a valid IPv4/IPv6 address.') ifaces[ifacein] = {'address': addrin, 'proto': ipver, 'gw': gwin, 'resolvers': []} resolversin = chkPrompt('* What DNS resolvers should we use? Can accept a comma-separated list: ', nethelp) for rslv in resolversin.split(','): rslvaddr = rslv.strip() ifaces[ifacein]['resolvers'].append(rslvaddr) try: ipaddress.ip_address(rslvaddr) except: exit(' !! ERROR: {0} is not a valid resolver address.'.format(rslvaddr)) else: ifaces[ifacein] = {'address': 'auto', 'proto': ipver, 'gw': False, 'resolvers': False} moreIfacesin = input('Would you like to add more interfaces? (y/{0}n{1}) '.format(color.BOLD, color.END)) if not re.match('^y(es)?$', moreIfacesin.lower()): moreIfaces = False return(ifaces) def genPassHash(user): passin = getpass.getpass('* Please enter the password you want to use for {0} (will not echo back): '.format(user)) if passin not in ('', '!'): salt = crypt.mksalt(crypt.METHOD_SHA512) salthash = crypt.crypt(passin, salt) else: salthash = passin return(salthash) def userPrompt(syshelp): users = {} moreUsers = True while moreUsers: user = chkPrompt('What username would you like to add? ', syshelp) if len(user) > 32: exit(' !! ERROR: Usernames must be less than 32 characters.') if not re.match('^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*[$]?$', user): exit(' !! ERROR: Your username does not match a valid pattern. See the man page for useradd (\'CAVEATS\').') users[user] = {} sudoin = chkPrompt('* Should {0} have (full!) sudo access? (y/{0}n{1}) '.format(user, color.BOLD, color.END), syshelp) if re.match('^y(es)?$', sudoin.lower()): users[user]['sudo'] = True else: users[user]['sudo'] = False users[user]['password'] = genPassHash(user) users[user]['comment'] = chkPrompt(('* What comment should {0} have? ' + '(Typically this is the user\'s full name) ').format(user), syshelp) uidin = chkPrompt(('* What UID should {0} have? Leave this blank if you don\'t care ' + '(should be fine for most cases): ').format(user), syshelp) if uidin != '': try: users[user]['uid'] = int(uidin) except: exit(' !! ERROR: The UID must be an integer.') else: users[user]['uid'] = False grpin = chkPrompt(('* What group name would you like to use for {0}\'s primary group? ' + '(You\'ll be able to add additional groups in a moment.)\n' + '\tThe default, if left blank, is to simply create a group named {0} ' + '(which is what you probably want): ').format(user), syshelp) if len(grpin) > 32: exit(' !! ERROR: Group names must be less than 32 characters.') if not re.match('^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*[$]?$', grpin): exit(' !! ERROR: Your group name does not match a valid pattern. See the man page for groupadd (\'CAVEATS\').') users[user]['group'] = grpin gidin = chkPrompt(('* What GID should {0} have? Leave this blank if you don\'t care ' + '(should be fine for most cases): ').format(grpin), syshelp) if gidin != '': try: users[user]['gid'] = int(gidin) except: exit(' !! ERROR: The GID must be an integer.') else: users[user]['gid'] = False syshelp.append('https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_home_code') homein = chkPrompt(('* What directory should {0} use for its home? Leave blank if you don\'t care ' + '(should be fine for most cases): ').format(user), syshelp) if homein != '': if not re.match('^/([^/\x00\s]+(/)?)+)$', homein): exit('!! ERROR: Path {0} does not seem to be valid.'.format(homein)) users[user]['home'] = homein else: users[user]['home'] = False homecrt = chkPrompt('* Do we need to create {0}? (y/{1}n{2}) '.format(homein, color.BOLD, color.END), syshelp) if re.match('^y(es)?$', homecrt): users[user]['homecreate'] = True else: users[user]['homecreate'] = False del(syshelp[-1]) xgrouphelp = 'https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_xgroup_code' if xgrouphelp not in syshelp: syshelp.append(xgrouphelp) xgroupin = chkPrompt('* Would you like to add extra groups for {0}? (y/{1}n{2}) '.format(user, color.BOLD, color.END), syshelp) if re.match('^y(es)?$', xgroupin.lower()): morexgroups = True users[user]['xgroups'] = {} else: morexgroups = False users[user]['xgroups'] = False while morexgroups: xgrp = chkPrompt('** What is the name of the group you would like to add? ', syshelp) if len(xgrp) > 32: exit(' !! ERROR: Group names must be less than 32 characters.') if not re.match('^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*[$]?$', xgrp): exit(' !! ERROR: Your group name does not match a valid pattern. See the man page for groupadd (\'CAVEATS\').') users[user]['xgroups'][xgrp] = {} xgrpcrt = chkPrompt('** Does {0} need to be created? (y/{1}n{2} '.format(xgrp, color.BOLD, color.END), syshelp) if re.match('^y(es)?$', xgrpcrt.lower()): users[user]['xgroups'][xgrp]['create'] = True else: users[user]['xgroups'][xgrp]['create'] = False xgrpgid = chkPrompt(('** What GID should {0} be? If the group will already exist on the new system or ' + 'don\'t care,\nleave this blank (should be fine for most cases): ').format(xgrp), syshelp) if xrpgid != '': try: users[user]['xgroups'][xgrp]['gid'] = int(xgrpid) except: exit(' !! ERROR: The GID must be an integer.') else: users[user]['xgroups'][xgrp]['gid'] = False moreusersin = input('\nWould you like to add more groups for {0}? (y/{1}n{2}) '.format(user, color.BOLD, color.END)) if not re.match('^y(es)?$', moreusersin.lower()): morexgroups = False return(users) conf = {} print('[{0}] Beginning configuration...'.format(datetime.datetime.now())) print('You may reply with \'wikihelp\' on the first prompt of a question for the relevant link(s) in the Arch wiki ' + '(and other resources).\n') # https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_disk_code diskhelp = ['https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide#Partition_the_disks'] diskin = chkPrompt('\nWhat disk(s) would you like to be configured on the target system?\n' + '\tIf you have multiple disks, separate with a comma (e.g. \'/dev/sda,/dev/sdb\'): ', diskhelp) # NOTE: the following is a dict of fstype codes to their description. fstypes = {'0700': 'Microsoft basic data', '0c01': 'Microsoft reserved', '2700': 'Windows RE', '3000': 'ONIE config', '3900': 'Plan 9', '4100': 'PowerPC PReP boot', '4200': 'Windows LDM data', '4201': 'Windows LDM metadata', '4202': 'Windows Storage Spaces', '7501': 'IBM GPFS', '7f00': 'ChromeOS kernel', '7f01': 'ChromeOS root', '7f02': 'ChromeOS reserved', '8200': 'Linux swap', '8300': 'Linux filesystem', '8301': 'Linux reserved', '8302': 'Linux /home', '8303': 'Linux x86 root (/)', '8304': 'Linux x86-64 root (/', '8305': 'Linux ARM64 root (/)', '8306': 'Linux /srv', '8307': 'Linux ARM32 root (/)', '8400': 'Intel Rapid Start', '8e00': 'Linux LVM', 'a500': 'FreeBSD disklabel', 'a501': 'FreeBSD boot', 'a502': 'FreeBSD swap', 'a503': 'FreeBSD UFS', 'a504': 'FreeBSD ZFS', 'a505': 'FreeBSD Vinum/RAID', 'a580': 'Midnight BSD data', 'a581': 'Midnight BSD boot', 'a582': 'Midnight BSD swap', 'a583': 'Midnight BSD UFS', 'a584': 'Midnight BSD ZFS', 'a585': 'Midnight BSD Vinum', 'a600': 'OpenBSD disklabel', 'a800': 'Apple UFS', 'a901': 'NetBSD swap', 'a902': 'NetBSD FFS', 'a903': 'NetBSD LFS', 'a904': 'NetBSD concatenated', 'a905': 'NetBSD encrypted', 'a906': 'NetBSD RAID', 'ab00': 'Recovery HD', 'af00': 'Apple HFS/HFS+', 'af01': 'Apple RAID', 'af02': 'Apple RAID offline', 'af03': 'Apple label', 'af04': 'AppleTV recovery', 'af05': 'Apple Core Storage', 'bc00': 'Acronis Secure Zone', 'be00': 'Solaris boot', 'bf00': 'Solaris root', 'bf01': 'Solaris /usr & Mac ZFS', 'bf02': 'Solaris swap', 'bf03': 'Solaris backup', 'bf04': 'Solaris /var', 'bf05': 'Solaris /home', 'bf06': 'Solaris alternate sector', 'bf07': 'Solaris Reserved 1', 'bf08': 'Solaris Reserved 2', 'bf09': 'Solaris Reserved 3', 'bf0a': 'Solaris Reserved 4', 'bf0b': 'Solaris Reserved 5', 'c001': 'HP-UX data', 'c002': 'HP-UX service', 'ea00': 'Freedesktop $BOOT', 'eb00': 'Haiku BFS', 'ed00': 'Sony system partition', 'ed01': 'Lenovo system partition', 'ef00': 'EFI System', 'ef01': 'MBR partition scheme', 'ef02': 'BIOS boot partition', 'f800': 'Ceph OSD', 'f801': 'Ceph dm-crypt OSD', 'f802': 'Ceph journal', 'f803': 'Ceph dm-crypt journal', 'f804': 'Ceph disk in creation', 'f805': 'Ceph dm-crypt disk in creation', 'fb00': 'VMWare VMFS', 'fb01': 'VMWare reserved', 'fc00': 'VMWare kcore crash protection', 'fd00': 'Linux RAID'} conf['disks'] = {} for d in diskin.split(','): disk = d.strip() if not re.match('^/dev/[A-Za-z0]+', disk): exit('!! ERROR: Disk {0} does not seem to be a valid device path.'.format(disk)) conf['disks'][disk] = {} print('\nConfiguring disk {0} ...'.format(disk)) fmtin = chkPrompt('* What format should this disk use (gpt/bios)? ', diskhelp) fmt = fmtin.lower() if fmt not in ('gpt', 'bios'): exit(' !! ERROR: Must be one of \'gpt\' or \'bios\'.') conf['disks'][disk]['fmt'] = fmt conf['disks'][disk]['parts'] = {} if fmt == 'gpt': maxpart = '256' else: maxpart = '4' # yeah, extended volumes can do more, but that's not supported in AIF-NG. yet? partnumsin = chkPrompt('* How many partitions should this disk have? (Maximum: {0}) '.format(maxpart), diskhelp) try: int(partnumsin) except: exit(' !! ERROR: Must be an integer.') if int(partnumsin) < 1: exit(' !! ERROR: Must be a positive integer.') if int(partnumsin) > int(maxpart): exit(' !! ERROR: Must be less than {0}'.format(maxpart)) parthelp = diskhelp + ['https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide#Format_the_partitions', 'https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_part_code'] for partn in range(1, int(partnumsin) + 1): # https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_part_code conf['disks'][disk]['parts'][partn] = {} for s in ('start', 'stop'): conf['disks'][disk]['parts'][partn][s] = None sizein = chkPrompt(('** Where should partition {0} {1}? Can be percentage [n%] ' + 'or size [(+/-)n(K/M/G/T/P)]: ').format(partn, s), parthelp) conf['disks'][disk]['parts'][partn][s] = sizeChk(sizein) newhelp = 'https://aif.square-r00t.net/#fstypes' if newhelp not in parthelp: parthelp.append(newhelp) fstypein = chkPrompt(('** What filesystem type should partition {0} be? ' + 'See wikihelp for valid fstypes: ').format(partn), parthelp) if fstypein not in fstypes.keys(): exit(' !! ERROR: {0} is not a valid filesystem type.'.format(fstypein)) else: print('\tSelected {0}'.format(fstypes[fstypein])) mnthelp = ['https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide#Mount_the_file_systems', 'https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_mount_code'] mntin = chkPrompt('\nWhat mountpoint(s) would you like to be configured on the target system?\n' + '\tIf you have multiple mountpoints, separate with a comma (e.g. \'/mnt/aif,/mnt/aif/boot\').\n' + '\t(NOTE: Can be \'swap\' for swapspace.): ', mnthelp) conf['mounts'] = {} for m in mntin.split(','): mount = m.strip() if not re.match('^(/([^/\x00\s]+(/)?)+|swap)$', mount): exit('!! ERROR: Mountpoint {0} does not seem to be a valid path/specifier.'.format(mount)) print('\nConfiguring mountpoint {0} ...'.format(mount)) dvcin = chkPrompt('* What device/partition should be mounted here? ', mnthelp) if not re.match('^/dev/[A-Za-z0]+', dvcin): exit(' !! ERROR: Must be a full path to a device/partition.') ordrin = chkPrompt('* What order should this mount occur in relation to others?\n\t'+ 'Must be a unique integer (lower numbers mount before higher numbers): ', mnthelp) try: order = int(ordrin) except: exit(' !! ERROR: Must be an integer') if order in conf['mounts'].keys(): exit(' !! ERROR: You already have a mountpoint at that order number.') conf['mounts'][order] = {} conf['mounts'][order]['target'] = mount conf['mounts'][order]['device'] = dvcin fstypein = chkPrompt('* What filesystem type should this be mounted as (i.e. mount\'s -t option)? This is optional,\n\t' + 'but may be required for more exotic filesystem types. If you don\'t have to specify one,\n\t' + 'just leave this blank: ', mnthelp) if fstypein == '': conf['mounts'][order]['fstype'] = False elif not re.match('^[a-z]+([0-9]+)?$', fstypein): # Not 100%, but should catch most faulty entries exit(' !! ERROR: {0} does not seem to be a valid filesystem type.'.format(fstypein)) else: conf['mounts'][order]['fstype'] = fstypein mntoptsin = chkPrompt('* What, if any, mount option(s) (mount\'s -o option) do you require? (Multiple options should be separated\n' + '\twith a comma). If none, leave this blank: ', mnthelp) if mntoptsin == '': conf['mounts'][order]['opts'] = False elif not re.match('^[A-Za-z0-9_\.\-=]+(,[A-Za-z0-9_\.\-=]+)*', re.sub('\s', '', mntoptsin)): # TODO: shlex split this instead? exit(' !! ERROR: You seem to have not specified valid mount options.') else: # TODO: slex this instead? is it possible for mount opts to contain whitespace? conf['mounts'][order]['opts'] = re.sub('\s', '', mntoptsin) print('\nNow, let\'s configure the network. Note that at this time, wireless/more exotic networking is not supported by AIF-NG.\n') conf['network'] = {} nethelp = ['https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide#Network_configuration', 'https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_network_code'] hostnamein = chkPrompt('What should the newly-installed system\'s hostname be?\n\t' + 'It must be in FQDN format, but can be a non-existent domain: ', nethelp) hostname = hostnamein.lower() if len(hostname) > 253: exit(' !! ERROR: A FQDN cannot be more than 253 characters (RFC 1035, 2.3.4)') hostnamelst = hostname.split('.') for c in hostnamelst: if len(c) > 63: exit(' !! ERROR: No component of an FQDN can be more than 63 characters (RFC 1035, 2.3.4)') if not re.match('^[a-zA-Z\d-]{,63}(\.[a-zA-Z\d-]{,63})*', hostname): exit(' !! ERROR: That does not seem to be a valid FQDN.') else: conf['network']['hostname'] = hostname conf['network']['ifaces'] = {} nethelp.append('https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_iface_code') conf['network']['ifaces'] = ifacePrompt(nethelp) print('\nNow let\'s configure some basic system settings.') syshelp = ['https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_system_code'] syshelp.append('https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide#Time_zone') tzin = chkPrompt('* What timezone should the newly installed system use? (Default is UTC): ', syshelp) if tzin == '': tzin = 'UTC' syshelp[1] = 'https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide#Locale' localein = chkPrompt('* What locale should the new system use? (Default is en_US.UTF-8): ', syshelp) if localein == '': localein = 'en_US.UTF-8' syshelp[1] = 'https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_mount_code' chrootpathin = chkPrompt('* What chroot path should the host use? This should be one of the mounts you specified above: ', syshelp) if not re.match('^/([^/\x00\s]+(/)?)+$', chrootpathin): exit('!! ERROR: Your chroot path does not seem to be a valid path/specifier.') syshelp[1] = 'https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide#Set_the_keyboard_layout' kbdin = chkPrompt('* What keyboard layout should the newly installed system use? (Default is US): ', syshelp) if kbdin == '': kbdin = 'US' del(syshelp[1]) rbtin = chkPrompt('* Would you like to reboot the host system after installation completes? ({0}y{1}/n): '.format(color.BOLD, color.END), syshelp) if not re.match('^no?$', rbtin.lower()): rebootme = True else: rebootme = False conf['system'] = {'timezone': tzin, 'locale': localein, 'chrootpath': chrootpathin, 'kbd': kbdin, 'reboot': rebootme} syshelp[1] = 'https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_users_code' print('\nNow let\'s handle some user accounts. For passwords, you can either enter the password you want to use,\n' + 'a \'!\' (in which case TTY login will be disabled but e.g. SSH will still work), or just hit enter to leave it blank\n' + '(which is HIGHLY not recommended - it means anyone can login by just pressing enter at the login!)\n') print('Let\'s configure the root user.') conf['system']['rootpass'] = genPassHash(root) moreusers = input('Would you like to add one or more regular user(s)? (y/{0}n{1}) '.format(color.BOLD, color.END) if re.match('^y(es)?$', moreusers.lower()): syshelp.append('https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_user_code') conf['system']['users'] = userPrompt(syshelp) else: conf['system']['users'] = False if self.args['verbose']: import pprint pprint.pprint(conf) return(conf) def convertJSON(self): with open(args['inputfile'], 'r') as f: try: conf = json.loads(f.read()) except: exit(' !! ERROR: {0} does not seem to be a strict JSON file.'.format(args['inputfile'])) return(conf) def validateXML(self): pass def main(self): if self.args['oper'] == 'create': conf = self.getOpts() elif self.args['oper'] == 'convert': conf = self.convertJSON() if self.args['oper'] in ('create', 'view', 'convert'): self.validateXML() def parseArgs(): args = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'AIF-NG Configuration Generator', epilog = 'TIP: this program has context-specific help. e.g. try:\n\t%(prog)s create --help', formatter_class = argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) commonargs = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help = False) commonargs.add_argument('-f', '--file', dest = 'cfgfile', help = 'The file to create/validate/view. If not specified, defaults to ./aif.xml', default = '{0}/aif.xml'.format(os.getcwd())) subparsers = args.add_subparsers(help = 'Operation to perform', dest = 'oper') createargs = subparsers.add_parser('create', help = 'Create an AIF-NG XML configuration file.', parents = [commonargs]) validateargs = subparsers.add_parser('validate', help = 'Validate an AIF-NG XML configuration file.', parents = [commonargs]) viewargs = subparsers.add_parser('view', help = 'View an AIF-NG XML configuration file.', parents = [commonargs]) convertargs = subparsers.add_parser('convert', help = 'Convert a "more" human-readable JSON configuration file to AIF-NG-compatible XML.', parents = [commonargs]) createargs.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest = 'verbose', action = 'store_true', help = 'Print the dict of raw values used to create the XML. Mostly/only useful for debugging.') convertargs.add_argument('-i', '--input', dest = 'inputfile', required = True, help = 'The JSON file to import and convert into XML.') return(args) def verifyArgs(args): args['cfgfile'] = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(args['cfgfile']))) args['cfgfile'] = re.sub('^/+', '/', args['cfgfile']) # Path/file handling - make sure we can create the parent dir if it doesn't exist, # check that we can write to the file, etc. if args['oper'] in ('create', 'convert'): args['cfgbak'] = '{0}.bak.{1}'.format(args['cfgfile'], int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp())) try: temp = True if os.path.lexists(args['cfgfile']): temp = False os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(args['cfgfile']), exist_ok = True) with open(args['cfgfile'], 'a') as f: f.write('') if temp: os.remove(args['cfgfile']) except OSError as e: print('\nERROR: {0}: {1}'.format(e.strerror, e.filename)) exit(('\nWe encountered an error when trying to use path {0}.\n' + 'Please review the output and address any issues present.').format(args['cfgfile'])) elif args['oper'] == 'view': try: with open(args['cfgfile'], 'r') as f: f.read() except OSError as e: print('\nERROR: {0}: {1}'.format(e.strerror, e.filename)) exit(('\nWe encountered an error when trying to use path {0}.\n' + 'Please review the output and address any issues present.').format(args['cfgfile'])) if args['oper'] == 'convert': # And we need to make sure we have read perms to the JSON input file. try: with open(args['inputfile'], 'r') as f: f.read() except OSError as e: print('\nERROR: {0}: {1}'.format(e.strerror, e.filename)) exit(('\nWe encountered an error when trying to read path {0}.\n' + 'Please review the output and address any issues present.').format(args['inputfile'])) return(args) def main(): args = vars(parseArgs().parse_args()) if not args['oper']: parseArgs().print_help() else: # Once aifgen.main() is complete, we only need to call that. # That should handle all the below logic. aif = aifgen(verifyArgs(args)) if args['oper'] == 'create': aif.getOpts() elif args['oper'] == 'convert': aif.convertJSON() if __name__ == '__main__': main()