#!/usr/bin/env python3 xmldebug = True if not xmldebug: try: from lxml import etree lxml_avail = True except ImportError: import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree # https://docs.python.org/3/library/xml.etree.elementtree.html lxml_avail = False else: # debugging import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree lxml_avail = False # end debugging import argparse import crypt import datetime import errno import ipaddress import json import getpass import os import re import readline import sys import urllib.request as urlrequest import urllib.parse as urlparse import urllib.response as urlresponse from ftplib import FTP_TLS xsd = 'https://aif.square-r00t.net/aif.xsd' # Ugh. You kids and your colors and bolds and crap. class color(object): PURPLE = '\033[95m' CYAN = '\033[96m' DARKCYAN = '\033[36m' BLUE = '\033[94m' GREEN = '\033[92m' YELLOW = '\033[93m' RED = '\033[91m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' END = '\033[0m' class aifgen(object): def __init__(self, args): self.args = args def webFetch(self, uri, auth = False): # TODO: add commandline args support for extra auth? # Sanitize the user specification and find which protocol to use prefix = uri.split(':')[0].lower() if uri.startswith('/'): uri = 'file://{0}'.format(uri) prefix = 'file' # Use the urllib module if prefix in ('http', 'https', 'file', 'ftp'): if auth: if 'user' in auth.keys() and 'password' in auth.keys(): # Set up Basic or Digest auth. passman = urlrequest.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() if not 'realm' in auth.keys(): passman.add_password(None, uri, auth['user'], auth['password']) else: passman.add_password(auth['realm'], uri, auth['user'], auth['password']) if auth['type'] == 'digest': httpauth = urlrequest.HTTPDigestAuthHandler(passman) else: httpauth = urlrequest.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman) httpopener = urlrequest.build_opener(httpauth) urlrequest.install_opener(httpopener) with urlrequest.urlopen(uri) as f: data = f.read() elif prefix == 'ftps': if auth: if 'user' in auth.keys(): username = auth['user'] else: username = 'anonymous' if 'password' in auth.keys(): password = auth['password'] else: password = 'anonymous' filepath = '/'.join(uri.split('/')[3:]) server = uri.split('/')[2] content = StringIO() ftps = FTP_TLS(server) ftps.login(username, password) ftps.prot_p() ftps.retrlines("RETR " + filepath, content.write) data = content.getvalue() else: exit('{0} is not a recognised URI type specifier. Must be one of http, https, file, ftp, or ftps.'.format(prefix)) return(data) def getXSD(self): xsdobj = etree.fromstring(self.webFetch(xsd)) return(xsdobj) def getXML(self): xmlobj = etree.fromstring(self.webFetch(self.args['cfgfile'])) return(xmlobj) def getOpts(self): # Before anything else... a disclaimer. print('\nWARNING: This tool is not guaranteed to generate a working configuration file,\n' + '\t but for most basic cases it should work. I strongly encourage you to generate your own\n' + '\t configuration file instead by reading the documentation: https://aif.square-r00t.net/#writing_an_xml_configuration_file\n\n') # This whole thing is ugly. Really, really ugly. Patches 100% welcome. def chkPrompt(prompt, urls): txtin = None txtin = input(prompt) if txtin == 'wikihelp': print('\n Articles/pages that you may find helpful for this option are:') for h in urls: print(' * {0}'.format(h)) print() txtin = input(prompt) else: return(txtin) def sizeChk(startsize): try: startn = int(re.sub('[%\-+KMGTP]', '', startsize)) modifier = re.sub('^(\+|-)?.*$', '\g<1>', startsize) if re.match('^(\+|-)?[0-9]+%$', startsize): sizetype = 'percentage' elif re.match('^(\+|-)?[0-9]+[KMGTP]$', n): sizetype = 'fixed' else: exit(' !! ERROR: The input you provided does not match a valid pattern.') if sizetype == 'percentage': if not (0 <= startn <= 100): exit(' !! ERROR: You must provide a percentage or a size.') except: exit(' !! ERROR: You did not provide a valid size specifier!') return(startsize) def ifacePrompt(nethelp): ifaces = {} moreIfaces = True print('\tNOTE: You must specify the "persistent device naming" name of the device when configuring.\n' + '\tYou can instead specify \'auto\' for automatic configuration of the first found interface\n' + '\twith an active link. (You can only specify one auto device per system, and all other\n' '\tinterface entries will be ignored by AIF-NG.)\n') while moreIfaces: ifacein = chkPrompt('* Interface device: ', nethelp) addrin = chkPrompt(('** Address for {0} in CIDR format (can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address; ' + 'use \'auto\' for DHCP/DHCPv6): ').format(ifacein), nethelp) if addrin == 'auto': addrtype = 'auto' ipver = (chkPrompt('** Would you like \'ipv4\', \'ipv6\', or \'both\' to be auto-configured? ', nethelp)).lower() if ipver not in ('ipv4', 'ipv6', 'both'): exit(' !! ERROR: Must be one of ipv4, ipv6, or both.') else: addrtype = 'static' try: ipaddress.ip_network(addrin, strict = False) try: ipaddress.IPv4Address(addrin.split('/')[0]) ipver = 'ipv4' except ipaddress.AddressValueError: ipver = 'ipv6' except ValueError: exit(' !! ERROR: You did not enter a valid IPv4/IPv6 address.') if addrtype == 'static': gwin = chkPrompt('*** What is the gateway address for {0}? '.format(addrin), nethelp) try: ipaddress.ip_address(gwin) except: exit(' !! ERROR: You did not enter a valid IPv4/IPv6 address.') ifaces[ifacein] = {'address': addrin, 'proto': ipver, 'gw': gwin, 'resolvers': []} resolversin = chkPrompt('*** What DNS resolvers should we use? Can accept a comma-separated list: ', nethelp) for rslv in resolversin.split(','): rslvaddr = rslv.strip() ifaces[ifacein]['resolvers'].append(rslvaddr) try: ipaddress.ip_address(rslvaddr) except: exit(' !! ERROR: {0} is not a valid resolver address.'.format(rslvaddr)) else: ifaces[ifacein] = {'address': 'auto', 'proto': ipver, 'gw': False, 'resolvers': False} moreIfacesin = input('* Would you like to add more interfaces? (y/{0}n{1}) '.format(color.BOLD, color.END)) if not re.match('^y(es)?$', moreIfacesin.lower()): moreIfaces = False return(ifaces) def genPassHash(user): # https://bugs.python.org/issue30360 - keep this disabled until we're ready for primetime. passin = getpass.getpass('* Please enter the password you want to use for {0} (will not echo back): '.format(user)) #passin = input('* Please enter the password you want to use for {0}: '.format(user)) if passin not in ('', '!'): salt = crypt.mksalt(crypt.METHOD_SHA512) salthash = crypt.crypt(passin, salt) else: salthash = passin return(salthash) def userPrompt(syshelp): users = {} moreusers = True while moreusers: user = chkPrompt('* What username would you like to add? ', syshelp) if len(user) > 32: exit(' !! ERROR: Usernames must be less than 32 characters.') if not re.match('^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*[$]?$', user): exit(' !! ERROR: Your username does not match a valid pattern. See the man page for useradd (\'CAVEATS\').') users[user] = {} sudoin = chkPrompt('** Should {0} have (full!) sudo access? (y/{1}n{2}) '.format(user, color.BOLD, color.END), syshelp) if re.match('^y(es)?$', sudoin.lower()): users[user]['sudo'] = True else: users[user]['sudo'] = False users[user]['password'] = genPassHash(user) users[user]['comment'] = chkPrompt(('** What comment should {0} have? ' + '(Typically this is the user\'s full name) ').format(user), syshelp) uidin = chkPrompt(('** What UID should {0} have? Leave this blank if you don\'t care ' + '(should be fine for most cases): ').format(user), syshelp) if uidin != '': try: users[user]['uid'] = int(uidin) except: exit(' !! ERROR: The UID must be an integer.') else: users[user]['uid'] = False grpin = chkPrompt(('** What group name would you like to use for {0}\'s primary group? ' + '(You\'ll be able to add additional groups in a moment.)\n' + '\tThe default, if left blank, is to simply create a group named {0} ' + '(which is what you probably want): ').format(user), syshelp) if grpin != '': if len(grpin) > 32: exit(' !! ERROR: Group names must be less than 32 characters.') if not re.match('^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*[$]?$', grpin): exit(' !! ERROR: Your group name does not match a valid pattern. See the man page for groupadd (\'CAVEATS\').') users[user]['group'] = grpin else: users[user]['group'] = False if grpin != '': gidin = chkPrompt(('** What GID should {0} have? Leave this blank if you don\'t care ' + '(should be fine for most cases): ').format(grpin), syshelp) if gidin != '': try: users[user]['gid'] = int(gidin) except: exit(' !! ERROR: The GID must be an integer.') else: users[user]['gid'] = False else: users[user]['gid'] = False syshelp.append('https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_home_code') homein = chkPrompt(('** What directory should {0} use for its home? Leave blank if you don\'t care ' + '(should be fine for most cases): ').format(user), syshelp) if homein != '': if not re.match('^/([^/\x00\s]+(/)?)+)$', homein): exit('!! ERROR: Path {0} does not seem to be valid.'.format(homein)) users[user]['home'] = homein homecrt = chkPrompt('*** Do we need to create {0}? (y/{1}n{2}) '.format(homein, color.BOLD, color.END), syshelp) if re.match('^y(es)?$', homecrt): users[user]['homecreate'] = True else: users[user]['homecreate'] = False else: users[user]['home'] = False del(syshelp[-1]) xgrouphelp = 'https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_xgroup_code' if xgrouphelp not in syshelp: syshelp.append(xgrouphelp) xgroupin = chkPrompt('** Would you like to add extra groups for {0}? (y/{1}n{2}) '.format(user, color.BOLD, color.END), syshelp) if re.match('^y(es)?$', xgroupin.lower()): morexgroups = True users[user]['xgroups'] = {} else: morexgroups = False users[user]['xgroups'] = False while morexgroups: xgrp = chkPrompt('*** What is the name of the group you would like to add to {0}? '.format(user), syshelp) if len(xgrp) > 32: exit(' !! ERROR: Group names must be less than 32 characters.') if not re.match('^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*[$]?$', xgrp): exit(' !! ERROR: Your group name does not match a valid pattern. See the man page for groupadd (\'CAVEATS\').') users[user]['xgroups'][xgrp] = {} xgrpcrt = chkPrompt('*** Does the group \'{0}\' need to be created? (y/{1}n{2}) '.format(xgrp, color.BOLD, color.END), syshelp) if re.match('^y(es)?$', xgrpcrt.lower()): users[user]['xgroups'][xgrp]['create'] = True xgrpgid = chkPrompt(('*** What GID should {0} be? If the group will already exist on the new system or ' + 'don\'t care,\nleave this blank (should be fine for most cases): ').format(xgrp), syshelp) if xgrpgid != '': try: users[user]['xgroups'][xgrp]['gid'] = int(xgrpgid) except: exit(' !! ERROR: The GID must be an integer.') else: users[user]['xgroups'][xgrp]['gid'] = False else: users[user]['xgroups'][xgrp]['create'] = False users[user]['xgroups'][xgrp]['gid'] = False morexgrpsin = input('** Would you like to add additional extra groups for {0}? (y/{1}n{2}) '.format(user, color.BOLD, color.END)) if not re.match('^y(es)?$', morexgrpsin.lower()): morexgroups = False moreusersin = chkPrompt('* Would you like to add additional users? (y/{0}n{1}) '.format(color.BOLD, color.END), syshelp) if not re.match('^y(es)?$', moreusersin.lower()): moreusers = False return(users) def svcsPrompt(svchelp): svcs = {} moresvcs = True while moresvcs: svc = chkPrompt('** What is the name of the service? If it\'s a .service unit, you can leave the .service off: ', svchelp) if not re.match('^[A-Za-z0-9\-@]+(\.(service|timer|target|socket|mount|slice))?$', svc): exit(' !! ERROR: You seem to have specified an invalid service name.') svcstatusin = chkPrompt('** Should {0} be enabled? ({1}y{2}/n) '.format(svc, color.BOLD, color.END), svchelp) if re.match('^no?$', svcstatusin.lower()): svcs[svc] = False else: svcs[svc] = True moreservices = input('* Would you like to manage another service? (y/{0}n{1}) '.format(color.BOLD, color.END)) if not re.match('^y(es)?$', moreservices.lower()): moresvcs = False return(svcs) def repoPrompt(repohelp): # The default pacman.conf's repo setup repos = {'core': {'mirror': 'file:///etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist', 'siglevel': 'default', 'enabled': True}, 'extra': {'mirror': 'file:///etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist', 'siglevel': 'default', 'enabled': True}, 'community-testing': {'mirror': 'file:///etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist', 'siglevel': 'default', 'enabled': False}, 'community': {'mirror': 'file:///etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist', 'siglevel': 'default', 'enabled': True}, 'multilib-testing': {'mirror': 'file:///etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist', 'siglevel': 'default', 'enabled': False}, 'multilib': {'mirror': 'file:///etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist', 'siglevel': 'default', 'enabled': False}} chkdefs = chkPrompt(('* Would you like to review the default repository configuration ' + '(and possibly edit it)? ({0}y{1}/n) ').format(color.BOLD, color.END), repohelp) fmtstr = '\t{0} {1:<20} {2:^10} {3:^10} {4}' # ('#', 'REPO', 'ENABLED', 'SIGLEVEL', 'URI') if not re.match('^no?$', chkdefs.lower()): print('{0}{1}{2}'.format(color.BOLD, fmtstr.format('#', 'REPO', 'ENABLED', 'SIGLEVEL', 'URI'), color.END)) rcnt = 1 for r in repos.keys(): print(fmtstr.format(rcnt, r, str(repos[r]['enabled']), repos[r]['siglevel'], repos[r]['mirror'])) rcnt += 1 editdefs = chkPrompt('** Would you like to edit any of this? (y/{0}n{1}) '.format(color.BOLD, color.END), repohelp) if re.match('^y(es)?$', editdefs.lower()): repokeys = list(repos.keys()) moreedits = True while moreedits: rnum = input('** What repository # would you like to edit? ') try: rnum = int(rnum) rname = repokeys[rnum - 1] except: exit(' !! ERROR: You did not specify a valid repository #.') enableedit = chkPrompt('*** Should {0} be enabled? (y/n/{1}nochange{2}) '.format(rname, color.BOLD, color.END), repohelp) if re.match('^y(es)?$', enableedit.lower()): repos[rname]['enabled'] = True elif re.match('^no?$', enableedit.lower()): repos[rname]['enabled'] = False siglvledit = chkPrompt('*** What siglevel should {0} use? Leave blank for no change: '.format(rname), repohelp) if siglvledit != '': grp1 = re.compile('^((Package|Database)?(Never|Optional|Required)|default)$') grp2 = re.compile('^(Package|Database)?Trust(edOnly|All)$') siglst = siglvledit.split() if len(siglist) > 2: exit(' !! ERROR: That is not a valid SigLevel string. See the manpage for pacman.conf ' + '(\'PACKAGE AND DATABASE SIGNATURE CHECKING\').') if not grp1.match(siglist[0]): exit((' !! ERROR: {0} is not valid. See the manpage for pacman.conf ' + '(\'PACKAGE AND DATABASE SIGNATURE CHECKING\').').format(siglist[0])) if len(siglist) == 1: if not grp2.match(siglist[1]): exit((' !! ERROR: {0} is not valid. See the manpage for pacman.conf ' + '(\'PACKAGE AND DATABASE SIGNATURE CHECKING\').').format(siglist[1])) repos[rname]['siglevel'] = siglvledit uriedit = chkPrompt('*** What should the URI be?\n' + '\tUse \'file:///absolute/path/to/file\' to use an Include directive. Leave blank for no change: ', repohelp) if uriedit != '': repos[rname]['mirror'] = uriedit moreeditsin = chkPrompt(('** Would you like to edit another ' + 'repository? (y/{0}n{1}) ').format(color.BOLD, color.END), repohelp) if not re.match('^y(es)?$', moreeditsin.lower()): moreedits = False addreposin = chkPrompt('* Would you like to add any additional repositories? (y/{0}n{1}) '.format(color.BOLD, color.END), repohelp) if re.match('^y(es)?$', addreposin.lower()): addrepos = True while addrepos: reponamein = chkPrompt('** What should this repository be named? (Must match the repository name on the mirror): ', repohelp) reponame = re.sub('(^\[|]$)', '', reponamein) if not re.match('^[a-z0-9]', reponame.lower()): exit(' !! ERROR: That is not a valid repository name.') repos[reponame] = {} enablein = chkPrompt('** Should {0}{1}{2} be enabled? ({0}y{2}/n) '.format(color.BOLD, reponame, color.END), repohelp) if not re.match('^no?$', enablein.lower()): repos[reponame]['enabled'] = True else: repos[reponame]['enabled'] = False siglvlin = chkPrompt(('** What SigLevel string should we use for {0}{1}{2}? ' + 'Leave blank for default: ').format(color.BOLD, reponame, color.END), repohelp) if siglvlin != '': grp1 = re.compile('^((Package|Database)?(Never|Optional|Required)|default)$') grp2 = re.compile('^(Package|Database)?Trust(edOnly|All)$') siglst = siglvlin.split() if len(siglist) > 2: exit(' !! ERROR: That is not a valid SigLevel string. See the manpage for pacman.conf ' + '(\'PACKAGE AND DATABASE SIGNATURE CHECKING\').') if not grp1.match(siglist[0]): exit((' !! ERROR: {0} is not valid. See the manpage for pacman.conf ' + '(\'PACKAGE AND DATABASE SIGNATURE CHECKING\').').format(siglist[0])) if len(siglist) == 1: if not grp2.match(siglist[1]): exit((' !! ERROR: {0} is not valid. See the manpage for pacman.conf ' + '(\'PACKAGE AND DATABASE SIGNATURE CHECKING\').').format(siglist[1])) repos[reponame]['siglevel'] = siglvlin else: repos[reponame]['siglevel'] = 'default' uriin = chkPrompt(('** What URI should be used for {0}{1}{2}?\n' + '\tUse \'file:///absolute/path/to/file\' to use an Include directive: ').format(color.BOLD, reponame, color.END), repohelp) if uriin == '': exit(' !! ERROR: You cannot specify a blank repository URI.') else: repos[reponame]['mirror'] = uriin morereposin = chkPrompt('* Would you like to add another repository? (y/{0}n{1}) '.format(color.BOLD, color.END), repohelp) if not re.match('^y(es)?$', morereposin.lower()): addrepos = False return(repos) def pkgsPrompt(repohelp): pkgs = {} morepkgs = True while morepkgs: pkgname = chkPrompt('** What is the name of the package? ', repohelp) if pkgname == '': exit(' !! ERROR: You must specify a package name.') reponame = chkPrompt(('** What repository should we install {0} from? ' + '({1}optional{2}, leave blank to skip) ').format(pkgname, color.BOLD, color.END), repohelp) if reponame == '': pkgs[pkgname] = None else: pkgs[pkgname] = reponame morepkgsin = chkPrompt('** Would you like to add another package? (y/{0}n{1}) '.format(color.BOLD, color.END), repohelp) if not re.match('^y(es)?$', morepkgsin.lower()): morepkgs = False return(pkgs) def scrptPrompt(scrpthlp): scrpts = {'pre': False, 'pkg': False, 'post': False} morescrpts = True while morescrpts: hookin = chkPrompt('** What type of script is this? (pre/pkg/post) ', scrpthlp) if not re.match('^p(re|kg|ost)$', hookin.lower()): exit(' !! ERROR: The hook must be one of pre, pkg, or post.') else: hook = hookin.lower() if not scrpts[hook]: scrpts[hook] = {} scrptin = chkPrompt('** What is the URI for this script? Can be an http://, https://, ftp://, ftps://, or file:// URI: ', scrpthlp) if not re.match('^(https?|ftps?|file)://', scrptin.lower()): exit(' !! ERROR: That is not a valid URI.') orderin = chkPrompt(('** What order should this script be executed in during the {0} hook?\n' + '\tMust be a unique integer ' + '(lower numbers execute before higher numbers): ').format(hook), scrpthlp) try: order = int(ordrin) except: exit(' !! ERROR: Must be an integer') if order in scrpts[hook].keys(): exit(' !! ERROR: You already have a {0} script at that order number.'.format(order)) scrpts[hook][order] = {'uri': scrptin} if re.match('^(https?|ftps?)://', scriptin.lower()): authin = chkPrompt('** Does this script URI require auth? (y/{0}n{1}) '.format(color.BOLD, color.END), scrpthlp) if re.match('^y(es)?$', authin.lower()): if re.match('^https?://', scriptin.lower()): authtype = chkPrompt(('*** What type of auth does this URI require? ' + '({0}basic{1}/digest) ').format(color.BOLD, color.END), scrpthlp) if authtype == '': scrpts[hook][order]['auth'] = 'basic' elif not re.match('^(basic|digest)$', authtype.lower()): scrpts[hook][order]['auth'] = authtype.lower() else: exit(' !! ERROR: That is not a valid auth type.') if authtype.lower() == 'digest': realmin = chkPrompt('*** Do you know the realm needed for authentication?\n' + '\tIf not, just leave this blank and AIF-NG will try to guess: ', scrpthlp) if realmin != '': scrpts[hook][order]['realm'] = realmin scrpts[hook][order]['user'] = chkPrompt('*** What user should we use for auth? ', scrpthlp) scrpts[hook][order]['password'] = chkPrompt('*** What password should we use for auth? ', scrpthlp) else: scrpts[hook][order][auth] = False morescrptsin = chkPrompt('* Would you like to add another hook script? (y/{0}n{1}) '.format(color.BOLD, color.END), scrpthlp) if not re.match('^y(es)?$', morescrptsin.lower()): morescrpts = False return(scrpts) conf = {} print('[{0}] Beginning configuration...'.format(datetime.datetime.now())) print('\n\tYou may reply with \'wikihelp\' on the first prompt of a question for the relevant link(s) in the Arch wiki ' + '(and other resources).') # https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_disk_code diskhelp = ['https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide#Partition_the_disks'] print('{0}= DISKS ={1}'.format(color.BOLD, color.END)) diskin = chkPrompt('* What disk(s) would you like to be configured on the target system?\n' + '\tIf you have multiple disks, separate with a comma (e.g. \'/dev/sda,/dev/sdb\'): ', diskhelp) # NOTE: the following is a dict of fstype codes to their description. fstypes = {'0700': 'Microsoft basic data', '0c01': 'Microsoft reserved', '2700': 'Windows RE', '3000': 'ONIE config', '3900': 'Plan 9', '4100': 'PowerPC PReP boot', '4200': 'Windows LDM data', '4201': 'Windows LDM metadata', '4202': 'Windows Storage Spaces', '7501': 'IBM GPFS', '7f00': 'ChromeOS kernel', '7f01': 'ChromeOS root', '7f02': 'ChromeOS reserved', '8200': 'Linux swap', '8300': 'Linux filesystem', '8301': 'Linux reserved', '8302': 'Linux /home', '8303': 'Linux x86 root (/)', '8304': 'Linux x86-64 root (/', '8305': 'Linux ARM64 root (/)', '8306': 'Linux /srv', '8307': 'Linux ARM32 root (/)', '8400': 'Intel Rapid Start', '8e00': 'Linux LVM', 'a500': 'FreeBSD disklabel', 'a501': 'FreeBSD boot', 'a502': 'FreeBSD swap', 'a503': 'FreeBSD UFS', 'a504': 'FreeBSD ZFS', 'a505': 'FreeBSD Vinum/RAID', 'a580': 'Midnight BSD data', 'a581': 'Midnight BSD boot', 'a582': 'Midnight BSD swap', 'a583': 'Midnight BSD UFS', 'a584': 'Midnight BSD ZFS', 'a585': 'Midnight BSD Vinum', 'a600': 'OpenBSD disklabel', 'a800': 'Apple UFS', 'a901': 'NetBSD swap', 'a902': 'NetBSD FFS', 'a903': 'NetBSD LFS', 'a904': 'NetBSD concatenated', 'a905': 'NetBSD encrypted', 'a906': 'NetBSD RAID', 'ab00': 'Recovery HD', 'af00': 'Apple HFS/HFS+', 'af01': 'Apple RAID', 'af02': 'Apple RAID offline', 'af03': 'Apple label', 'af04': 'AppleTV recovery', 'af05': 'Apple Core Storage', 'bc00': 'Acronis Secure Zone', 'be00': 'Solaris boot', 'bf00': 'Solaris root', 'bf01': 'Solaris /usr & Mac ZFS', 'bf02': 'Solaris swap', 'bf03': 'Solaris backup', 'bf04': 'Solaris /var', 'bf05': 'Solaris /home', 'bf06': 'Solaris alternate sector', 'bf07': 'Solaris Reserved 1', 'bf08': 'Solaris Reserved 2', 'bf09': 'Solaris Reserved 3', 'bf0a': 'Solaris Reserved 4', 'bf0b': 'Solaris Reserved 5', 'c001': 'HP-UX data', 'c002': 'HP-UX service', 'ea00': 'Freedesktop $BOOT', 'eb00': 'Haiku BFS', 'ed00': 'Sony system partition', 'ed01': 'Lenovo system partition', 'ef00': 'EFI System', 'ef01': 'MBR partition scheme', 'ef02': 'BIOS boot partition', 'f800': 'Ceph OSD', 'f801': 'Ceph dm-crypt OSD', 'f802': 'Ceph journal', 'f803': 'Ceph dm-crypt journal', 'f804': 'Ceph disk in creation', 'f805': 'Ceph dm-crypt disk in creation', 'fb00': 'VMWare VMFS', 'fb01': 'VMWare reserved', 'fc00': 'VMWare kcore crash protection', 'fd00': 'Linux RAID'} conf['disks'] = {} for d in diskin.split(','): disk = d.strip() if not re.match('^/dev/[A-Za-z0]+', disk): exit('!! ERROR: Disk {0} does not seem to be a valid device path.'.format(disk)) conf['disks'][disk] = {} print('\n{0}== DISK: {1} =={2}'.format(color.BOLD, disk, color.END)) fmtin = chkPrompt('* What format should this disk use (gpt/bios)? ', diskhelp) fmt = fmtin.lower() if fmt not in ('gpt', 'bios'): exit(' !! ERROR: Must be one of \'gpt\' or \'bios\'.') conf['disks'][disk]['fmt'] = fmt conf['disks'][disk]['parts'] = {} if fmt == 'gpt': maxpart = '256' else: maxpart = '4' # yeah, extended volumes can do more, but that's not supported in AIF-NG. yet? partnumsin = chkPrompt('* How many partitions should this disk have? (Maximum: {0}) '.format(maxpart), diskhelp) try: int(partnumsin) except: exit(' !! ERROR: Must be an integer.') if int(partnumsin) < 1: exit(' !! ERROR: Must be a positive integer.') if int(partnumsin) > int(maxpart): exit(' !! ERROR: Must be less than {0}'.format(maxpart)) parthelp = diskhelp + ['https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide#Format_the_partitions', 'https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_part_code'] for partn in range(1, int(partnumsin) + 1): # https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_part_code conf['disks'][disk]['parts'][partn] = {} print('{0}=== PARTITION: {1}{2}==={3}'.format(color.BOLD, disk, partn, color.END)) for s in ('start', 'stop'): conf['disks'][disk]['parts'][partn][s] = None sizein = chkPrompt(('* Where should partition {0} {1}? Can be percentage [n%] ' + 'or size [(+/-)n(K/M/G/T/P)]: ').format(partn, s), parthelp) conf['disks'][disk]['parts'][partn][s] = sizeChk(sizein) newhelp = 'https://aif.square-r00t.net/#fstypes' if newhelp not in parthelp: parthelp.append(newhelp) fstypein = chkPrompt(('* What filesystem type should partition {0} be? ' + 'See wikihelp for valid fstypes: ').format(partn), parthelp) if fstypein not in fstypes.keys(): exit(' !! ERROR: {0} is not a valid filesystem type.'.format(fstypein)) else: print('\t(Selected {0})'.format(fstypes[fstypein])) conf['disks'][disk]['parts'][partn]['fstype'] = fstypein mnthelp = ['https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide#Mount_the_file_systems', 'https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_mount_code'] print('\n{0}= MOUNTS ={1}'.format(color.BOLD, color.END)) mntin = chkPrompt('* What mountpoint(s) would you like to be configured on the target system?\n' + '\tIf you have multiple mountpoints, separate with a comma (e.g. \'/mnt/aif,/mnt/aif/boot\').\n' + '\t(NOTE: Can be \'swap\' for swapspace.): ', mnthelp) conf['mounts'] = {} for m in mntin.split(','): mount = m.strip() if not re.match('^(/([^/\x00\s]+(/)?)+|swap)$', mount): exit('!! ERROR: Mountpoint {0} does not seem to be a valid path/specifier.'.format(mount)) print('\n{0}== MOUNT: {1} =={2}'.format(color.BOLD, mount, color.END)) dvcin = chkPrompt('* What device/partition should be mounted here? ', mnthelp) if not re.match('^/dev/[A-Za-z0]+', dvcin): exit(' !! ERROR: Must be a full path to a device/partition.') ordrin = chkPrompt('* What order should this mount occur in relation to others?\n\t'+ 'Must be a unique integer (lower numbers mount before higher numbers): ', mnthelp) try: order = int(ordrin) except: exit(' !! ERROR: Must be an integer') if order in conf['mounts'].keys(): exit(' !! ERROR: You already have a mountpoint at that order number.') conf['mounts'][order] = {} conf['mounts'][order]['target'] = mount conf['mounts'][order]['device'] = dvcin if mount != 'swap': fstypein = chkPrompt('* What filesystem type should this be mounted as (i.e. mount\'s -t option)? This is optional,\n\t' + 'but may be required for more exotic filesystem types. If you don\'t have to specify one,\n\t' + 'just leave this blank: ', mnthelp) if fstypein == '': conf['mounts'][order]['fstype'] = False elif not re.match('^[a-z]+([0-9]+)?$', fstypein): # Not 100%, but should catch most faulty entries exit(' !! ERROR: {0} does not seem to be a valid filesystem type.'.format(fstypein)) else: conf['mounts'][order]['fstype'] = fstypein mntoptsin = chkPrompt('** What, if any, mount option(s) (mount\'s -o option) do you require? (Multiple options should be separated\n' + '\twith a comma). If none, leave this blank: ', mnthelp) if mntoptsin == '': conf['mounts'][order]['opts'] = False elif not re.match('^[A-Za-z0-9_\.\-=]+(,[A-Za-z0-9_\.\-=]+)*', re.sub('\s', '', mntoptsin)): # TODO: shlex split this instead? exit(' !! ERROR: You seem to have not specified valid mount options.') else: # TODO: slex this instead? is it possible for mount opts to contain whitespace? conf['mounts'][order]['opts'] = re.sub('\s', '', mntoptsin) else: conf['mounts'][order]['fstype'] = False conf['mounts'][order]['opts'] = False print(('\n{0}= NETWORK ={1}\n' + '\tNOTE: At this time, wireless/more exotic networking is not supported by AIF-NG.').format(color.BOLD, color.END)) conf['network'] = {} nethelp = ['https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide#Network_configuration', 'https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_network_code'] hostnamein = chkPrompt('* What should the newly-installed system\'s hostname be?\n' + '\tIt must be in FQDN format, but can be a non-existent domain: ', nethelp) hostname = hostnamein.lower() if len(hostname) > 253: exit(' !! ERROR: A FQDN cannot be more than 253 characters (RFC 1035, 2.3.4)') hostnamelst = hostname.split('.') for c in hostnamelst: if len(c) > 63: exit(' !! ERROR: No component of an FQDN can be more than 63 characters (RFC 1035, 2.3.4)') if not re.match('^[a-zA-Z\d-]{,63}(\.[a-zA-Z\d-]{,63})*', hostname): exit(' !! ERROR: That does not seem to be a valid FQDN.') else: conf['network']['hostname'] = hostname conf['network']['ifaces'] = {} nethelp.append('https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_iface_code') conf['network']['ifaces'] = ifacePrompt(nethelp) print('\n{0}= SYSTEM ={1}'.format(color.BOLD, color.END)) syshelp = ['https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_system_code'] syshelp.append('https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide#Time_zone') tzin = chkPrompt('* What timezone should the newly installed system use? (Default is UTC): ', syshelp) if tzin == '': tzin = 'UTC' syshelp[1] = 'https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide#Locale' localein = chkPrompt('* What locale should the new system use? (Default is en_US.UTF-8): ', syshelp) if localein == '': localein = 'en_US.UTF-8' syshelp[1] = 'https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_mount_code' chrootpathin = chkPrompt('* What chroot path should the host use? This should be one of the mounts you specified above: ', syshelp) if not re.match('^/([^/\x00\s]+(/)?)+$', chrootpathin): exit('!! ERROR: Your chroot path does not seem to be a valid path/specifier.') syshelp[1] = 'https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide#Set_the_keyboard_layout' kbdin = chkPrompt('* What keyboard layout should the newly installed system use? (Default is US): ', syshelp) if kbdin == '': kbdin = 'US' del(syshelp[1]) rbtin = chkPrompt('* Would you like to reboot the host system after installation completes? ({0}y{1}/n): '.format(color.BOLD, color.END), syshelp) if not re.match('^no?$', rbtin.lower()): rebootme = True else: rebootme = False conf['system'] = {'timezone': tzin, 'locale': localein, 'chrootpath': chrootpathin, 'kbd': kbdin, 'reboot': rebootme} syshelp.append('https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_users_code') print(('\n{0}== USERS =={1}\n\tNOTE: For passwords, you can either enter the password you want to use,\n' + '\ta \'!\' (in which case TTY login will be disabled but e.g. SSH will still work), or just hit enter to leave it blank\n' + '\t(which is HIGHLY not recommended - it means anyone can login by just pressing enter at the login!)').format(color.BOLD, color.END)) print('{0}=== ROOT ==={1}'.format(color.BOLD, color.END)) conf['system']['rootpass'] = genPassHash('root') print('{0}=== REGULAR USERS ==={1}'.format(color.BOLD, color.END)) moreusers = input('* Would you like to add regular user(s)? (y/{0}n{1}) '.format(color.BOLD, color.END)) if re.match('^y(es)?$', moreusers.lower()): syshelp.append('https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_user_code') conf['system']['users'] = userPrompt(syshelp) else: conf['system']['users'] = False svchelp = ['https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd', 'https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_service_code'] print('{0}== SERVICES =={1}'.format(color.BOLD, color.END)) svcin = chkPrompt('* Would you like to configure (enable/disable) services? (y/{0}n{1}) '.format(color.BOLD, color.END), svchelp) if re.match('^y(es)?$', svcin.lower()): conf['system']['services'] = svcsPrompt(svchelp) else: conf['system']['services'] = False print('\n{0}== PACKAGES/SOFTWARE =={1}'.format(color.BOLD, color.END)) conf['software'] = {} pkgrhelp = ['https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman', 'https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AUR_helpers', 'https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_pacman_code'] pkgrcmd = chkPrompt('* If you won\'t be using pacman for a package manager, what command should be used to install packages?\n' + '\t(Remember that you would need to install/configure it in a \'pkg\' hook script.)\n' + '\tLeave blank if you\'ll only be using pacman: ', pkgrhelp) if pkgrcmd == '': conf['software']['pkgr'] = False else: conf['software']['pkgr'] = pkgrcmd print('\n{0}=== REPOSITORIES/PACKAGES ==={1}'.format(color.BOLD, color.END)) repohelp = ['https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_repos_code'] conf['software']['repos'] = repoPrompt(repohelp) if pkgrcmd == '': pkgrcmd = 'pacman --needed --noconfirm -S' pkgsin = chkPrompt(('* Would you like to install extra packages?\n' + '\t(Note that they must be available in your configured repositories or\n' + '\tinstallable via "{0} ".) (y/{1}n{2}) ').format(pkgrcmd, color.BOLD, color.END), repohelp) if re.match('^y(es)?$', pkgsin.lower()): repohelp.append('https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_package_code') conf['software']['packages'] = pkgsPrompt(repohelp) else: conf['software']['packages'] = False btldrhelp = ['https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide#Boot_loader', 'https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_bootloader_code'] conf['boot'] = {} print('{0}== BOOTLOADER =={1}'.format(color.BOLD, color.END)) btldrin = chkPrompt('* Please choose a bootloader. ({0}grub{1}/systemd) '.format(color.BOLD, color.END), btldrhelp) if btldrin == '': btldrin = 'grub' elif not re.match('^(grub|systemd)$', btldrin.lower()): exit(' !! ERROR: You must choose a bootloader between grub or systemd.') else: conf['boot']['bootloader'] = btldrin.lower() bttgtstr = 'boot partition/disk' btrgx = re.compile('^/dev/[A-Za-z0]+') if btldrin.lower() == 'grub': efienable = chkPrompt('** Is this system (U)EFI-capable? ({0}y{1}/n) '.format(color.BOLD, color.END), btldrhelp) if re.match('^no?$', efienable.lower()): conf['boot']['efi'] = False else: conf['boot']['efi'] = True bttgtstr = 'ESP (EFI System Partition)' btrgx = re.compile('^/([^/\x00\s]+(/)?)+$') bttgtin = chkPrompt('** What is the target for {0}? That is, the path to the {1} (within the chroot): '.format(btldrin.lower(), bttgtstr), btldrhelp) if not btrgx.match(bttgtin): exit(' !! ERROR: That doesn\'t seem to be a valid {0}.'.format(bttgtstr)) else: conf['boot']['target'] = bttgtin scrpthlp = ['https://aif.square-r00t.net/#code_script_code'] print('{0}= HOOK SCRIPTS ={1}'.format(color.BOLD, color.END)) scrptsin = chkPrompt('* Do you have any hook scripts you\'d like to add? (y/{0}n{1}) '.format(color.BOLD, color.END), scrpthlp) if re.match('^y(es)?$', scrptsin.lower()): conf['scripts'] = scrptPrompt(scrpthlp) else: conf['scripts'] = False print('\n\n[{0}] {1}ALL DONE!{2} Whew. You can find your configuration file at: {3}{4}{2}\n'.format(datetime.datetime.now(), color.BOLD, color.END, color.BLUE, self.args['cfgfile'])) if self.args['verbose']: import pprint pprint.pprint(conf) if self.args['verbose_raw']: print(conf) return(conf) def convertJSON(self): with open(self.args['inputfile'], 'r') as f: try: conf = json.load(f) except: exit(' !! ERROR: {0} does not seem to be a strict JSON file.'.format(args['inputfile'])) return(conf) def validateXML(self): # First we validate the XSD. if not lxml_avail: exit('\nXML validation is only supported by LXML.\n' + 'If you want to validate the XML, install the lxml python module (python-lxml) ' + 'and run:\n\t{0} validate -f {1}.\n'.format(sys.argv[0], self.args['cfgfile'])) try: xsd = etree.XMLSchema(self.getXSD()) print('\nXSD: {0}PASSED{1}'.format(color.BOLD, color.END)) except Exception as e: exit('\nXSD: {0}FAILED{1}: {2}'.format(color.BOLD, color.END, e)) # Then we can validate the XML. try: xml = xsd.validate(self.getXML()) print('XML: {0}PASSED{1}\n'.format(color.BOLD, color.END)) except Exception as e: print('XML: {0}FAILED{1}: {2}\n'.format(color.BOLD, color.END, e)) def genXMLFile(self, conf): namespaces = {'aif': 'http://aif.square-r00t.net/', 'xsi': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'} xsi = {'{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}schemaLocation' : 'http://aif.square-r00t.net aif.xsd'} #for ns in namespaces.keys(): # etree.register_namespace(ns, namespaces[ns]) if lxml_avail: genname = 'LXML (http://lxml.de/)' root = etree.Element('aif', nsmap = namespaces, attrib = xsi) #xml = etree.ElementTree(root) else: genname = 'Python stdlib "xml" module' for ns in namespaces.keys(): etree.register_namespace(ns, namespaces[ns]) root = etree.Element('aif') if self.args['oper'] == 'convert': fromstr = self.args['inputfile'] else: fromstr = 'interactive commandline' root.append(etree.Comment('Generated by {0} on {1} from {2} via {3}'.format(sys.argv[0], datetime.datetime.now(), fromstr, genname))) root.append(etree.Comment('THIS FILE CONTAINS SENSITIVE INFORMATION. SHARE/SCRUB WISELY.')) # /aif/ required sections for e in ('storage', 'network', 'system', 'pacman', 'bootloader'): root.append(etree.Element(e)) # /aif/ optional sections if conf['scripts']: root.append(etree.Element('scripts')) # /aif/storage strg = root.find('storage') for d in conf['disks'].keys(): # /aif/storage/disk disk = etree.Element('disk', device = d, diskfmt = conf['disks'][d]['fmt']) for p in conf['disks'][d]['parts'].keys(): # /aif/storage/disk/part start = conf['disks'][d]['parts'][p]['start'] stop = conf['disks'][d]['parts'][p]['stop'] fstype = conf['disks'][d]['parts'][p]['fstype'] disk.append(etree.Element('part', num = p, start = start, stop = stop, fstype = fstype)) strg.append(disk) # /aif/storage/mount for m in conf['mounts'].keys(): mnt = {} mnt['order'] = m mnt['source'] = conf['mounts'][m]['device'] mnt['target'] = conf['mounts'][m]['target'] # These are optional, hence the splat and mnt dict. for o in ('fstype', 'opts'): if o in conf['mounts'][m].keys() and conf['mounts'][m][o]: mnt[o] = conf['mounts'][m][o] mount = etree.Element('mount', **mnt) strg.append(mount) # /aif/network ntwk = root.find('network') ntwk.set('hostname', conf['network']['hostname']) for i in conf['network']['ifaces'].keys(): # /aif/network/iface optmap = {'gw': 'gateway', 'proto': 'netproto', 'resolvers': 'resolvers'} iface = {} iface['device'] = i iface['address'] = conf['network']['ifaces'][i]['address'] for o in optmap.keys(): if conf['network']['ifaces'][i][o]: if o == 'resolvers': iface[optmap[o]] = ','.join(conf['network']['ifaces'][i][o]) else: iface[optmap[o]] = conf['network']['ifaces'][i][o] interface = etree.Element('iface', **iface) ntwk.append(interface) # /aif/system systm = root.find('system') for a in ('timezone', 'locale', 'chrootpath', 'kbd', 'reboot'): if isinstance(conf['system'][a], bool): val = str(conf['system'][a]).lower() else: val = conf['system'][a] systm.set(a, val) # /aif/system/users usrs = etree.Element('users', rootpass = conf['system']['rootpass']) subs = ('home', 'xgroups') optional = ('uid', 'group', 'gid') if conf['system']['users']: for u in conf['system']['users'].keys(): # /aif/system/users/user o = {} o['name'] = u for i in conf['system']['users'][u].keys(): if isinstance(conf['system']['users'][u][i], bool): val = str(conf['system']['users'][u][i]).lower() else: val = conf['system']['users'][u][i] if i not in subs: # we handle "subs" as subelements if i in optional: # and we only add optional attribs if they're populated if conf['system']['users'][u][i]: o[i] = val else: o[i] = val user = etree.Element('user', **o) # /aif/system/users/user/home if conf['system']['users'][u]['home']: o = {} o['create'] = str(conf['system']['users'][u]['home']['create']).lower() if 'path' in conf['system']['users'][u]['home'].keys(): o['path'] = conf['system']['users'][u]['home']['path'] home = etree.Element('home', **o) user.append(home) # /aig/system/users/user/xgroup if conf['system']['users'][u]['xgroups']: for g in conf['system']['users'][u]['xgroups'].keys(): o = {} o['name'] = g o['create'] = str(conf['system']['users'][u]['xgroups'][g]['create']).lower() if 'gid' in conf['system']['users'][u]['xgroups'][g].keys() and conf['system']['users'][u]['xgroups'][g]['gid']: o['gid'] = conf['system']['users'][u]['xgroups'][g]['gid'] xgrp = etree.Element('xgroup', **o) user.append(xgrp) usrs.append(user) systm.append(usrs) # /aif/system/service if conf['system']['services']: for s in conf['system']['services'].keys(): o = {} o['name'] = s o['status'] = str(conf['system']['services'][s]).lower() svc = etree.Element('service', **o) systm.append(svc) # /aif/pacman pcmn = root.find('pacman') if conf['software']['pkgr']: pcmn.set('command', conf['software']['pkgr']) # /aif/pacman/repo repos = etree.Element('repos') for r in conf['software']['repos'].keys(): o = {} o['name'] = r o['enabled'] = str(conf['software']['repos'][r]['enabled']).lower() o['siglevel'] = conf['software']['repos'][r]['siglevel'] o['mirror'] = conf['software']['repos'][r]['mirror'] repo = etree.Element('repo', **o) repos.append(repo) pcmn.append(repos) # debugging if lxml_avail: # LXML #print(etree.tostring(root).decode('utf-8')) print(etree.tostring(root, xml_declaration = True, encoding = 'utf-8', pretty_print = True).decode('utf-8')) else: # XML import xml.dom.minidom xmlstr = etree.tostring(root, encoding = 'utf-8') # holy cats, the xml module sucks. nsstr = '' for ns in namespaces.keys(): nsstr += ' xmlns:{0}="{1}"'.format(ns, namespaces[ns]) for x in xsi.keys(): xsiname = x.split('}')[1] nsstr += ' xsi:{0}="{1}"'.format(xsiname, xsi[x]) outstr = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlstr).toprettyxml(indent = ' ').splitlines() outstr[0] = '' outstr[1] = ''.format(nsstr) print('\n'.join(outstr)) # end debugging # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4886189/python-namespaces-in-xml-elementtree-or-lxml #if lxml_avail: #xml.write(..., xml_declaration = True, encoding='utf-8') #else: #import xml.dom.minidom #xmlstr = etree.tostring(root, encoding = 'utf-8') #with open(self.args['cfgfile'], 'w') as f: # TODO: test this. print() wrap it necessary? #f.write(xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlstr).toprettyxml(indent = ' ')) return() def main(self): if self.args['oper'] == 'create': conf = self.getOpts() elif self.args['oper'] == 'convert': conf = self.convertJSON() if self.args['oper'] in ('create', 'convert'): self.genXMLFile(conf) if self.args['oper'] in ('create', 'convert', 'validate'): self.validateXML() def parseArgs(): args = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'AIF-NG Configuration Generator', epilog = 'TIP: this program has context-specific help. e.g. try:\n\t%(prog)s create --help', formatter_class = argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) commonargs = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help = False) commonargs.add_argument('-f', '--file', dest = 'cfgfile', help = 'The file to create/validate. If not specified, defaults to ./aif.xml', default = '{0}/aif.xml'.format(os.getcwd())) subparsers = args.add_subparsers(help = 'Operation to perform', dest = 'oper') createargs = subparsers.add_parser('create', help = 'Create an AIF-NG XML configuration file.', parents = [commonargs]) validateargs = subparsers.add_parser('validate', help = 'Validate an AIF-NG XML configuration file.', parents = [commonargs]) convertargs = subparsers.add_parser('convert', help = 'Convert a "more" human-readable JSON configuration file to AIF-NG-compatible XML.', parents = [commonargs]) createargs.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest = 'verbose', action = 'store_true', help = 'Print the dict of raw values used to create the XML. Mostly/only useful for debugging.') createargs.add_argument('-v:r', '--verbose-raw', dest = 'verbose_raw', action = 'store_true', help = 'Like -v, but prints the unformatted dict.') convertargs.add_argument('-i', '--input', dest = 'inputfile', required = True, help = 'The JSON file to import and convert into XML.') return(args) def verifyArgs(args): args['cfgfile'] = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(args['cfgfile']))) args['cfgfile'] = re.sub('^/+', '/', args['cfgfile']) # Path/file handling - make sure we can create the parent dir if it doesn't exist, # check that we can write to the file, etc. if args['oper'] in ('create', 'convert'): args['cfgbak'] = '{0}.bak.{1}'.format(args['cfgfile'], int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp())) try: temp = True if os.path.lexists(args['cfgfile']): temp = False os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(args['cfgfile']), exist_ok = True) with open(args['cfgfile'], 'a') as f: f.write('') if temp: os.remove(args['cfgfile']) except OSError as e: print('\nERROR: {0}: {1}'.format(e.strerror, e.filename)) exit(('\nWe encountered an error when trying to use path {0}.\n' + 'Please review the output and address any issues present.').format(args['cfgfile'])) if args['oper'] == 'convert': # And we need to make sure we have read perms to the JSON input file. try: with open(args['inputfile'], 'r') as f: f.read() except OSError as e: print('\nERROR: {0}: {1}'.format(e.strerror, e.filename)) exit(('\nWe encountered an error when trying to read path {0}.\n' + 'Please review the output and address any issues present.').format(args['inputfile'])) return(args) def main(): args = vars(parseArgs().parse_args()) if not args['oper']: parseArgs().print_help() else: aif = aifgen(verifyArgs(args)) aif.main() if __name__ == '__main__': main()