import uuid ## from . import _common import aif.disk.block as block import aif.disk.luks as luks import aif.disk.mdadm as mdadm _BlockDev = _common.BlockDev class PV(object): def __init__(self, pv_xml, partobj): self.xml = pv_xml = self.xml.attrib('id') self.source = self.xml.attrib('source') self.device = partobj if not isinstance(self.device, (block.Disk, block.Partition, luks.LUKS, mdadm.Array)): raise ValueError(('partobj must be of type ' 'aif.disk.block.Disk, ' 'aif.disk.block.Partition, ' 'aif.disk.luks.LUKS, or' 'aif.disk.mdadm.Array')) _common.addBDPlugin('lvm') self.devpath = self.device.devpath self.is_pooled = False self.meta = None self._parseMeta() def _parseMeta(self): # Note, the "UUID" for LVM is *not* a true UUID (RFC4122) so we don't convert it. # # TODO: parity with lvm_fallback.PV._parseMeta # key names currently (probably) don't match and need to confirm the information's all present meta = {} try: _meta = _BlockDev.lvm.pvinfo(self.devpath) except _BlockDev.LVMError: self.meta = None self.is_pooled = False return() for k in dir(_meta): if k.startswith('_'): continue elif k in ('copy',): continue v = getattr(_meta, k) meta[k] = v self.meta = meta self.is_pooled = True return() def prepare(self): try: if not self.meta: self._parseMeta() if self.meta: vg = self.meta['vg_name'] # LVM is SO. DUMB. # If you're using LVM, seriously - just switch your model to mdadm. It lets you do things like # remove disks live without restructuring the entire thing. # That said, because the config references partitions/disks/arrays/etc. created *in the same config*, # and it's all dependent on block devices defined in the thing, we can be reckless here. # I'd like to take the time now to remind you to NOT RUN AIF-NG ON A "LIVE" MACHINE. # At least until I can maybe find a better way to determine which LVs to reduce on multi-LV VGs # so I can *then* use lvresize in a balanced manner, vgreduce, and pvmove/pvremove and not kill # everything. # TODO. for lv in _BlockDev.lvm.lvs(): if lv.vg_name == vg: _BlockDev.lvm.lvremove(vg, lv.lv_name) _BlockDev.lvm.vgreduce(vg) _BlockDev.lvm.vgremove(vg) # This *shouldn't* fail. In theory. But LVM is lel. _BlockDev.lvm.pvremove(self.devpath) # Or if I can get this working properly. Shame it isn't automagic. # Seems to kill the LV by dropping a PV under it. Makes sense, but STILL. LVM IS SO DUMB. # _BlockDev.lvm.vgdeactivate(vg) # _BlockDev.lvm.pvremove(self.devpath) # _BlockDev.lvm.vgreduce(vg) # _BlockDev.lvm.vgactivate(vg) ## self.meta = None self.is_pooled = False except _BlockDev.LVMError: self.meta = None self.is_pooled = False u = uuid.uuid4() opts = ['--reportformat', 'json')] # FUCK. LVM. You can't *specify* a UUID. # u = uuid.uuid4() # opts.append('--uuid', str(u))) _BlockDev.lvm.pvcreate(self.devpath, 0, 0, opts) self._parseMeta() return() class VG(object): def __init__(self, vg_xml): self.xml = vg_xml = self.xml.attrib('id') = self.xml.attrib('name') self.lvs = [] self.pvs = [] self.tags = [] for te in self.xml.findall('tags/tag'): self.tags.append(te.text) _common.addBDPlugin('lvm') self.devpath = = None def addPV(self, pvobj): if not isinstance(pvobj, PV): raise ValueError('pvobj must be of type aif.disk.lvm.PV') pvobj.prepare() self.pvs.append(pvobj) return() def create(self): if not self.pvs: raise RuntimeError('Cannot create a VG with no PVs') opts = ['--reportformat', 'json')] # FUCK. LVM. You can't *specify* a UUID. # u = uuid.uuid4() # opts.append('--uuid', str(u))) for t in self.tags: opts.append('--addtag', t)) _BlockDev.lvm.vgcreate(, [p.devpath for p in self.pvs], 0, opts) for p in self.pvs: p._parseMeta() self.updateInfo() return() def createLV(self, lv_xml = None): # If lv_xml is None, we loop through our own XML. if lv_xml: lv = LV(lv_xml, self) lv.create() self.lvs.append(lv) else: for le in self.xml.findall('logicalVolumes/lv'): pass self.updateInfo() return() def start(self): _BlockDev.lvm.vgactivate( self.updateInfo() return() def stop(self): _BlockDev.lvm.vgdeactivate( self.updateInfo() return() def updateInfo(self): _info = _BlockDev.lvm.vginfo( # TODO: parity with lvm_fallback.VG.updateInfo # key names currently (probably) don't match and need to confirm the information's all present info = {} for k in dir(_info): if k.startswith('_'): continue elif k in ('copy',): continue v = getattr(_info, k) info[k] = v = info return() class LV(object): def __init__(self, lv_xml, vgobj): self.xml = lv_xml = self.xml.attrib('id') = self.xml.attrib('name') self.size = self.xml.attrib('size') # Convert to bytes. Can get max from _BlockDev.lvm.vginfo().free = vg_obj if not isinstance(, VG): raise ValueError('vg_obj must be of type aif.disk.lvm.VG') _common.addBDPlugin('lvm') self.devpath = None pass