import math import os import pathlib import re import shlex import subprocess ## import psutil ## from . import file_handler from . import gpg_handler from . import hash_handler def checkMounted(devpath): if devpath in [p.device for p in psutil.disk_partitions(all = True)]: raise RuntimeError('{0} is mounted; we are cowardly refusing to destructive operations on it'.format(devpath)) return() def collapseKeys(d, keylist = None): if not keylist: keylist = [] for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): keylist.append(k) keylist = collapseKeys(v, keylist = keylist) else: keylist.append(k) return(keylist) def collapseValues(d, vallist = None): if not vallist: vallist = [] for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): vallist = collapseValues(v, vallist = vallist) else: vallist.append(v) return(vallist) def hasBin(binary_name): paths = [] for p in os.environ.get('PATH', '/usr/bin:/bin').split(':'): if binary_name in os.listdir(os.path.realpath(p)): return(os.path.join(p, binary_name)) return(False) def hasSafeChunks(n): if (n % 4) != 0: return(False) return(True) def isPowerofTwo(n): # So dumb. isPowerOf2 = math.ceil(math.log(n, 2)) == math.floor(math.log(n, 2)) return(isPowerOf2) # custom Jinja2 filters def j2_isDict(value): return(isinstance(value, dict)) def j2_isList(value): return(isinstance(value, list)) j2_filters = {'isDict': j2_isDict, 'isList': j2_isList} # end custom Jinja2 filters def kernelCmdline(chroot_base = '/'): cmds = {} chroot_base = pathlib.PosixPath(chroot_base) cmdline = chroot_base.joinpath('proc', 'cmdline') if not os.path.isfile(cmdline): return(cmds) with open(cmdline, 'r') as fh: raw_cmds = for c in shlex.split(raw_cmds): l = c.split('=', 1) if len(l) < 2: l.append(None) cmds[l[0]] = l[1] return(cmds) def kernelFilesystems(): # I wish there was a better way of doing this. # FS_FSTYPES = ['swap'] with open('/proc/filesystems', 'r') as fh: for line in fh.readlines(): l = [i.strip() for i in line.split()] if not l: continue if len(l) == 1: FS_FSTYPES.append(l[0]) else: FS_FSTYPES.append(l[1]) _mod_dir = os.path.join('/lib/modules', os.uname().release, 'kernel/fs') _strip_mod_suffix = re.compile(r'(?P)\.ko(\.(x|g)?z)?$', re.IGNORECASE) try: for i in os.listdir(_mod_dir): path = os.path.join(_mod_dir, i) fs_name = None if os.path.isdir(path): fs_name = i elif os.path.isfile(path): mod_name = fs_name ='fsname') if fs_name: # The kernel *probably* has autoloading enabled, but in case it doesn't... # TODO: logging! if os.getuid() == 0:['modprobe', fs_name]) FS_FSTYPES.append(fs_name) except FileNotFoundError: # We're running on a kernel that doesn't have modules pass FS_FSTYPES = sorted(list(set(FS_FSTYPES))) return(FS_FSTYPES) def xmlBool(xmlobj): # if isinstance(xmlobj, bool): return (xmlobj) if xmlobj.lower() in ('1', 'true'): return(True) elif xmlobj.lower() in ('0', 'false'): return(False) else: return(None) class _Sizer(object): def __init__(self): # We use different methods for converting between storage and BW, and different multipliers for each subtype. # # # # # # 'decimal' is base-10, 'binary' is base-2. (Duh.) # "b" = bytes, "n" = given value, and "u" = unit suffix's key in below notes. self.storageUnits = {'decimal': { # n * (10 ** u) = b; b / (10 ** u) = u 0: (None, 'B', 'byte'), 3: ('k', 'kB', 'kilobyte'), 6: ('M', 'MB', 'megabyte'), 9: ('G', 'GB', 'gigabyte'), 12: ('T', 'TB', 'teraybte'), 13: ('P', 'PB', 'petabyte'), # yeah, right. 15: ('E', 'EB', 'exabyte'), 18: ('Z', 'ZB', 'zettabyte'), 19: ('Y', 'YB', 'yottabyte') }, 'binary': { # n * (2 ** u) = b; b / (2 ** u) = u -1: ('nybble', 'nibble', 'nyble', 'half-byte', 'tetrade', 'nibble'), 10: ('Ki', 'KiB', 'kibibyte'), 20: ('Mi', 'MiB', 'mebibyte'), 30: ('Gi', 'GiB', 'gibibyte'), 40: ('Ti', 'TiB', 'tebibyte'), 50: ('Pi', 'PiB', 'pebibyte'), 60: ('Ei', 'EiB', 'exbibyte'), 70: ('Zi', 'ZiB', 'zebibyte'), 80: ('Yi', 'YiB', 'yobibyte') }} # - note that 8 bits = 1 byte self.bwUnits = {'decimal': { # n * (10 ** u) = b; b / (10 ** u) = u 0: (None, 'b', 'bit'), 3: ('k', 'kb', 'kilobit'), 6: ('M', 'Mb', 'megabit'), 9: ('G', 'Gb', 'gigabit'), 12: ('T', 'Tb', 'terabit'), 13: ('P', 'Pb', 'petabit'), 15: ('E', 'Eb', 'exabit'), 18: ('Z', 'Zb', 'zettabit'), 19: ('Y', 'Yb', 'yottabit') }, 'binary': { # n * (2 ** u) = b; b / (2 ** u) = u -1: ('semi-octet', 'quartet', 'quadbit'), 10: ('Ki', 'Kib', 'kibibit'), 20: ('Mi', 'Mib', 'mebibit'), 30: ('Gi', 'Gib', 'gibibit'), 40: ('Ti', 'Tib', 'tebibit'), 50: ('Pi', 'Pib', 'pebibit'), 60: ('Ei', 'Eib', 'exbibit'), 70: ('Zi', 'Zib', 'zebibit'), 80: ('Yi', 'Yib', 'yobibit') }} self.valid_storage = [] for unit_type, convpair in self.storageUnits.items(): for f, l in convpair.items(): for suffix in l: if suffix not in self.valid_storage and suffix: self.valid_storage.append(suffix) self.valid_bw = [] for unit_type, convpair in self.bwUnits.items(): for f, l in convpair.items(): for suffix in l: if suffix not in self.valid_bw and suffix: self.valid_bw.append(suffix) def convert(self, n, suffix): conversion = {} if suffix in self.valid_storage: conversion.update(self.convertStorage(n, suffix)) b = conversion['B'] * 8 conversion.update(self.convertBW(b, 'b')) elif suffix in self.valid_bw: conversion.update(self.convertBW(n, suffix)) b = conversion['b'] / 8 conversion.update(self.convertStorage(b, 'B')) return(conversion) def convertBW(self, n, suffix, target = None): inBits = None conversion = None base_factors = [] if suffix not in self.valid_bw: raise ValueError('suffix is not a valid unit notation for this conversion') if target and target not in self.valid_bw: raise ValueError('target is not a valid unit notation for this conversion') for (_unit_type, _base) in (('decimal', 10), ('binary', 2)): if target and base_factors: break for u, suffixes in self.bwUnits[_unit_type].items(): if all((target, inBits, base_factors)): break if suffix in suffixes: inBits = n * float(_base ** u) if target and target in suffixes: base_factors.append((_base, u, suffixes[1])) elif not target: base_factors.append((_base, u, suffixes[1])) if target: conversion = float(inBits) / float(base_factors[0][0] ** base_factors[0][1]) else: if not isinstance(conversion, dict): conversion = {} for base, factor, suffix in base_factors: conversion[suffix] = float(inBits) / float(base ** factor) return(conversion) def convertStorage(self, n, suffix, target = None): inBytes = None conversion = None base_factors = [] if suffix not in self.valid_storage: raise ValueError('suffix is not a valid unit notation for this conversion') if target and target not in self.valid_storage: raise ValueError('target is not a valid unit notation for this conversion') for (_unit_type, _base) in (('decimal', 10), ('binary', 2)): if target and base_factors: break for u, suffixes in self.storageUnits[_unit_type].items(): if all((target, inBytes, base_factors)): break if suffix in suffixes: inBytes = n * float(_base ** u) if target and target in suffixes: base_factors.append((_base, u, suffixes[1])) elif not target: base_factors.append((_base, u, suffixes[1])) if target: conversion = float(inBytes) / float(base_factors[0][0] ** base_factors[0][1]) else: if not isinstance(conversion, dict): conversion = {} for base, factor, suffix in base_factors: conversion[suffix] = float(inBytes) / float(base ** factor) return(conversion) size = _Sizer() # We do this as base level so they aren't compiled on every invocation/instantiation. # Unfortunately it has to be at the bottom so we can call the instantiated _Sizer() class. # parted lib can do SI or IEC. So can we. _pos_re = re.compile((r'^(?P-|\+)?\s*' r'(?P[0-9]+)\s*' # empty means size in sectors r'(?P%|{0}|)\s*$'.format('|'.join(size.valid_storage)) )) def convertSizeUnit(pos): orig_pos = pos pos = if pos: pos_or_neg = ('pos_or_neg') if'pos_or_neg') else None) if pos_or_neg == '+': from_beginning = True elif pos_or_neg == '-': from_beginning = False else: from_beginning = pos_or_neg _size = int('size')) amt_type ='pct_unit_or_sct').strip() else: raise ValueError('Invalid size specified: {0}'.format(orig_pos)) return((from_beginning, _size, amt_type))