import ftplib import io import pathlib import re ## import requests import requests.auth ## import aif.constants_fallback from . import gpg_handler from . import hash_handler from . import parser class ChecksumFile(object): _bsd_re = re.compile(r'^(?P\(.*\))\s+=\s+(?P.*)$') def __init__(self, checksum_xml, filetype): self.xml = checksum_xml self.uri = self.xml.text.strip() self.filetype = filetype self.hashes = None downloader = getDLHandler(self.uri) # Recursive objects for the win? dl = downloader(self.xml) dl.get() =, 0) self._convert() def _convert(self): data = if not isinstance(data, str): data = data.decode('utf-8') data.strip() self.hashes = {} if self.filetype not in ('gnu', 'bsd'): raise ValueError('filetype attribute must be either "gnu" or "bsd"') for line in data.splitlines(): if self.filetype == 'gnu': hashtype = None # GNU style splits their hash types into separate files by default. h, fname = line.split(None, 1) elif self.filetype == 'bsd': l = line.split(None, 1) hashtype = l.pop(0).lower() r =[0]) h ='cksum') fname ='fname') if hashtype not in self.hashes: self.hashes[hashtype] = {} self.hashes[hashtype][fname] = h return(None) class Downloader(object): def __init__(self, netresource_xml, *args, **kwargs): self.xml = netresource_xml self.uri = parser.URI(self.xml.text.strip()) self.user = self.xml.attrib.get('user') if not self.user and self.uri.user: self.user = self.uri.user self.password = self.xml.attrib.get('password') if not self.password and self.uri.password: self.password = self.uri.password self.real_uri = ('{0}://' '{1}' '{2}' '{3}').format(self.uri.scheme, (self.uri.base if self.uri.base else ''), (':{0}'.format(self.uri.port) if self.uri.port else ''), self.uri.path) self.gpg = None self.checksum = None = io.BytesIO() def get(self): pass # Dummy method. return(None) def parseGpgVerify(self, results): pass def verify(self, verify_xml, *args, **kwargs): gpg_xml = verify_xml.find('gpg') hash_xml = verify_xml.find('hash') results = {} if gpg_xml is not None: results['gpg'] = self.verifyGPG(gpg_xml) if hash_xml is not None: results['hash'] = self.verifyHash(hash_xml) return(results) def verifyGPG(self, gpg_xml, *args, **kwargs): results = {} # We don't allow custom GPG homedirs since this is probably running from a LiveCD/USB/whatever anyways. # This means we can *always* instantiate the GPG handler from scratch. self.gpg = gpg_handler.GPG() keys_xml = gpg_xml.find('keys') sigs_xml = gpg_xml.find('sigs') fnargs = {'keyring_import': True} fnargs.update(kwargs) if keys_xml is not None: fnargs['keys'] = [] for key_id_xml in keys_xml.findall('keyID'): if key_id_xml.text == 'auto': k = self.gpg.findKeyByID(aif.constants_fallback.ARCH_RELENG_KEY, **fnargs) elif key_id_xml.text == 'detect': fnargs['strict'] = False continue else: k = self.gpg.findKeyByID(key_id_xml.text.strip(), **fnargs) fnargs['keys'].append(k) for key_file_xml in keys_xml.findall('keyFile'): downloader = getDLHandler(key_file_xml.text.strip()) # Recursive objects for the win? dl = downloader(key_file_xml) dl.get() k = self.gpg.getKeyData(, **fnargs)[0], 0) fnargs['keys'].extend(k) if sigs_xml is not None: for sig_text_xml in sigs_xml.findall('signature'): sig = sig_text_xml.text.strip() sigchk = self.gpg.verifyData(, detached = sig, **fnargs), 0) results.update(sigchk) for sig_file_xml in sigs_xml.findall('signatureFile'): downloader = getDLHandler(sig_file_xml.text.strip()) dl = downloader(sig_file_xml) dl.get() sigchk = self.gpg.verifyData(, detached =, **fnargs), 0), 0) results.update(sigchk) self.gpg.clean() return(results) def verifyHash(self, hash_xml, *args, **kwargs): results = [] algos = [str(ht) for ht in hash_xml.xpath('//checksum/@hashType|//checksumFile/@hashType')] self.checksum = hash_handler.Hash(hash_algos = algos) self.checksum.configure() checksum_xml = hash_xml.findall('checksum') checksum_file_xml = hash_xml.findall('checksumFile') checksums = self.checksum.hashData(, 0) if checksum_file_xml is not None: for cksum_xml in checksum_file_xml: htype = cksum_xml.attrib['hashType'].strip().lower() ftype = cksum_xml.attrib['fileType'].strip().lower() fname = cksum_xml.attrib.get('filePath', pathlib.PurePath(self.uri.path).name) cksum_file = ChecksumFile(cksum_xml, ftype) if ftype == 'gnu': cksum = cksum_file.hashes[None][fname] elif ftype == 'bsd': cksum = cksum_file.hashes[htype][fname] result = (cksum == checksums[htype]) results.append(result) if checksum_xml is not None: for cksum_xml in checksum_xml: # Thankfully, this is a LOT easier. htype = cksum_xml.attrib['hashType'].strip().lower() result = (cksum_xml.text.strip().lower() == checksums[htype]) results.append(result) result = all(results) return(result) class FSDownloader(Downloader): def __init__(self, netresource_xml, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(netresource_xml, *args, **kwargs) delattr(self, 'user') delattr(self, 'password') def get(self):, 0) with open(self.uri.path, 'rb') as fh:, 0) return(None) class FTPDownloader(Downloader): def __init__(self, netresource_xml, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(netresource_xml, *args, **kwargs) if not self.user: self.user = '' if not self.password: self.password = '' self.port = (self.uri.port if self.uri.port else 0) self._conn = None def _connect(self): self._conn = ftplib.FTP() self._conn.connect(host = self.uri.base, port = self.port) self._conn.login(user = self.user, passwd = self.password) return(None) def get(self): self._connect(), 0) self._conn.retrbinary('RETR {0}'.format(self.uri.path),, 0) self._close() return(None) def _close(self): self._conn.quit() return(None) class FTPSDownloader(FTPDownloader): def __init__(self, netresource_xml, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(netresource_xml, *args, **kwargs) def _connect(self): self._conn = ftplib.FTP_TLS() self._conn.connect(host = self.uri.base, port = self.port) self._conn.login(user = self.user, passwd = self.password) self._conn.prot_p() return(None) class HTTPDownloader(Downloader): def __init__(self, netresource_xml, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(netresource_xml, *args, **kwargs) self.auth = self.xml.attrib.get('authType', 'none').lower() if self.auth == 'none': self.auth = None self.realm = None self.user = None self.password = None else: if self.auth == 'basic': self.auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(self.user, self.password) elif self.auth == 'digest': self.auth = requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth(self.user, self.password) def get(self):, 0) req = requests.get(self.real_uri, auth = self.auth), 0) return(None) def getDLHandler(uri): uri = uri.strip() if'^file://', uri, re.IGNORECASE): return(FSDownloader) elif'^https?://', uri, re.IGNORECASE): return(HTTPDownloader) elif'^ftp://', uri, re.IGNORECASE): return(FTPDownloader) elif'^ftps://', uri, re.IGNORECASE): return(FTPSDownloader) else: raise RuntimeError('Could not detect which download handler to use') return(None)