#!/bin/bash set -e ## SETTINGS ## # You can get a list of your private identities with gpg -K. # You can get the exact string with: # - gpg -K --fingerprint --with-colons [] | egrep '^fpr:' | cut -f10 -d":" GPGKEY='748231EBCBD808A14F5E85D28C004C2F93481F6B' # https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PKGBUILD#validpgpkeys MAINTNAME='brent s. ' PKGBUILD_DIR='/opt/dev/arch' AUR_PKGS_DIR="${PKGBUILD_DIR}" # should be the dir where the aur_pkgs dir lives # Get PKGTYPE PS3='What type of package is this?: ' options=("Release/Versioned" "VCS (Git, SVN, Mercurial, etc.)" "Quit") select opt in "${options[@]}" do case ${opt} in "Release/Versioned") PKGTYPE="release" break ;; "VCS (Git, SVN, Mercurial, etc.)") PKGTYPE="vcs" break ;; "Quit") exit 0 break ;; *) echo invalid option;; esac done # get VCSTYPE, if it's a source package if [[ "${PKGTYPE}" == 'vcs' ]]; then PS3='What type of version-control?: ' options=("Git" "Subversion" "Mercurial" "Bazaar" "(Other)" "Quit") select opt in "${options[@]}" do case ${opt} in "Git") VCSTYPE='git' break ;; "Subversion") VCSTYPE='svn' break ;; "Bazaar") VCSTYPE='bzr' break ;; "(Other)") VCSTYPE='unknown' break ;; "Quit") exit 0 break ;; *) echo invalid option;; esac done fi # get PKGNAME echo -ne "\nWhat is the NAME of the package? (Exclude VCS type if it's a source-control package,\nthat will be prepended automatically): " read PKGNAME echo # check PKGNAME set +e # disable bail-on-error because we want a non-zero if a package name is not right, etc. echo "${PKGNAME}" | egrep -Eq '^([a-z0-9\_])+$' if [[ "${?}" -ne '0' ]]; then echo "ERROR: That does not seem to be a valid package name!" exit fi set -e _PKGNAME="${PKGNAME}" if [[ -n "${VCSTYPE}" && "${VCSTYPE}" != '' ]]; then PKGNAME="${PKGNAME}-${VCSTYPE}" fi # Get the version to pre-populate the PKGBUILD with, if a release. if [[ "${PKGTYPE}" == 'release' ]]; then echo -n "What is the VERSION of the current release you are packaging for ${PKGNAME}? " read PKGVER set +e echo "${PKGVER}" | egrep -Eq '^([0-9\.])+$' if [[ "${?}" -ne '0' ]]; then echo "ERROR: That does not seem to be a valid package version!" echo "Acceptable values are numbers or .'s." exit fi set -e echo fi # Get other bits of info. # PKGDESC echo -ne "What is a DESCRIPTION of ${_PKGNAME}? (Do not include the package name- e.g.:\n Provides a library for mutating teenage turtles\n): " read PKGDESC echo # PKGURL echo -n "What is the URL for ${_PKGNAME}'s website? " read PKGURL echo # SRCURL if [[ "${PKGTYPE}" == 'vcs' ]]; then echo -ne "What is the CHECKOUT URL for ${_PKGNAME}?\n(Do not include the directory or VCS type prefix as per https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/VCS_package_guidelines#VCS_sources - this is added automatically) e.g.:\n https://github.com/shinnok/johnny.git\nURL: " read SRCURL echo SRCURL="${_PKGNAME}::${VCSTYPE}+${SRCURL}" SRCFILE='' else echo -n "What is the URL to the source tarball for ${PKGNAME} (version ${PKGVER})? " read SRCURL echo SRCFILE=$(echo "${SRCURL}" | sed -re 's|^https?.*/(.*)$|\1|g') fi # LICENSE echo -n "What is the LICENSE for ${_PKGNAME}? " read LICENSE echo # DEPENDS echo -n "What does ${_PKGNAME} DEPEND on (for runtime)? if no packages, just hit enter. Make sure they correspond to Arch/AUR package names. " read PKGDEPS echo # OPTDEPENDS echo -ne "What is an OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY (runtime) for ${_PKGNAME}? If no packages, just hit enter. They should match the format:\n pkgname:reason why\nOptional deps: " read OPTDEPS echo echo -e "What is a MAKE DEPEND for ${_PKGNAME}? If no packages, just hit enter. " read BUILDDEPS echo echo -e "What package names, if any besides itself, does ${_PKGNAME} PROVIDE? (If a VCS package, do not include the non-VCS package- that's added by default!) " read PROVIDES echo echo -e "What package names, if any besides itself, does ${_PKGNAME} CONFLICT with? (If a VCS package, do not include the non-VCS package- that's added by default!) " read CONFLICTS echo ## SANITY ## mkdir -p ${PKGBUILD_DIR} cd ${PKGBUILD_DIR} echo "Will create a package named ${PKGNAME}. Press enter to continue, or ctrl-C to quit." read PKGCHK ## CREATE THE REPO/PACKAGE IN AUR ## cd /tmp git clone aur@aur.archlinux.org:${PKGNAME} cd /tmp/${PKGNAME} cp ${AUR_PKGS_DIR}/_docs/PKGBUILD.templates.d/gitignore .gitignore git add .gitignore ## DROP IN A VANILLA PKGBUILD ## if [[ "${PKGTYPE}" == 'vcs' ]]; then cat ${AUR_PKGS_DIR}/_docs/PKGBUILD.templates.d/vcs/{00.*,01.*,02.*,03.*,04.*.${VCSTYPE},05.*,06.*} > PKGBUILD else cat ${AUR_PKGS_DIR}/_docs/PKGBUILD.templates.d/release/* > PKGBUILD touch "${SRCFILE}.sig" fi for i in MAINTNAME GPGKEY PKGNAME PKGVER PKGDESC PKGURL SRCURL LICENSE PKGDEPS OPTDEPS BUILDDEPS _PKGNAME SRCFILE; do NEWVAL=${!i} #echo "${i} is ${NEWVAL}" sed -i -re "s@%{2}${i}%{2}@${NEWVAL}@g" PKGBUILD done # now we need to commit the thing since apparently we can't add empty repos as submodules...? mksrcinfo git add --all . git commit -m "initial commit; setting up .gitignores and skeleton PKGBUILD" git push origin master cd /tmp rm -rf ${PKGNAME} cd ${PKGBUILD_DIR} git submodule add --force aur@aur.archlinux.org:${PKGNAME} #git submodule init ${PKGNAME} #git submodule update ${PKGNAME} cd ${PKGBUILD_DIR}/${PKGNAME} cat >> $(git rev-parse --git-dir)/hooks/pre-commit << EOF #!/bin/bash /usr/bin/mksrcinfo git add .SRCINFO EOF chmod 700 $(git rev-parse --git-dir)/hooks/pre-commit