checkin for the day. got pychroot added to AUR, so now i can do more work on this. tomorrow.

This commit is contained in:
brent s. 2016-11-16 02:59:55 -05:00
parent 0c4fb77ad1
commit f419a6e4f6
2 changed files with 45 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ import gnupg
import tarfile
import subprocess
import re
import git
import jinja2
import datetime
from urllib.request import urlopen

def arch_chk(arch):
@ -133,6 +136,45 @@ def build_chroot(arch, chrootdir, dlpath, extradir):
for file in prebuild_arch_overlay[arch]['files']:
shutil.copy2(extradir + '/pre-build.d/' + arch + '/' + file, chrootdir + '/' + file)
os.chown(chrootdir + '/' + file, 0, 0)

def prep_chroot(templates_dir, chrootdir, bdisk, arch):
build = {}
# let's prep some variables to write out the version info.txt
# get the git tag and short commit hash
repo = git.Repo(bdisk['dir'])
refs = repo.git.describe(repo.head.commit).split('-')
build['ver'] = refs[0] + '-' + refs[2]
# and these should be passed in from the args, from the most part.
build['name'] = bdisk['name']
build['time'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S UTC %Y")
build['host'] = bdisk['hostname']
build['user'] = os.environ['USER']
if os.environ['SUDO_USER']:
build['realuser'] = os.environ['SUDO_USER']
# and now that we have that dict, let's write out the VERSION_INFO.txt file.
env = jinja2.Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(templates_dir))
tpl = env.get_template('VERSION_INFO.txt.j2')
tpl_out = template.render(build = build)
with open(chrootdir + '/root/VERSION_INFO.txt', "wb+") as f:

def mount(srcdir, destdir, fstype, options = ''):
if os.geteuid() != 0:
exit("HEY, you need to run this with root privileges because we do mounting and stuff for chroots.")
# thank you
# it'd be greate to use systemd-nspawn for this, but:
# 1.) not all systems even HAVE systemd, and
# 2.) there's no python interface- i'm trying to keep the shell calls to a minimum.
os.makedirs(destdir, exist_ok = True)
ret = ctypes.CDLL('', use_errno = True).mount(srcdir, destdir, fstype, 0, options)
if ret < 0:
errno = ctypes.get_errno()
raise RuntimeError("Error mounting {0} ({1}) on {2} with options '{3}': {4}".format(srcdir, fstype, destdir, options, os.strerror(errno)))

def mount_chroot(chrootdir, destdir):
# here's where we actually set up the mountpoints for a chroot.
mount('', chrootdir + '/proc', 'proc', 'nosuid,noexec,nodev')

View File

@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ Version: {{ build['ver'] }}
Build: {{ build['name'] }}
Time: {{ build['time'] }}
Machine: {{ build['host'] }}
User: {{ build['user'] }} ({{ build['realuser'] }})
User: {{ build['user'] }}{% if build['realuser'] is defined and build['realuser'] > 0 %} ({{ build['realuser'] }}){% endif %}