5017d76064committing in some prelim stuff for cross-distro guestr00t2018-06-02 01:40:14 -0400
0682137b21parsing, but need to finish extended value validations for confparser and then get to work actually making the stuff gor00t2018-05-30 13:43:30 -0400
1d9b40a597confgen is done. messy, but done.r00t2018-05-21 05:58:25 -0400
f4f131890di cannot believe i just wiped out an entire night's worth of work.r00t2018-05-20 10:14:48 -0400
b2498ba98dchecking in some workr00t2018-05-18 08:13:46 -0400
559789ffe5updating .gitignore since i'm using PyCharm instead of Brackets for a bit.r00t2018-05-17 23:23:26 -0400
bf12fbcda3i'm about to change how i handle regexes entirelyr00t2018-05-15 22:01:46 -0400
1df5bd87e0testing some stuffr00t2018-05-15 08:41:58 -0400
ed7ccdeeafchecking in some major progress. STILL hitting a bug with multiple xpath% btags(TM ;P) with a regex% tag in the same line that contains {#}.r00t2018-05-15 05:31:20 -0400
befcd8185epoplated license file, conf generator now builds pathsr00t2018-05-14 13:53:06 -0400
262eefba07checking in some progress. config generator's almost done. kind of janky, but it works.r00t2018-05-13 21:56:43 -0400
46a9df6ef6adding gitignore for regen_multi.pyr00t2018-05-13 01:41:49 -0400
d9ee277ff4make regenerating the multi-profile example more programmaticr00t2018-05-10 19:59:23 -0400
721c571da6serialize the SSL stuff morer00t2018-05-10 19:08:06 -0400
96bca202f0sooooooo XML is whitespace sensitiver00t2018-05-10 09:12:03 -0400
303e006b35updating syntax for configsr00t2018-05-10 08:34:44 -0400
b2622406f0yeahhhh let's just add that to the root gitignorer00t2018-05-10 00:32:31 -0400
80d5d127cadoc additions, TODO updater00t2017-10-01 12:09:14 -0400
c10ceaa225support for user-specified build.ini. untested. should probably then modify te config parser to search for a config if this is set to None, not to /etc/bdisk/build.ini.r00t2017-09-30 05:15:52 -0400
ac7bfa7320minor fix for installing packages in live systemr00t2017-03-26 12:30:56 -0400
2545d0742aupdated- docs might have some bugs, but working
r00t2017-03-07 18:38:20 -0500
f26e03fda9adding split-architecture source tarball support... untested and probably not done yet, so not tagging a releaser00t2017-03-06 03:21:23 -0500
47684f989bupdating docs- all python modules should be required
r00t2017-02-05 14:25:22 -0500