#!/bin/bash ## Import settings if [ -f "build.conf" ]; then echo "Now importing settings/variables." set -e source extra/build.conf.sample source build.conf set +e else echo "You have not configured a build.conf OR you are not running from the project's root directory (the git repository's working directory). echo "If you are indeed in the correct directory, you may copy the sample at ../extra/build.conf.sample, echo "edit it for appropriate values, and copy to /build.conf" echo echo 'This error is fatal. Dying.' exit 1 fi if [[ ${EUID} -ne 0 ]]; then #echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2 echo "This script must be run as root." echo exit 1 elif [ -f ${LOCKFILE} ]; then echo "Script already running, stale lockfile present, or an error occurred during last run." echo "Please clear ${LOCKFILE} by hand before attempting another build." echo -n "Timestamp of lockfile is: " ls -l ${LOCKFILE} | awk '{print $6" "$7" "$8}' exit 1 fi echo "Creating lockfile at ${LOCKFILE}..." touch ${LOCKFILE} if [[ "${1}" == "all" ]]; then DIRS="${CHROOTDIR}root.i686 ${CHROOTDIR}root.x86_64 ${BUILDDIR}32 ${BUILDDIR}64 ${ISODIR} ${TEMPDIR} ${ARCHBOOT} ${SRCDIR} ${TFTPDIR} ${HTTPDIR} ${BASEDIR}/logs" FILES="latest.32.tar.gz latest.64.tar.gz" elif [[ "${1}" == "chroot" ]]; then DIRS="${CHROOTDIR}root.i686 ${CHROOTDIR}root.x86_64 ${BUILDDIR}32 ${BUILDDIR}64 ${ISODIR} ${TEMPDIR} ${ARCHBOOT} ${SRCDIR} ${TFTPDIR} ${HTTPDIR}" FILES="" elif [[ "${1}" == "squash" ]]; then DIRS="${BUILDDIR}32 ${BUILDDIR}64 ${ISODIR} ${TEMPDIR} ${ARCHBOOT} ${SRCDIR} ${TFTPDIR} ${HTTPDIR}" FILES="" else DIRS="${ISODIR} ${TEMPDIR} ${ARCHBOOT} ${SRCDIR} ${TFTPDIR} ${HTTPDIR}" FILES="" fi echo "I will be deleting the contents of: ${DIRS}" echo "I will be deleting the files: ${FILES}" read -p 'Do you wish to continue? [Y/n] ' CONFIRM if [ -z "${CONFIRM}" ]; then CONFIRM="y" fi CONFIRM=${CONFIRM:0:1} CONFIRM=$(echo ${CONFIRM} | tr [[:upper:]] [[:lower:]]) if [[ "${CONFIRM}" != "y" ]]; then echo 'Exiting.' exit 0 fi for i in "${DIRS}"; do rm -rf ${i}/* done for i in "${FILES}"; do rm -f ${i} done rm -f ${LOCKFILE}