#!/usr/bin/env python3.6 import copy from lxml import etree with open('single_profile.xml', 'rb') as f: xml = etree.fromstring(f.read()) single_profile = xml.xpath('/bdisk/profile[1]')[0] alt_profile = copy.deepcopy(single_profile) for c in alt_profile.xpath('//comment()'): p = c.getparent() p.remove(c) # Change the profile identifiers alt_profile.attrib['name'] = 'alternate' alt_profile.attrib['id'] = '2' alt_profile.attrib['uuid'] = '2ed07c19-2071-4d66-8569-da40475ba716' meta_tags = {'name': 'AnotherCD', 'uxname': 'bdisk_alt', 'pname': '{xpath%../name/text()}', 'desc': 'Another rescue/restore live environment.', 'author': 'Another Dev Eloper', 'email': '{xpath%//profile[@name="default"]/meta/dev/email/text()}', 'website': '{xpath%//profile[@name="default"]/meta/dev/website/text()}', 'ver': '0.0.1'} # Change the names meta = alt_profile.xpath('/profile/meta')[0] for e in meta.iter(): if e.tag in meta_tags: e.text = meta_tags[e.tag] accounts_tags = {'rootpass': 'atotallyinsecurepassword', 'username': 'testuser', 'comment': 'Test User', 'password': 'atestpassword'} accounts = alt_profile.xpath('/profile/accounts')[0] for e in accounts.iter(): if e.tag in accounts_tags: e.text = accounts_tags[e.tag] if e.tag == 'rootpass': e.attrib['hashed'] = 'no' elif e.tag == 'user': e.attrib['sudo'] = 'no' # Delete the second user accounts.remove(accounts[2]) xml.append(alt_profile) with open('multi_profile.xml', 'wb') as f: f.write(etree.tostring(xml, pretty_print = True, encoding = 'UTF-8', xml_declaration = True))