#!/bin/bash function mkchroot { # just in case we don't inherit. if [[ -z "${FUNCNAME}" ]]; then FUNCNAME='mkchroot-standalone' fi ## Import settings if [ -f "build.conf" ]; then echo "Now importing settings/variables." set -e source build.conf set +e else echo "You have not configured a build.conf OR you are not running from the project's root directory (the git repository's working directory)." echo "If you are indeed in the correct directory, you may copy the sample at ../extra/build.conf.sample," echo "edit it for appropriate values, and copy to /build.conf" echo 'This error is fatal. Dying.' exit 1 fi if [[ ${EUID} -ne 0 ]]; then #echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2 echo "This script must be run as root." exit 1 fi if [ -z "${BASEDIR}" ]; then echo 'You need to export the directory ("$BASEDIR") which will hold the chroots and the git project directory.' echo "(don't worry, there's a .gitignore for the chroots)" echo "e.g. export BASEDIR=\"/opt/dev/work/client-diag-disc/\"" echo 'Dying.' exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "${BASEDIR}" ]; then echo "You need to make sure ${BASEDIR} is a valid, existing directory. This script does not automatically create it as a sanity measure." echo 'Dying.' exit 1 fi if [[ "${EUID}" != "0" ]]; then echo "This script must be run as root." echo 'Dying.' exit 1 fi if [ -f ${LOCKFILE} ]; then echo "Script already running, stale lockfile present, or an error occurred during last run." echo "Please clear ${LOCKFILE} by hand before attempting another build." echo -n "Timestamp of lockfile is: " ls -l ${LOCKFILE} | awk '{print $6" "$7" "$8}' exit 1 else touch ${LOCKFILE} fi if [ -f "/usr/bin/systemd-nspawn" ]; then CHROOTCMD="systemd-nspawn -D" else CHROOTCMD="${CHROOTDIR64}/bin/arch-chroot" fi cd "${BASEDIR}" ## Set some vars. MIRROR='http://mirrors.kernel.org/archlinux' RLSDIR="${MIRROR}/iso/latest" CURRLS64=$(curl -s ${RLSDIR}/sha1sums.txt | grep bootstrap | awk '{print $2}' | grep 'x86_64') CKSUM64=$(curl -s ${RLSDIR}/sha1sums.txt | grep bootstrap | grep x86_64 | awk '{print $1}') CURRLS32=$(curl -s ${RLSDIR}/sha1sums.txt | grep bootstrap | awk '{print $2}' | grep 'i686') CKSUM32=$(curl -s ${RLSDIR}/sha1sums.txt | grep bootstrap | grep i686 | awk '{print $1}') ## Fetch latest tarball release echo "Checking/fetching snapshots..." if [ -f "latest.64.tar.gz" ]; then LOCSUM64=$(sha1sum latest.64.tar.gz | awk '{print $1}') if [[ "${CKSUM64}" != "${LOCSUM64}" ]]; then echo "WARNING: CHECKSUMS DON'T MATCH." echo "Local: ${LOCSUM64}" echo "Remote: ${CKSUM64}" echo "Fetching fresh copy." curl -o latest.64.tar.gz "${RLSDIR}/${CURRLS64}" >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 fi else curl -o latest.64.tar.gz "${RLSDIR}/${CURRLS64}" >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 fi if [ -f "latest.32.tar.gz" ]; then LOCSUM32=$(sha1sum latest.32.tar.gz | awk '{print $1}') if [[ "${CKSUM32}" != "${LOCSUM32}" ]]; then echo "WARNING: CHECKSUMS DON'T MATCH." echo "Local: ${LOCSUM32}" echo "Remote: ${CKSUM32}" echo "Fetching fresh copy." curl -o latest.32.tar.gz "${RLSDIR}/${CURRLS32}" >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 fi else curl -o latest.32.tar.gz "${RLSDIR}/${CURRLS32}" >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 fi if [ ! -f "${CHROOTDIR32}/etc/pacman.d/gnupg/trustdb.gpg" ] || [ ! -f "${CHROOTDIR64}/etc/pacman.d/gnupg/trustdb.gpg" ]; then # Now let's ${BASEDIR}/extract that shit echo "Extracting snapshots. This will take a while..." ## 64-bit tar -xpzf latest.64.tar.gz ## 32-bit tar -xpzf latest.32.tar.gz # And configure the package manager echo "Configuring snapshots..." touch ${LOCKFILE} sleep 2 find ${BASEDIR}/extra/pre-build.d/ -exec touch '{}' \; rsync -a --exclude '/32' --exclude '/64' ${BASEDIR}/extra/pre-build.d/. ${BASEDIR}/root.x86_64/. rsync -a --exclude '/32' --exclude '/64' ${BASEDIR}/extra/pre-build.d/. ${BASEDIR}/root.i686/. rsync -a ${BASEDIR}/extra/pre-build.d/64/. ${BASEDIR}/root.x86_64/. rsync -a ${BASEDIR}/extra/pre-build.d/32/. ${BASEDIR}/root.i686/. chmod -f 755 ${BASEDIR}/extra/pre-build.d/{32/,64/,}etc/customizepkg.d/* find ${BASEDIR}/root.x86_64/ -newer ${LOCKFILE} -exec chown -R root:root '{}' \; find ${BASEDIR}/root.i686/ -newer ${LOCKFILE} -exec chown -R root:root '{}' \; for i in i686 x86_64; do cat > ${BASEDIR}/root.${i}/etc/os-release << EOF NAME="Arch Linux" ID=arch PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux" ANSI_COLOR="0;36" HOME_URL="https://www.archlinux.org/" SUPPORT_URL="https://bbs.archlinux.org/" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.archlinux.org/" EOF done # And make it usable. echo "Initializing chroots..." for i in ${CHROOTDIR32} ${CHROOTDIR64}; do # Prep pacman echo "Prepping ${i}. This will take a while..." echo -n "...Key initializing..." ${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ pacman-key --init >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 echo "Done." echo -n "...Importing keys..." ${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ pacman-key --populate archlinux >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 echo "Done." # Prep base building system echo -n "...Installing base packages..." #${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ pacstrap -dGcM base # if that doesn't work, ${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ pacman -Syy >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 for x in $(find ${i}/etc/ -type f -iname "*.pacorig");do mv -f ${x} ${x%%.pacorig} ; done ${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ pacman -S --noconfirm --needed base syslinux wget rsync unzip jshon sed sudo abs xmlto bc docbook-xsl git >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 for x in $(find ${i}/etc/ -type f -iname "*.pacorig");do mv -f ${x} ${x%%.pacorig} ; done echo "Done." echo -n "...Upgrading any outdated packages..." ${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ pacman -Syyu --noconfirm >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 for x in $(find ${i}/etc/ -type f -iname "*.pacorig");do mv -f ${x} ${x%%.pacorig} ; done echo "Done. Finishing/cleaning up..." ${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ pacman -S --noconfirm --needed base-devel >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 for x in $(find ${i}/etc/ -type f -iname "*.pacorig");do mv -f ${x} ${x%%.pacorig} ; done # Yaourt is busted because Arch Pacman devs are fucking neasighted closed-minded jackasses. # If they ever fix their crap, checkout extra/pre-build.d/etc/yaourtrc from git (commit 583a5df84af415990b8c49d7e4ac11dd7b23e0e0) ## https://github.com/archlinuxfr/yaourt/issues/67 ## https://projects.archlinux.org/pacman.git/tree/NEWS#n54 ## https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/43302 #${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ pacman -S --noconfirm --needed yaourt >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 mkdir -p ${i}/var/tmp/pkg cp ${BASEDIR}/extra/bootstrap/apacman* ${i}/var/tmp/pkg/apacman.tar.xz #${CHROOTCMD} ${i} "pacman --noconfirm -U /var/tmp/pkg/apacman.tar.xz" >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 ${CHROOTCMD} ${i} bash -c "pacman --noconfirm -U /var/tmp/pkg/apacman.tar.xz" >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 mkdir ${i}/var/tmp/apacman ; chmod 0750 ${i}/var/tmp/apacman ; chown 0:$(egrep '^aurbuild' ${i}/etc/group | cut -f3 -d":") ${i}/var/tmp/apacman for x in $(find ${i}/etc/ -type f -iname "*.pacorig");do mv -f ${x} ${x%%.pacorig} ; done ${CHROOTCMD} ${i} bash -c "apacman -S --noconfirm --noedit --skipinteg -S apacman-deps expac" >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 #rm -rf ${i}/var/tmp/pkg #${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ pacman -S --noconfirm --needed yaourt >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 for x in $(find ${i}/etc/ -type f -iname "*.pacorig");do mv -f ${x} ${x%%.pacorig} ; done done ${CHROOTCMD} ${CHROOTDIR64}/ 'pacman --noconfirm -R gcc-libs libtool' >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 ${CHROOTCMD} ${CHROOTDIR64}/ 'pacman --noconfirm -S multilib-devel' >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 fi # And let's do some more optimization. if [[ "${I_AM_A_RACECAR}" == "y" ]]; then CPUCNT=$(grep processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l) ((CPUCNT++)) sed -i -e "/^[[:space:]]*#*MAKEFLAGS=.*$/aMAKEFLAGS=\"-j${CPUCNT}\"" ${CHROOTDIR64}/etc/makepkg.conf sed -i -e "/^[[:space:]]*#*MAKEFLAGS=.*$/aMAKEFLAGS=\"-j${CPUCNT}\"" ${CHROOTDIR32}/etc/makepkg.conf fi # preprocessing sed -i -e '/base-devel/d ; /multilib-devel/d' ${BASEDIR}/extra/packages.* # both echo "Installing common packages..." PKGLIST=$(sed -e '/^[[:space:]]*#/d ; /^[[:space:]]*$/d' ${BASEDIR}/extra/packages.both | tr '\n' ' ') for i in ${CHROOTDIR32} ${CHROOTDIR64}; do echo "Running post-build tasks in ${i}..." ${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ "/root/post-build.sh" >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 for x in $(find ${i}/etc/ -type f -iname "*.pacorig");do mv -f ${x} ${x%%.pacorig} ; done set +e ${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ /usr/bin/bash -c "apacman --noconfirm --noedit --skipinteg -S --needed linux" >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 cp -a ${i}/boot/vmlinuz-linux ${i}/boot/vmlinuz/vmlinuz-linux-${PNAME} cp -a ${i}/boot/initramfs-linux.img ${i}/boot/initramfs-linux-${PNAME}.img set -e for x in $(find ${i}/etc/ -type f -iname "*.pacorig");do mv -f ${x} ${x%%.pacorig} ; done # Uncomment if you wish to use the mkpasswd binary from within the chroot... #${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ bash -c "apacman --noconfirm --noedit --skipinteg -S --needed debian-whois-mkpasswd" >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 #for x in $(find ${i}/etc/ -type f -iname "*.pacorig");do mv -f ${x} ${x%%.pacorig} ; done echo -n "Regular packages..." set +e ${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ bash -c "yes '' | apacman --noconfirm --noedit --skipinteg -S --needed ${PKGLIST}" >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 for x in $(find ${i}/etc/ -type f -iname "*.pacorig");do mv -f ${x} ${x%%.pacorig} ; done # User creation set -e echo -n "...Creating ${REGUSR} user..." ${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ useradd -m -s /bin/bash -c "Default user" ${REGUSR} >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 ${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ usermod -aG users,games,video,audio ${REGUSR} >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 ${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ passwd -d ${REGUSR} >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 mkdir -p ${i}/etc/sudoers.d ; chmod 750 ${i}/etc/sudoers.d echo "${REGUSR} ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> ${i}/etc/sudoers.d/${REGUSR} if [ -n "${REGUSR_PASS}" ]; then #${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ "/usr/bin/echo ${REGUSR}:${REGUSR_PASS} | chpasswd -e" >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 sed -i -e "s|^${REGUSR}::|${REGUSR}:${REGUSR_PASS}:|g" ${i}/etc/shadow elif [[ "${REGUSR_PASS}" == '{[BLANK]}' ]]; then ${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ passwd -d ${REGUSR} >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 else ${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ usermod -L ${REGUSR} >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 fi if [ -n "${ROOT_PASS}" ]; then #${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ "/usr/bin/echo root:${ROOT_PASS} | chpasswd -e" >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 sed -i -e "s|^root::|root:${ROOT_PASS}:|g" ${i}/etc/shadow elif [[ "${ROOT_PASS}" == '{[BLANK]}' ]]; then ${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ passwd -d root >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 else ${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ usermod -L root >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 fi # The following is supposed to do the same as the above, but "cleaner". However, it currently fails with "execv() failed: No such file or directory" ##${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ usermod -L root >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 echo "Done." done for i in ${CHROOTDIR32} ${CHROOTDIR64}; do set +e ${CHROOTCMD} ${i}/ /usr/bin/bash -c "mkinitcpio -p linux" >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 set -e done # 32-bit echo "Installing packages for 32-bit..." PKGLIST=$(sed -e '/^[[:space:]]*#/d ; /^[[:space:]]*$/d' ${BASEDIR}/extra/packages.32 | tr '\n' ' ') if [ -n "${PKGLIST}" ]; then ${CHROOTCMD} ${CHROOTDIR32}/ /usr/bin/bash -c "apacman --noconfirm --noedit --skipinteg -S --needed ${PKGLIST}" >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 fi set +e for x in $(find ${CHROOTDIR32}/etc/ -type f -iname "*.pacorig");do mv -f ${x} ${x%.pacorig} ; done set -e echo "Done." # 64-bit echo "Installing packages for 64-bit..." PKGLIST=$(sed -e '/^[[:space:]]*#/d ; /^[[:space:]]*$/d' ${BASEDIR}/extra/packages.64 | tr '\n' ' ') if [ -n "${PKGLIST}" ]; then ${CHROOTCMD} ${CHROOTDIR64}/ /usr/bin/bash -c "apacman --noconfirm --noedit --skipinteg -S --needed ${PKGLIST}" >> "${LOGFILE}.${FUNCNAME}" 2>&1 fi set +e for x in $(find ${CHROOTDIR64}/etc/ -type f -iname "*.pacorig");do mv -f ${x} ${x%.pacorig} ; done set -e echo "Done." echo "Syncing overlay..." touch ${LOCKFILE} sleep 2 find ${BASEDIR}/overlay -exec touch '{}' \; rsync -a --exclude '/32' --exclude '/64' ${BASEDIR}/overlay/. ${CHROOTDIR64}/. rsync -a --exclude '/32' --exclude '/64' ${BASEDIR}/overlay/. ${CHROOTDIR32}/. rsync -a ${BASEDIR}/overlay/32/. ${CHROOTDIR32}/. rsync -a ${BASEDIR}/overlay/64/. ${CHROOTDIR64}/. find ${CHROOTDIR64}/ -newer ${LOCKFILE} -exec chown -R root:root '{}' \; find ${CHROOTDIR32}/ -newer ${LOCKFILE} -exec chown -R root:root '{}' \; chown -R 1000:1000 ${CHROOTDIR32}/home/${REGUSR} chown -R 1000:1000 ${CHROOTDIR64}/home/${REGUSR} find ${CHROOTDIR64}/home/${REGUSR}/ -type d -exec chmod 700 '{}' \; find ${CHROOTDIR64}/home/${REGUSR}/ -type f -exec chmod 600 '{}' \; find ${CHROOTDIR32}/home/${REGUSR}/ -type d -exec chmod 700 '{}' \; find ${CHROOTDIR32}/home/${REGUSR}/ -type f -exec chmod 600 '{}' \; find ${CHROOTDIR64}/root/ -type d -exec chmod 700 '{}' \; find ${CHROOTDIR64}/root/ -type f -exec chmod 600 '{}' \; find ${CHROOTDIR32}/root/ -type d -exec chmod 700 '{}' \; find ${CHROOTDIR32}/root/ -type f -exec chmod 600 '{}' \; chmod 600 ${CHROOTDIR64}/etc/ssh/* chmod 600 ${CHROOTDIR32}/etc/ssh/* echo "Done." rm -f ${LOCKFILE} echo "Chroot setup complete." } mkchroot