# You can include comments, such as this. AUR packages are allowed. # We need to install all X drivers. abs acpi #acpidump #afflib aircrack-ng apr apr-util arj asciidoc atop autopsy autossh backuppc #bacula ## TODO: grab all the bacula packages in here beep bin86 bind-tools binutils bluez-utils bonnie++ boxbackup-client boxbackup-server bozocrack-git bridge-utils burp-backup-git btrfs-progs cabextract cdrtools cdw cfv chapcrack-git chntpw cifs-utils ckermit clamav clonezilla cmospwd colordiff cowpatty cpio cpuburn cpupower crackpkcs12 #cryptcat cryptsetup csync2 customizepkg-scripting dar dcfldd ddrescue dd_rescue dd_rhelp debianutils debootstrap dialog diffutils djohn dmidecode dnssec-anchors dnstracer #dnsutils #replaced by bind-tools, https://www.archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/bind-tools/ dos2unix dropbear dstat dump dumpet duplicity dvd+rw-tools e2fsprogs ecryptfs-utils ed elfutils #elilo-efi elinks etc-update ethtool exfat-utils ext3grep extundelete f2fs-tools fang fbset fcgi fcgiwrap fcrackzip fdupes file findmyhash findutils firefox flac flashrom foremost fsarchiver fuse gd git gnu-efi-libs gnu-netcat gpart gparted gperftools gpm gptfdisk gst-libav gst-plugins-ugly hashcat hashdeep hddtemp hdparm hexcurse hexedit hfsprogs hfsutils htop httping hwdetect hwinfo hydra idnkit ifenslave iftop inetutils iotop iozone ipcalc iperf iperf3 ipsec-tools iptraf-ng irssi iso-codes isomaster jasper jfsutils #john-mpi john keyutils kismet-allplugins lftp links #logkeys logkeys-keymaps lm_sensors lrzsz lshw lsiutil lsof lsscsi lxde lynx #lzip macchanger magicrescue mbr mbuffer mcelog mdadm mdcrack # superseded by storcli #megaraid-cli memtester mfoc minicom mondo mtd-utils mtr mtree #mtx multipath-tools myrescue nbd ncftp ncompress ncrack net-snmp netselect nettle networkmanager-pptp nginx-devel ngrep nmap nmon ntfs-3g ntfsfixboot #nwipe #broken since they moved to github(?) nwipe-git obnam open-iscsi openipmi ophcrack os-prober p7zip pack par2cmdline partclone partclone-utils parted partimage pax-utils pciutils pcmciautils pdfcrack perf php php-fpm php-gd php-mcrypt #phrasendrescher pigz pkgfile pkgtools ppp pptpclient prebootloader procinfo-ng procps-ng progsreiserfs psmisc pwgen pixz pyrit-svn python2-gnuplot python2-pyx rarcrack rcracki_mt rdiff-backup read-edid reaver-wps-fork-t6x-git rename rfkill rp-pppoe rpcbind rpmextract rp-pppoe rsnapshot rygel safecopy samba scapy screen scrounge-ntfs scrub scsiadd sdparm setserial sg3_utils sharutils sipcalc sipcrack smartmontools smbclient s-nail socat #star ## do people even USE tape packups anymore? storcli strace stress sucrack symlinks sysstat tcpdump tcpslice tcptraceroute testdisk tftp-hpa thin-provisioning-tools thttpd tmon tmux tre truecrack-svn truecrypt tor udftools #udpcast unace unison unrar unshield unzip usb_modeswitch usbip usbutils vim-a vim-bufexplorer vim-indent-object vim-minibufexpl vim-nerdtree vim-syntastic vim-workspace vlc vncrack vnstat vpnc weplab whdd whois wifite-mod-pixiewps-git wipe wireshark-cli wpscrack wput x11vnc xfburn xfsdump xfsprogs xmlto xorg xorg-drivers xorg-xinit xterm zerofree zip zsh