== I don't like BDisk. Are there any other alternatives? First, I'm sorry to hear that BDisk doesn't suit your needs. If you want any features you think are missing or encounter any <>, please report them! But yes; there are plenty of alternatives! I encourage you to search for yourself, but I've tried to be as impartial as I can for the below. NOTE: Only *currently maintained projects* are listed here. === https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/archboot[Archboot^] Written in Bash [frame="topbot",options="header,footer"] |====================== |Pros|Cons |Highly featureful|Arch-only live media |Includes an assisted Arch install script|Inaccessible to non-Arch users |Can create tarballs too|Not very customizable by default |Supports hybrid ISOs|Infrequent stable releases |Supports PXE-booting infrastructure|Requires a systemd build host |Supports SecureBoot|Not a secure setup by default |Supports GRUB2's "ISO-loopback" mode|Builds a much larger image |Official Arch project|Some graphical bugs ||Much more disk space is necessary for the tool itself ||*Only* runs in RAM, so not ideal for RAM-constrained systems ||Based on/requires an Arch build host ||Requires an x86_64 build host ||Has a large amount of dependencies ||Manual intervention required for build process ||Minimal documentation || |====================== === https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/archiso[Archiso^] Written in Bash. [frame="topbot",options="header,footer"] |====================== |Pros|Cons |Used to build the official Arch ISO|Requires an x86_64 build host |Supports custom local on-disk repositories|Not very featureful as far as customization goes |Supports arbitrary file placement in finished image|Requires an Arch build host |Supports hybrid ISOs|Has odd quirks with package selection |Supports Secureboot|Manual intervention required for build process |Official Arch project|Does not start networking by default |Can run in RAM or from media|Very minimal environment ||Arch-only live meda ||Documentation is lacking || |====================== === Debian's https://wiki.debian.org/Simple-CDD[Simple-CDD^] Written in Bash (some Python). [frame="topbot",options="header,footer"] |====================== |Pros|Cons |Supports custom packages to be installed|Very limited -- no customization beyond package listing |Lightweight; quick to set up|Takes a long time for preparation; requires a clone of many .deb packages first. ||Doesn't seem to work as according to https://wiki.debian.org/Simple-CDD/Howto[the documentation^] ||Documentation is sparse ||Full featureset unknown due to ISO not building on Debian Jessie (8.0) || |====================== === Fedora's https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Livemedia-creator-_How_to_create_and_use_a_Live_CD[Livemedia-creator^] Written in Bash. [frame="topbot",options="header,footer"] |====================== |Pros|Cons |Somewhat customizable|Requires manual initialization of chroot(s) via https://github.com/rpm-software-management/mock/wiki[mock^] |Uses kickstart configurations|*Requires* a kickstart configuration in order to be useful |Simple/easy to use|Full featureset unknown; documentation is sparse ||Limited configuration/customization || |====================== === https://github.com/rhinstaller/livecd-tools[LiveCD Tools^] Written in Python 2, some Bash. [frame="topbot",options="header,footer"] |====================== |Pros|Cons |Can use kickstarts|*Requires* a kickstart configuration |Simple/easy to use to use|Limited configuration/customization |Automatically builds chroots|Full featureset unknown; documentation is sparse || |======================