
273 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

import os
import tarfile
import shutil
import glob
import subprocess
import hashlib
import jinja2
from urllib.request import urlopen
def genImg(build):
arch = build['arch']
chrootdir = build['chrootdir']
archboot = build['archboot']
hashes = {}
hashes['sha256'] = {}
hashes['md5'] = {}
for a in arch:
# Create the squashfs image
airoot = archboot + '/' + a + '/'
squashimg = airoot + 'airootfs.sfs'
os.makedirs(airoot, exist_ok = True)
print("Generating squashed filesystem image for {0}. Please wait...".format(chrootdir))
cmd = ['/usr/bin/squashfs-tools', chrootdir, squashimg, '-noappend', '-comp', 'xz']
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, bufsize = 1)
#for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''):
for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, ''):
# Generate the checksum files
print("Now generating SHA256 and MD5 hash checksum files for {0}. Please wait...".format(squashimg))
hashes['sha256'][a] = hashlib.sha256()
hashes['md5'][a] = hashlib.md5()
with open(squashimg, 'rb') as f:
while True:
stream = # 64kb chunks
if not stream:
# NOTE: these items are hashlib objects, NOT strings!
with open(airoot + 'airootfs.sha256', 'w+') as f:
f.write("{0} airootfs.sfs".format(hashes['sha256'][a].hexdigest()))
with open(airoot + 'airootfs.md5', 'w+') as f:
f.write("{0} airootfs.sfs".format(hashes['md5'][a].hexdigest()))
def genUEFI(build, bdisk):
arch = build['arch']
# 32-bit EFI implementations are nigh nonexistant.
# We don't really need to worry about them.
# Plus there's always multiarch.
# I can probably do this better with a dict... TODO.
if 'x86_64' in arch:
os.makedirs(tempdir + '/EFI/boot', exist_ok = True)
tempdir = build['tempdir']
basedir = build['basedir']
templates_dir = build['basedir'] + '/extra/templates'
efiboot_img = tempdir + '/EFI/' + bdisk['name'] + '/efiboot.img'
## Download the EFI shells if we don't have them.
# For UEFI 2.3+ (
if not os.path.isfile(tempdir + '/EFI/shellx64_v2.efi'):
shell2_path = tempdir + '/EFI/shellx64_v2.efi'
print("You are missing {0}. We'll download it for you.".format(shell2_path))
shell2_url = ''
shell2_fetch = urlopen(shell2_url)
with open(shell2_path, 'wb+') as dl:
# Shell for older versions (
# TODO: is there an Arch package for this? can we just install that in the chroot and copy the shell binaries?
if not os.path.isfile(tempdir + '/EFI/shellx64_v1.efi'):
shell1_path = tempdir + '/EFI/shellx64_v1.efi'
print("You are missing {0}. We'll download it for you.".format(shell1_path))
shell1_url = ''
shell1_fetch = urlopen(shell1_url)
with open(shell1_path, 'wb+') as dl:
print("Now configuring UEFI bootloading...")
## But wait! That's not all! We need more binaries.
shim_url = ''
for f in ('bootx64.efi', 'HashTool.efi'):
if not os.path.isfile(tempdir + '/EFI/boot/' + f):
url = shim_url + f
url_fetch = urlopen(url)
with open(tempdir + '/EFI/boot/' + f) as dl:
# And we also need the systemd efi bootloader.
if os.path.isfile(tempdir + '/EFI/boot/loader.efi'):
os.remove(tempdir + '/EFI/boot/loader.efi')
shutil.copy2(chrootdir + '/root.x86_64/usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi/systemd-bootx64.efi', tempdir + '/EFI/boot/loader.efi')
# And the accompanying configs for the systemd efi bootloader, too.
loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(templates_dir)
env = jinja2.Environment(loader = loader)
os.makedirs(tempdir + '/loader/entries', exist_ok = True)
for t in ('loader', 'ram', 'base', 'uefi2', 'uefi1'):
if t == 'base':
fname = bdisk['uxname'] + '.conf'
elif ('uefi1', 'uefi2') in t:
fname = t + '.conf'
fname = bdisk['uxname'] + '_' + t + '.conf'
if t == 'loader':
tplpath = tempdir + '/loader/'
fname = 'loader.conf' # we change the var from above because it's an oddball.
tplpath = tempdir + '/loader/entries/'
tpl = env.get_template(t)
tpl_out = tpl.render(build = build, bdisk = bdisk)
with open(tplpath + fname, "w+") as f:
# And we need to get filesizes (in bytes) for everything we need to include in the ESP.
# This is more important than it looks.
sizetotal = 786432 # we start with 768KB and add to it for wiggle room
sizefiles = ['/boot/' + bdisk['uxname'] + '.64.img',
for i in sizefiles:
sizetotal += os.path.getsize(tempdir + i)
# Loader configs
for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(tempdir + '/loader/'):
for file in files:
fname = os.path.join(path, file)
sizetotal += os.path.getsize(fname)
# And now we create the file...
print("Now creating a {0} bytes EFI ESP image at {1}. Please wait...".format(sizetotal, efiboot_img))
if os.path.isfile(efiboot_img):
with open(efiboot_img, 'w+') as f:
cmd = ['/sbin/mkfs.vfat', '-F', '32', '-n', bdisk['name'] + '_EFI', efiboot_img]
cmd = ['/bin/mount', efiboot_img, build['mountpt']]
os.makedirs(build['mountpt'] + '/' + bdisk['name'])
os.makedirs(build['mountpt'] + '/EFI/boot')
os.makedirs(build['mountpt'] + '/loader/entries')
# Ready for some deja vu? This is because it uses an embedded version as well for hybrid ISO.
# I think.
# TODO: just move this to a function instead, with "efi" as a param and change
# the templates to use "if efi == 'yes'" instead.
# function should set the "installation" path for the conf as well based on the value of efi
# parameter.
loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(templates_dir)
env = jinja2.Environment(loader = loader)
os.makedirs(build['mountpt'] + 'loader/entries', exist_ok = True)
for t in ('loader', 'ram', 'base', 'uefi2', 'uefi1'):
if t == 'base':
fname = bdisk['uxname'] + '.conf'
elif ('uefi1', 'uefi2') in t:
fname = t + '.conf'
fname = bdisk['uxname'] + '_' + t + '.conf'
if t == 'loader':
tplpath = build['mountpt'] + '/loader/'
fname = 'loader.conf' # we change the var from above because it's an oddball.
tplpath = build['mountpt'] + '/loader/entries/'
tpl = env.get_template(t)
tpl_out = tpl.render(build = build, bdisk = bdisk, efi = 'yes')
with open(tplpath + fname, "w+") as f:
for x in ('bootx64.efi', 'HashTool.efi', 'loader.efi', 'shellx64_v1.efi', 'shellx64_v2.efi'):
y = tempdir + '/EFI/boot/' + x
z = mountpt + '/EFI/boot/' + x
if os.path.isfile(z):
shutil.copy(y, z)
cmd = ['/bin/umount', mountpt]
def genISO(conf):
build = conf['build']
bdisk = conf['bdisk']
archboot = build['archboot']
tempdir = build['tempdir']
builddir = tempdir + '/' + bdisk['name']
extradir = build['basedir'] + '/extra/'
# arch[0] is safe to use, even if multiarch, because the only cases when it'd be ambiguous
# is when x86_64 is specifically set to [0]. See's parseConfig().
syslinuxdir = build['chrootdir'] + '/root.' + arch[0] + '/usr/lib/syslinux/'
sysl_tmp = tempdir + '/isolinux/'
ver = build['ver']
isofile = '{0}-{1}.iso'.format(bdisk['uxname'], bdisk['ver'])
isopath = build['isodir'] + '/' + isofile
arch = build['arch']
# In case we're building a single-arch ISO...
if len(arch) == 1:
isolinux_cfg = extradir + 'templates/BIOS/isolinux.cfg.arch.j2'
if arch[0] == 'i686':
bitness = '32'
elif arch[0] == 'x86_64':
bitness = '64'
if build['ipxe']:
ipxe = conf['ipxe']
if ipxe['iso']:
minifile = '{0}-{1}-mini.iso'.format(bdisk['uxname'], bdisk['ver'])
minipath = build['isodir'] + '/' + minifile
if ipxe['usb']:
usbfile = '{0}-{1}-mini.usb.img'.format(bdisk['uxname'], bdisk['ver'])
minipath = build['isodir'] + '/' + usbfile
isolinux_cfg = extradir + 'templates/BIOS/isolinux.cfg.multi.j2'
bitness = False
if os.path.isfile(isopath):
if archboot != tempdir + '/' + bdisk['name']: # best to use static concat here...
if os.path.isdir(builddir):
shutil.rmtree(builddir, ignore_errors = True)
shutil.copytree(archboot, builddir)
# Copy isolinux files
print("Now staging some files for ISO preparation. Please wait...")
isolinux_files = ['isolinux.bin',
# TODO: implement debugging mode in bdisk
#if debug:
# isolinux_files[0] = 'isolinux-debug.bin'
os.makedirs(sysl_tmp, exist_ok = True)
for f in isolinux_files:
if os.path.isfile(sysl_tmp + f):
os.remove(sysl_tmp + f)
shutil.copy2(syslinuxdir + f, sysl_tmp + f)
ifisolinux_files = ['ldlinux.c32',
for f in ifisolinux_files:
if os.path.isfile(sysl_tmp + f):
os.remove(sysl_tmp + f)
shutil.copy2(syslinuxdir + f, sysl_tmp + f)
# And we need to build the ISO!
print("Now generating the full ISO at {0}. Please wait.".format(isopath))
cmd = ['/usr/bin/xorriso',
'-as', 'mkisofs',
'-iso-level', '3',
'-volid', bdisk['name'],
'-appid', bdisk['desc'],
'-publisher', bdisk['dev'],
'-preparer', 'prepared by ' + bdisk['dev'],
'-eltorito-boot', 'isolinux/isolinux.bin',
'-eltorito-catalog', 'isolinux/',
'-boot-load-size', '4',
'-isohybrid-mbr', syslinuxdir + 'isohdpfx.bin',
'-e', 'EFI/' + bdisk['name'] + '/efiboot.img',
'-output', isopath,
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, bufsize = 1)
#for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''):
for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, ''):
def cleanUp():
# TODO: clear out all of tempdir?