
116 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<borg xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- You can have multiple server elements, but each one *MUST* have a unique "target" attribute. -->
"target" = either the local filesystem path (absolute or relative to execution) or the remote host
"remote" = 1/true if "target" is a remote host or 0/false if it's a local filepath
"rsh" = (remote host only) the ssh command to use. The default is given below.
"user" = (remote host only) the ssh user to use.
"dummy" = a boolean; if you need to create a "dummy" server, set this to "true".
It will *not* be parsed or executed upon.
It won't even be created by an init operation or show up in a repolist operation.
<server target="fq.dn.tld" remote="true" rsh="ssh -p 22" user="root">
<!-- You can (and probably will) have multiple repos for each server. -->
"name" = the repository name.
"password" = the repository's password for the key. If not specified, you will be prompted
to enter it interactively and securely.
"dummy" = see server[@dummy] explanation.
"compression" = see (-C option)
<repo name="testrepo"
keepWithin specifies a flat time period for archive retention during a prune.
The keepWithin attribute's format (ISO 8601 Duration) can be found here:
It must be positive. The "alternative"/"extended" variant (the one using colons) should be supported
(but may be unpredictable).
It is optional. If no keepWithin or keepLast (below) is specified, this repo will be skipped during
prune operations.
The below example would prune anything older than 1 month, 2 minutes, and 30 seconds.
If both keepWithin and keepLast is provided, keepLast only affects archives *before* the time period
specified by keepWithin.
keepLast specifies a *policy* for retention.
It can be used to specify explicit "N archives per Y". For example, the below retains the first
archive for each month (going back 2 months), and the first archive each year for the last three years.
Each path entry is a path to back up.
Note that globbing, etc. is *disabled* for security reasons, so you will need to specify all
parent directories explicitly.
Recursing is enabled, though.
<!-- Each exclude entry should be a subdirectory of a <path> (otherwise it wouldn't match). -->
<!-- Prep items are executed in non-guaranteed order (but are likely to be performed in order given).
If you require them to be in a specific order, you should use a wrapper script and
use that as a prep item. -->
<!-- "inline" = if true/1, the provided text will be temporarily written to disk, executed, and deleted.
if false/0, the provided text is assumed to be a single-shot command/path to a script
(arguments are not currently supported, but may be in the future). -->
<!-- If using inline especially, take note of and use XML escape characters:
" = &quot;
' = &apos;
< = &lt;
> = &gt;
& = &amp;
and note that whitespace (including leading!) *is* preserved. -->
<!-- It *MUST* return 0 on success. -->
<prep inline="1">#!/bin/bash
# this is block text
<prep inline="0">/usr/local/bin/</prep>
<!-- Plugins are direct Python modules, and are alternatives to prep items.
They must:
- be in the Python's path environment (or a path must be provided) either absolute or relative to
*execution*, not the script's placement in the filesystem)
- contain a class called <module>.Backup() (which will execute all tasks on initialization)
See plugins/ directory for examples and below for example of invocation. -->
<!-- Each plugin item MUST define a "name" attribute. This is the name of the module to import.
"path" = (optional) the directory containing the plugin module; it must end in .py -->
<plugin name="mysql" path="./plugins">
<!-- Param elements are optional. Each param element MUST define a "key" attribute; this is
the name of the parameter. (For positional attributes, this should match the name used
by the <module>.Backup().init() parameter name.)
If you want a parameter to be provided but with a None value, make it self-enclosed
(e.g. '<param key="someparam"/>').
If you need to serialize pythonic objects (lists, dicts, booleans),
then set the "json" attribute to 1/true and provide the data in minified
JSON format (also referred to as "compressed JSON") - see "tools/ -h". -->
<param key="dbs" json="true">["db1","db2"]</param>
<param key="splitdumps" json="true">true</param>
<param key="dumpopts" json="true">["--routines","--add-drop-database","--add-drop-table","--allow-keywords","--complete-insert","--create-options","--extended-insert"]</param>
<plugin name="ldap" path="./plugins">
<param key="server">ldap://my.server.tld</param>
<param key="binddn">cn=Manager,dc=server,dc=tld</param>
<param key="password">SuperSecretPassword</param>
<param key="splitldifs" json="true">false</param>
<!-- You can also include other snippets. Either absolute paths, paths relative to your backup.xml file,
or a URL. -->
<xi:include href="sample.config.snippet.xml"/>