{{- /*gotype: r00t2.io/clientinfo/server.Page*/ -}} {{- define "meta.info" -}} {{- $page := . -}} {{- $linkico := "🔗" }}
Your IP Address is {{ $page.Info.IP.String }}.
You are connecting with port {{ $page.Info.Port }} outbound.
{{- if $page.DoIndent }}
{{ $page.Raw }}{{- else }}
{{ $page.Raw }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
This is information that your browser sends to identify itself.
{{- range $idx, $ua := $page.Info.Client }}User Agent ({{ $idx }}):
Identifier | Value |
{{ $fld }} | {{ $str }} |
These are headers sent along with the request your browser sends for the page's content. Note that some headers may have multiple values.
Header | Value |
{{ $hdrNm }} | {{ $val }} | {{- end }}