2024-12-12 02:22:54 -05:00

108 lines
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package server
import (
type outerRenderer func(page *Page, resp http.ResponseWriter) (err error)
type XmlHeaders map[string][]string
// R00tInfo is the structure of data returned to the client.
type R00tInfo struct {
// XMLName is the element name/namespace of this object ("info").
XMLName xml.Name `json:"-" xml:"info" yaml:"-"`
// Client is the UA/Client info, if any passed by the client.
Client []*R00tClient `json:"ua,omitempty" xml:"ua,omitempty" yaml:"Client/User Agent,omitempty"`
// IP is the client IP address.
IP net.IP `json:"ip" xml:"ip,attr" yaml:"Client IP Address"`
// Port is the client's port number.
Port uint16 `json:"port" xml:"port,attr" yaml:"Client Port"`
// Headers are the collection of the request headers sent by the client.
Headers XmlHeaders `json:"headers" xml:"reqHeaders" yaml:"Request Headers"`
// Req contains the original request. It is not rendered but may be used for templating.
Req *http.Request `json:"-" xml:"-" yaml:"-"`
// R00tClient is the UA/Client info, if any passed by the client.
type R00tClient struct {
// XMLName is the element name/namespace of this object ("ua").
XMLName xml.Name `json:"-" xml:"ua" yaml:"-" uaField:"-" renderName:"-"`
// String contains the entire UA string.
String *string `json:"str,omitempty" xml:",chardata" yaml:"String"`
// ClientVer is a parsed version structure of the client version (see ClientVerStr for the combined string).
ClientVer *Ver `json:"ver,omitempty" xml:"version,omitempty" yaml:"Client Version,omitempty" uaField:"VersionNo" renderName:"-"`
// OSVer is the parsed OS version info of the client (see OsVersionStr for the combined string).
OSVer *Ver `json:"os_ver,omitempty" xml:"osVersion,omitempty" yaml:"Operating System Version,omitempty" uaField:"OSVersionNo" renderName:"-"`
// URL, if any, is the URL of the client.
URL *string `json:"url,omitempty" xml:"url,attr,omitempty" yaml:"URL,omitempty"`
// Name is the client software name.
Name *string `json:"name,omitempty" xml:"name,attr,omitempty" yaml:"Program/Name,omitempty"`
// ClientVerStr contains the full version as a string (see also Clientversion).
ClientVerStr *string `json:"ver_str,omitempty" xml:"verStr,attr,omitempty" yaml:"Client Version String,omitempty" uaField:"Version" renderName:"Client Version"`
// OS is the operating system of the client.
OS *string `json:"os,omitempty" xml:"os,attr,omitempty" yaml:"Operating System,omitempty"`
// OsVerStr is the version of the operating system of the client.
OsVerStr *string `json:"os_ver_str,omitempty" xml:"osVerStr,attr,omitempty" yaml:"Operating System Version String,omitempty" uaField:"OSVersion" renderName:"Operating System Version"`
// Dev is the device type.
Dev *string `json:"dev,omitempty" xml:"dev,attr,omitempty" yaml:"Device,omitempty" uaField:"Device"`
// IsMobile is true if this is a mobile device.
IsMobile bool `json:"mobile" xml:"mobile,attr" yaml:"Is Mobile" uaField:"Mobile"`
// sTablet is true if this is a tablet.
IsTablet bool `json:"tablet" xml:"tablet,attr" yaml:"Is Tablet" uaField:"Tablet"`
// IsDesktop is true if this is a desktop/laptop.
IsDesktop bool `json:"desktop" xml:"desktop,attr" yaml:"Is Desktop" uaField:"Desktop"`
// IsBot is true if this is a bot.
IsBot bool `json:"bot" xml:"bot,attr" yaml:"Is Bot" uaField:"Bot"`
ua *useragent.UserAgent
type Ver struct {
// XMLName xml.Name `json:"-" xml:"version" yaml:"-"`
Major int `json:"major" xml:"maj,attr" yaml:"Major"`
Minor int `json:"minor" xml:"min,attr" yaml:"Minor"`
Patch int `json:"patch" xml:"patch,attr" yaml:"Patch"`
// Page is only used for HTML rendering.
type Page struct {
Info *R00tInfo
// e.g. "index.html.tpl"; populated by handler
PageType string
// Nil unless `?include=` specified, otherwise a block of text to be wrapped in <code>...</code>.
Raw *string
// RawFmt is the MIME type for Raw, if `?include=` enabled/specified.
RawFmt *string
// Indent specifies the indentation string.
Indent string
// DoIndent indicates if indenting was enabled.
DoIndent bool
type Server struct {
log logging.Logger
args *args.Args
listenUri *url.URL
isHttp bool
mux *http.ServeMux
sock net.Listener
doneChan chan bool
stopChan chan os.Signal
reloadChan chan os.Signal
isStopping bool
// https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml
type parsedMIME struct {
MIME string
Weight float32 // Technically a param (q; "qualifier"?), but copied and converted here for easier sorting.
Params map[string]string