package logging import ( "log" `os` ) /* Logger is one of the various loggers offered by this module. */ type Logger interface { Alert(s string, v ...interface{}) (err error) Crit(s string, v ...interface{}) (err error) Debug(s string, v ...interface{}) (err error) Emerg(s string, v ...interface{}) (err error) Err(s string, v ...interface{}) (err error) Info(s string, v ...interface{}) (err error) Notice(s string, v ...interface{}) (err error) Warning(s string, v ...interface{}) (err error) DoDebug(d bool) (err error) SetPrefix(p string) (err error) GetPrefix() (p string, err error) Setup() (err error) Shutdown() (err error) } /* StdLogger uses the log package in stdlib to perform all logging. The default is to write to STDOUT. If you wish to modify the underling log.Logger object, you can access it directly via StdLogger.Logger. */ type StdLogger struct { // All log.Logger fields/methods are exposed. *log.Logger /* EnableDebug indicates if the debug filter should be disabled (true) or if the filter should be enabled (false). This prevents potential data leak of sensitive information, as some loggers (e.g. FileLogger) will otherwise write all messages. */ EnableDebug bool // Prefix indicates the prefix for log entries; in shared logs, this helps differentiate the source. Prefix string /* LogFlags control some of the formatting options presented as an OR'd value. See for flag details. e.g.: *StdLogger.LogFlags = log.Ldate | log.Lmicroseconds | log.Llongfile | log.LUTC // a very detailed log output *StdLogger.LogFlags = log.Ldate | log.Ltime // the flags used by log.Default() (also available as simply log.LstdFlags) The default is 0; no flags (no output except prefix if non-empty and message). You will need to run *StdLogger.Shutdown and then *StdLogger.Setup again if you wish to change this. */ LogFlags int } /* FileLogger uses a StdLogger with a file handle writer to write to the file given at Path. NOTE: If you wish to change the FileLogger.StdLogger.LogFlags, do *not* run FileLogger.StdLogger.Setup after doing so as this will instead create a logger detached from the file handler. Instead, be sure to call FileLogger.Setup. (Alternatively, run FileLogger.Shutdown and replace your logger with a new FileLogger.) */ type FileLogger struct { // StdLogger is used for the log formation and handling. See StdLogger for more details. StdLogger // Path is the path to the logfile. Path string /* EnableStdOut is true if the log will send to STDOUT as well as the file (and STDERR if FileLogger.EnableStdErr == true). If false (default), it will only (silently) write to the log file. You will need to run FileLogger.Shutdown and then FileLogger.Setup again if you wish to change this. */ EnableStdOut bool /* EnableStdErr is true if the log will send to STDERR as well as the file (and STDOUT if FileLogger.EnableStdOut == true). If false (default), it will only (silently) write to the log file. You will need to run *FileLogger.Shutdown and then *FileLogger.Setup again if you wish to change this. */ EnableStdErr bool // writer is used for the writing out of the log file. writer *os.File } // MultiLogger is used to contain one or more Loggers and present them all as a single Logger. type MultiLogger struct { /* EnableDebug indicates if the debug filter should be disabled (true) or if the filter should be enabled (false). This prevents potential data leak of sensitive information, as some loggers (e.g. FileLogger) will otherwise write all messages. */ EnableDebug bool // Prefix indicates the prefix for log entries; in shared logs, this helps differentiate the source. Prefix string /* Loggers contains a map of map[logname]Logger. It can be used to set log-specific options, or replace a Logger with one of a different type or options. */ Loggers map[string]Logger }