//// Go WireProto API Documentation © 2024 by Brent Saner is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ //// = Go WireProto API Documentation Brent Saner Last rendered {localdatetime} :doctype: book :docinfo: shared :data-uri: :imagesdir: images :sectlinks: :sectnums: :sectnumlevels: 7 :toc: preamble :toc2: left :idprefix: :toclevels: 7 :source-highlighter: rouge :docinfo: shared :this_protover: 1 :this_protover_hex: 0x00000001 [id="ref"] == Reference In addition to the documentation found in this document and https://wireproto.io/[the specification^], library usage documentation can be found at https://pkg.go.dev/go.pkg.dev/r00t2.io/WireProto[the Golang module documentation page^]: ++++ Go Reference ++++ [id="lic"] == License This library is licensed for use, inclusion, and distribution under the https://opensource.org/license/bsd-3-clause["3-Clause BSD" license^]. .Full License [%collapsible] ==== [source,plain] ---- include::LICENSE[] ---- ==== [id="todo"] == TODO The following are a wishlist or things planned that may come in later versions. * More clear errors ** Currently during e.g. `UnmarshalBinary` calls, just an `io.EOF` will be returned if the buffer is exhausted early. This may be able to be a little more context-helpful by using the `Err*` errors. * Confirmation of read/write sizes in buffers ** The sizes they *should* be are known, there's no reason to not confirm it. * Goroutines ** This of course won't work for serializing and keeping *order* of children (e.g. RG => Record); that'd still need to be ordered, but it will allow for parallel parsing *of* those children. Should benchmark, though; it may not be worth it. * `context.Context` support for `Read*` and `Write*` funcs ** This is a relatively low priority as the passed `net.Conn` will likely return an error if its own context is canceled. This can be handled in the caller downstream.