package gokwallet // KWalletD Dbus interfaces. const ( // DbusService is the Dbus service bus identifier. DbusService string = "org.kde.kwalletd5" // DbusServiceBase is the base identifier used by interfaces. DbusServiceBase string = "org.kde" ) // gokwallet defaults. const ( // DefaultWalletName is the name of the default Wallet to use. DefaultWalletName string = "kdewallet" // DefaultAppID is the default name for the application (see WalletManager.AppID). DefaultAppID string = "GoKwallet" ) // WalletManager interface. const ( /* DbusInterfaceWM is the Dbus interface for working with a WalletManager. */ DbusInterfaceWM string = DbusServiceBase + ".KWallet" // Methods // DbusWMChangePassword changes the password for a Wallet. DbusWMChangePassword string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".changePassword" // DbusWMClose closes an App (WalletManager) or Wallet. DbusWMClose string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".close" // DbusWMCloseAllWallets closes all WalletManager.Wallets. DbusWMCloseAllWallets string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".closeAllWallets" // DbusWMCreateFolder creates a Folder. DbusWMCreateFolder string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".createFolder" // DbusWMDeleteWallet deletes/removes a Wallet. DbusWMDeleteWallet string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".deleteWallet" // DbusWMDisconnectApp disconnects a WalletManager (or other App). DbusWMDisconnectApp string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".disconnectApplication" // DbusWMEntriesList returns a *map* of the WalletItem objects in a Folder (with their entry name as the map key). DbusWMEntriesList string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".entriesList" // DbusWMEntryList returns a *slice* of WalletItem names in a Folder. DbusWMEntryList string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".entryList" // DbusWMEntryType returns the type of a WalletItem. DbusWMEntryType string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".entryType" // DbusWMFolderNotExist indicates if a Folder exists within a Wallet or not. DbusWMFolderNotExist string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".folderDoesNotExist" // DbusWMFolderList lists the Folder objects (as Folder.Name) in a Wallet. DbusWMFolderList string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".folderList" // DbusWMHasEntry indicates if a Folder has a WalletItem or not. DbusWMHasEntry string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".hasEntry" // DbusWMHasFolder indicates if a Wallet has a Folder or not. DbusWMHasFolder string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".hasFolder" /* DbusWMIsEnabled indicates if KWallet is enabled. TODO: Is this accurate? */ DbusWMIsEnabled string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".isEnabled" // DbusWMIsOpen indicates if a Wallet is open (unlocked). DbusWMIsOpen string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".isOpen" // DbusWMKeyNotExist indicates if a Folder has a WalletItem or not. DbusWMKeyNotExist string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".keyDoesNotExist" // DbusWMLocalWallet gives the name of the local (default?) Wallet. DbusWMLocalWallet string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".localWallet" // DbusWMMapList gives a list of Map names in a Folder. DbusWMMapList string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".mapList" /* DbusWMNetWallet indicates if a Wallet is a Network Wallet or not. TODO: is/was this ever used? */ DbusWMNetWallet string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".networkWallet" // DbusWMOpen opens (unlocks) a Wallet. DbusWMOpen string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".open" // DbusWMOpenAsync opens (unlocks) a Wallet asynchronously. DbusWMOpenAsync string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".openAsync" // DbusWMOpenPath opens (unlocks) a Wallet by its filepath. DbusWMOpenPath string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".openPath" // DbusWMOpenPathAsync opens (unlocks) a Wallet by its filepath asynchronously. DbusWMOpenPathAsync string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".openPath" // DbusWMPamOpen opens (unlocks) a Wallet via PAM. DbusWMPamOpen string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".pamOpen" /* DbusWMPasswordList returns a map of Password objects in a Folder. Password.Name is the map key. */ DbusWMPasswordList string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".passwordList" // DbusWMReadEntry fetches a WalletItem by its name from a Folder (as a byteslice). DbusWMReadEntry string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".readEntry" // DbusWMReadEntryList returns a map of WalletItem objects in a Folder. DbusWMReadEntryList string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".readEntryList" // DbusWMReadMap returns a Map from a Folder (as a byteslice). DbusWMReadMap string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".readMap" // DbusWMReadMapList returns a map of Map objects in a Folder. DbusWMReadMapList string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".readMapList" // DbusWMReadPassword returns a Password from a Folder (as a byteslice). DbusWMReadPassword string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".readPassword" // DbusWMReadPasswordList returns a map of Password objects in a Folder. DbusWMReadPasswordList string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".readPasswordList" // DbusWMReconfigure is [FUNCTION UNKNOWN/UNDOCUMENTED; TODO? NOT IMPLEMENTED.] // DbusWMReconfigure string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".reconfigure" // DbusWMRemoveEntry removes a WalletItem from a Folder. DbusWMRemoveEntry string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".removeEntry" // DbusWMRemoveFolder removes a Folder from a Wallet. DbusWMRemoveFolder string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".removeFolder" // DbusWMRenameEntry renames ("moves") a WalletItem. DbusWMRenameEntry string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".renameEntry" // DbusWMSync is [FUNCTION UNKNOWN/UNDOCUMENTED; TODO? RELATED TO ASYNC? NOT IMPLEMENTED.] // DbusWMSync string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".sync" // DbusWMUsers returns a slice of users. DbusWMUsers string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".users" // DbusWMWallets returns an array of Wallet names. DbusWMWallets string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".wallets" // DbusWMWriteEntry writes (creates) a WalletItem to/in a Folder. DbusWMWriteEntry string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".writeEntry" // DbusWMWriteMap writes (creates) a Map (via a byteslice) to/in a Folder. DbusWMWriteMap string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".writeMap" // DbusWMWritePassword writes (creates) a Password to/in a Folder. DbusWMWritePassword string = DbusInterfaceWM + ".writePassword" ) // Dbus paths. const ( // DbusPath is the path for DbusService. DbusPath string = "/modules/kwalletd5" ) // Recursion options. /* RecurseNone specifies that no recursion should be done. If present, it takes precedent over all over RecurseOptsFlags present. Performed in/from: WalletManager Wallet Folder (WalletItem) */ const RecurseNone RecurseOptsFlag = 0 const ( /* RecurseWallet indicates that Wallet objects should have Wallet.Update called. Performed in/from: WalletManager */ RecurseWallet RecurseOptsFlag = 1 << iota /* RecurseFolder indicates that Folder objects should have Folder.Update called. Performed in/from: Wallet May be performed in/from (depending on other flags): WalletManager */ RecurseFolder /* RecurseWalletItem indicates that all WalletItem entries should have (WalletItem).Update() called. If present, it takes precedent over all over relevant RecurseOptsFlags present (RecursePassword, RecurseMap, RecurseBlob, RecurseUnknown). Performed in/from: Folder May be performed in/from (depending on other flags): WalletManager Wallet */ RecurseWalletItem /* RecursePassword indicates that Password objects should have Password.Update() called. Performed in/from: Folder May be performed in/from (depending on other flags): WalletManager Wallet */ RecursePassword /* RecurseMap indicates that Map objects should have Map.Update() called. Performed in/from: Folder May be performed in/from (depending on other flags): WalletManager Wallet */ RecurseMap /* RecurseBlob indicates that Blob objects should have Blob.Update() called. Performed in/from: Folder May be performed in/from (depending on other flags): WalletManager Wallet */ RecurseBlob /* RecurseUnknown indicates that UnknownItem objects should have UnknownItem.Update() called. Performed in/from: Folder May be performed in/from (depending on other flags): WalletManager Wallet */ RecurseUnknown )