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package gosecret
import (
NewCollection returns a pointer to a Collection based on a Service and a Dbus path.
You will almost always want to use Service.GetCollection instead.
func NewCollection(service *Service, path dbus.ObjectPath) (coll *Collection, err error) {
var splitPath []string
if service == nil {
2021-11-21 23:12:25 -05:00
err = ErrNoDbusConn
if _, err = validConnPath(service.Conn, path); err != nil {
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coll = &Collection{
DbusObject: &DbusObject{
Conn: service.Conn,
Dbus: service.Conn.Object(DbusService, path),
service: service,
// lastModified: time.Now(),
splitPath = strings.Split(string(coll.Dbus.Path()), "/")
coll.name = splitPath[len(splitPath)-1]
_, _, err = coll.Modified()
2021-12-12 02:29:29 -05:00
// CreateItem returns a pointer to an Item based on a label, some attributes, a Secret, and whether any existing secret with the same label should be replaced or not.
func (c *Collection) CreateItem(label string, attrs map[string]string, secret *Secret, replace bool) (item *Item, err error) {
2021-12-12 02:29:29 -05:00
var prompt *Prompt
var path dbus.ObjectPath
var promptPath dbus.ObjectPath
var variant *dbus.Variant
var props map[string]dbus.Variant = make(map[string]dbus.Variant)
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props[DbusItemLabel] = dbus.MakeVariant(label)
props[DbusItemAttributes] = dbus.MakeVariant(attrs)
if err = c.Dbus.Call(
DbusCollectionCreateItem, 0, props, secret, replace,
).Store(&path, &promptPath); err != nil {
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if isPrompt(promptPath) {
prompt = NewPrompt(c.Conn, promptPath)
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if variant, err = prompt.Prompt(); err != nil {
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path = variant.Value().(dbus.ObjectPath)
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item, err = NewItem(c, path)
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Delete removes a Collection.
While *technically* not necessary, it is recommended that you iterate through
Collection.Items and do an Item.Delete for each item *before* calling Collection.Delete;
the item paths are cached as "orphaned paths" in Dbus otherwise if not deleted before deleting
their Collection. They should clear on a reboot or restart of Dbus (but rebooting Dbus on a system in use is... troublesome).
func (c *Collection) Delete() (err error) {
var promptPath dbus.ObjectPath
var prompt *Prompt
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if err = c.Dbus.Call(DbusCollectionDelete, 0).Store(&promptPath); err != nil {
if isPrompt(promptPath) {
prompt = NewPrompt(c.Conn, promptPath)
if _, err = prompt.Prompt(); err != nil {
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// Items returns a slice of Item pointers in the Collection.
func (c *Collection) Items() (items []*Item, err error) {
var paths []dbus.ObjectPath
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var item *Item
var variant dbus.Variant
var errs []error = make([]error, 0)
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if variant, err = c.Dbus.GetProperty(DbusCollectionItems); err != nil {
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paths = variant.Value().([]dbus.ObjectPath)
items = make([]*Item, len(paths))
for idx, path := range paths {
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if item, err = NewItem(c, path); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
err = nil
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items[idx] = item
err = NewErrors(err)
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// Label returns the Collection label (name).
func (c *Collection) Label() (label string, err error) {
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var variant dbus.Variant
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if variant, err = c.Dbus.GetProperty(DbusCollectionLabel); err != nil {
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label = variant.Value().(string)
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if label != c.name {
c.name = label
// Locked indicates if a Collection is locked (true) or unlocked (false).
func (c *Collection) Locked() (isLocked bool, err error) {
var variant dbus.Variant
if variant, err = c.Dbus.GetProperty(DbusCollectionLocked); err != nil {
isLocked = true
isLocked = variant.Value().(bool)
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// Relabel modifies the Collection's label in Dbus.
func (c *Collection) Relabel(newLabel string) (err error) {
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var variant dbus.Variant = dbus.MakeVariant(newLabel)
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if err = c.Dbus.SetProperty(DbusCollectionLabel, variant); err != nil {
2021-12-12 02:29:29 -05:00
SearchItems searches a Collection for a matching profile string.
It's mostly a carry-over from go-libsecret, and is here for convenience.
I promise it's not useful for any other implementation/storage of SecretService whatsoever.
func (c *Collection) SearchItems(profile string) (items []*Item, err error) {
2021-12-12 02:29:29 -05:00
var paths []dbus.ObjectPath
var errs []error = make([]error, 0)
var attrs map[string]string = make(map[string]string, 0)
attrs["profile"] = profile
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if err = c.Dbus.Call(
DbusCollectionSearchItems, 0, attrs,
).Store(&paths); err != nil {
2021-12-12 02:29:29 -05:00
items = make([]*Item, len(paths))
for idx, path := range paths {
if items[idx], err = NewItem(c, path); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
err = nil
err = NewErrors(err)
// Created returns the time.Time of when a Collection was created.
func (c *Collection) Created() (created time.Time, err error) {
var variant dbus.Variant
var timeInt uint64
if variant, err = c.Dbus.GetProperty(DbusCollectionCreated); err != nil {
timeInt = variant.Value().(uint64)
created = time.Unix(int64(timeInt), 0)
Modified returns the time.Time of when a Collection was last modified along with a boolean
that indicates if the collection has changed since the last call of Collection.Modified.
Note that when calling NewCollection, the internal library-tracked modification
time (Collection.lastModified) will be set to the latest modification time of the Collection
itself as reported by Dbus rather than the time that NewCollection was called.
func (c *Collection) Modified() (modified time.Time, isChanged bool, err error) {
var variant dbus.Variant
var timeInt uint64
if variant, err = c.Dbus.GetProperty(DbusCollectionModified); err != nil {
timeInt = variant.Value().(uint64)
modified = time.Unix(int64(timeInt), 0)
if !c.lastModifiedSet {
// It's "nil", so set it to modified. We can't check for a zero-value in case Dbus has it as a zero-value.
c.lastModified = modified
c.lastModifiedSet = true
isChanged = modified.After(c.lastModified)
c.lastModified = modified
2021-12-12 02:29:29 -05:00
setModify updates the Collection's modification time (as specified by Collection.Modified).
It seems that this does not update automatically.
func (c *Collection) setModify() (err error) {
err = c.Dbus.SetProperty(DbusCollectionModified, uint64(time.Now().Unix()))