#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import getpass import hashlib import os import pprint import sqlite3 import sys class Manager(object): def __init__(self, args): self.args = args self.conn = self.connect() self.conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row if 'interactive' not in self.args.keys(): self.args['interactive'] = False # Key mappings/types in user_info table; thanks to DireFog in Mumble's IRC channel for help with this. # src/murmur/ServerDB.h, enum UserInfo # 0 = User_Name # 1 = User_Email # 2 = User_Comment # 3 = User_Hash # 4 = User_Password # 5 = User_LastActive # 6 = User_KDFIterations self.infomap = {0: 'name', 1: 'email', 2: 'comment', 3: 'certhash', 4: 'password', 5: 'last_active', 6: 'kdf_iterations'} def connect(self): if not os.path.isfile(self.args['database']): raise FileNotFoundError('{0} does not exist! Check your path or create the initial databse by running murmurd.') conn = sqlite3.connect(self.args['database']) return(conn) def add(self): # SQLDO("INSERT INTO `%1users`... in src/murmur/ServerDB.cpp if not (self.args['certhash'] or self.args['password']): raise RuntimeError('You must specify either a certificate hash or a method for getting the password.') if self.args['certhash']: # it's a certificate fingerprint hash _e = '{0} is not a valid certificate fingerprint hash.'.format(self.args['certhash']) try: # Try *really hard* to mahe sure it's a SHA1. # SHA1s are 160 bits in length, in hex (the string representations are # 40 chars). However, we use 162 because of the prefix python3 adds # automatically: "0b". h = int(self.args['certhash'], 16) try: assert len(bin(h)) == 162 except AssertionError: raise ValueError(_e) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError(_e) if self.args['password']: # it's a password if self.args['password'] == 'stdin': self.args['password'] = hashlib.sha1(sys.stdin.read().replace('\n', '').encode('utf-8')).hexdigest().lower() else: _repeat = True while _repeat == True: _pass_in = getpass.getpass('What password should {0} have (will not echo back)? ') if not _pass_in or _pass_in == '': print('Invalid password. Please re-enter: ') else: self.args['password'] = hashlib.sha1(_pass_in.replace('\n', '').encode('utf-8')).hexdigest().lower() # Insert into the "users" table # I spit on the Mumble developers for not using https://sqlite.org/autoinc.html. # Warning: this is kind of dangerous, as you can hit a race condition here. _cur = self.conn.cursor() _cur.execute("SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE server_id = '{0}'".format(self.args['server'])) _used_ids = [i[0] for i in _cur.fetchall()] _used_ids2 = [x for x in range(_used_ids[0], _used_ids[-1] + 1)] _avail_uids = list(set(_used_ids) ^ set(_used_ids2)) _qinsert = {} _qinsert['lastchannel'] = '0' _qinsert['last_active'] = None # Change this to '' if it complains _qinsert['texture'] = None # Change this to '' if it complains _qinsert['uid'] = _avail_uids[0] for k in ('username', 'server', 'password'): _qinsert[k] = self.args[k] for k in _qinsert.keys(): if not _qinsert[k]: _qinsert[k] = '' _q = ("INSERT INTO users (server_id, user_id, name, pw, lastchannel, texture, last_active) " + "VALUES ('{server}', '{uid}', '{username}', '{password}', '{lastchannel}', '{texture}'," + "'{last_active}')").format(**_qinsert) _cur.execute(_q) self.conn.commit() # Insert into the "user_info" table for c in ('name', 'email', 'certhash', 'comment'): if self.args[c]: _qinsert = {} _qinsert['server'] = self.args['server'] _qinsert['user_id'] = _avail_uids[0] _qinsert['keyid'] = list(self.infomap.keys())[list(self.infomap.values()).index(c)] _qinsert['value'] = self.args[c] _q = ("INSERT INTO user_info (server_id, user_id, key, value) " + "VALUES ('{server}', '{user_id}', '{keyid}', '{value}')".format(**_qinsert)) _cur.execute(_q) self.conn.commit() _cur.close() # Insert into the "group_members" table if we need to if self.args['groups']: # The groups table, thankfully, has autoincrement. for g in self.args['groups']: _ginfo = {} _minsert = {'server': self.args['server'], 'uid': _avail_uids[0], 'addit': 1} _ginsert = {'server': self.args['server'], 'name': g, 'chan_id': 0, 'inherit': 1, 'inheritable': 1} _create = True _cur = self.conn.cursor() _q = "SELECT * FROM groups WHERE server_id = '{0}'".format(self.args['server']) _cur.execute(_q) for r in _cur.fetchall(): if r['name'] == g: _create = False _ginfo = r break if not _ginfo: create = True # Just in case... if _create: _q = ("INSERT INTO groups (server_id, name, channel_id, inherit, inheritable) " + "VALUES ('{server}', '{name}', '{chan_id}', '{inherit}', '{inheritable}')").format(**_ginsert) _cur.execute(_q) self.conn.commit() _lastins = _cur.lastrowid _q = ("SELECT * FROM groups WHERE group_id = '{0}' AND server_id = '{1}'").format(_lastins, self.args['server']) _cur.execute(_q) _ginfo = _cur.fetchone() _minsert['gid'] = _ginfo['group_id'] _q = ("INSERT INTO group_members (group_id, server_id, user_id, addit) " + "VALUES ('{gid}', '{server}', '{uid}', '{addit}')").format(**_minsert) _cur.execute(_q) self.conn.commit() _cur.close() return() def rm(self): _cur = self.conn.cursor() # First we'll need the user's UID. _q = "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE server_id = '{0}' AND name = '{1}'".format(self.args['server'], self.args['username']) _cur.execute(_q) _uid = _cur.fetchone()[0] # Then we get the groups the user's in; we'll need these in a bit. _q = "SELECT group_id FROM group_members WHERE server_id = '{0}' AND user_id = '{0}'".format(self.args['server'], _uid) _cur.execute(_q) _groups = [g[0] for g in _cur.fetchall()] # Okay, now we can delete the user and their metadata... _qtmpl = "DELETE FROM {0} WHERE server_id = '{1}' AND user_id = '{2}'" for t in ('users', 'group_members'): _q = _qtmpl.format(t, self.args['server'], _uid) _cur.execute(_q) self.conn.commit() if not self.args['noprune']: for t in ('user_info', 'acl'): _q = _qtmpl.format(t, self.args['server'], _uid) _cur.execute(_q) self.conn.commit() # Now some groups maintenance. if self.args['prunegrps']: for gid in _groups: _q = ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM group_members WHERE " + "server_id = '{0}' AND group_id = '{1}'").format(self.args['server'], gid) _cur.execute(_q) if _cur.fetchone()[0] == 0: _q = ("DELETE FROM group_members WHERE " + "server_id = '{0}' AND group_id = '{1}'").format(self.args['server'], gid) _cur.execute(_q) self.conn.commit() _cur.close() return() def lsUsers(self): users = {} _fields = ('server_id', 'user_id', 'name', 'pw', 'lastchannel', 'texture', 'last_active') if self.args['server']: try: self.args['server'] = int(self.args['server']) _q = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE server_id = '{0}'".format(self.args['server']) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass # It's set as None, which we'll parse to mean as "all" per the --help output. else: _q = 'SELECT * FROM users' _cur = self.conn.cursor() _cur.execute(_q) for r in _cur.fetchall(): _usr = r['user_id'] users[_usr] = {} for f in _fields: if f != 'user_id': # We set the dict key as this users[_usr][f] = r[f] _q = "SELECT * FROM user_info WHERE server_id = '{0}' AND user_id = '{1}'".format(r['server_id'], r['user_id']) _cur2 = self.conn.cursor() _cur2.execute(_q) for r2 in _cur2.fetchall(): if r2['key'] in self.infomap.keys(): users[_usr][self.infomap[r2['key']]] = r2['value'] _cur2.close() for k in self.infomap.keys(): if self.infomap[k] not in users[_usr].keys(): users[_usr][self.infomap[k]] = None if users[_usr]['comment']: users[_usr]['comment'] = ('(truncated)' if len(users[_usr]['comment']) >= 32 else users[_usr]['comment']) _cur.close() #pprint.pprint(users) # Now we print (or just return) the results. Whew. if not self.args['interactive']: return(users) print_tmpl = ('{0:6}\t{1:3}\t{2:12} {3:24} {4:40} {5:40} {6:12} ' + '{7:19} {8:32}') print(print_tmpl.format('Server','UID','Username','Email', 'Password', 'Certhash', 'Last Channel', 'Last Active', 'Comment'), end = '\n\n') for uid in users.keys(): d = users[uid] print(print_tmpl.format(int(d['server_id']), int(uid), str(d['name']), str(d['email']), str(d['pw']), str(d['certhash']), (str(d['lastchannel']) if not d['lastchannel'] else int(d['lastchannel'])), str(d['last_active']), str(d['comment']))) return() def lsGroups(self): groups = {} _cur = self.conn.cursor() # First, we get the groups. if self.args['server']: _q = "SELECT * FROM groups WHERE server_id = '{0}'".format(self.args['server']) else: _q = "SELECT * FROM groups" _cur.execute(_q) for r in _cur.fetchall(): _gid = r['group_id'] groups[_gid] = {'server': r['server_id'], 'name': r['name'], 'chan_id': r['channel_id'], 'inherit': r['inherit'], 'inheritable': r['inheritable']} groups[_gid]['members'] = {} _cur2 = self.conn.cursor() _q2 = "SELECT * FROM group_members WHERE group_id = '{0}' AND server_id = '{1}'".format(_gid, groups[_gid]['server']) _cur2.execute(_q2) for r2 in _cur2.fetchall(): # True means they are a member of the group. False means they are excluded from the group. # (Helps override default policies?) groups[_gid]['members'][r2['user_id']] = (True if r2['addit'] else False) _cur2.close() _cur.close() # Return if we're non-interactive... if not self.args['interactive']: return(groups) # Print the groups print('GROUPS:') print_tmpl = ('{0:3}\t{1:16}\t{2:10}\t{3:35}\t{4:30}') print(print_tmpl.format('GID', 'Name', 'Channel ID', 'Inherit Parent Channel Permissions?', 'Allow Sub-channels to Inherit?'), end = '\n\n') for g in groups.keys(): d = groups[g] print(print_tmpl.format(g, d['name'], d['chan_id'], str(True if d['inherit'] == 1 else False), str(True if d['inheritable'] == 1 else False))) print('\n\nMEMBERSHIPS:') # And print the members print_tmpl = ('\t\t{0:3}\t{1:>19}') # UID, Include or Exclude? for g in groups.keys(): d = groups[g] print('{0} ({1}):'.format(d['name'], g)) if d['members']: print(print_tmpl.format('UID', 'Include or Exclude?'), end = '\n\n') for m in d['members'].keys(): print(print_tmpl.format(m, ('Include' if d['members'][m] == 1 else 'Exclude'))) else: print('\t\tNo members found; group is empty.') return() def edit(self): print('Editing is not currently supported.') return() def close(self): self.conn.close() return() def parseArgs(): _db = '/var/lib/murmur/murmur.sqlite' commonargs = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help = False) reqcommon = commonargs.add_argument_group('REQUIRED common arguments') reqcommon.add_argument('-u', '--user', type = str, dest = 'username', required = True, help = 'The username to perform the action for.') reqcommon.add_argument('-s', '--server', type = int, dest = 'server', default = 1, help = 'The server ID. Defaults to \033[1m{0}\033[0m'.format(1)) commonargs.add_argument('-d', '--database', type = str, dest = 'database', metavar = '/path/to/murmur.sqlite3', default = _db, help = 'The path to the sqlite3 database for Murmur. Default: \033[1m{0}\033[0m'.format(_db)) args = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog = 'This program has context-sensitive help (e.g. try "... add --help")') subparsers = args.add_subparsers(help = 'Operation to perform', dest = 'operation') addargs = subparsers.add_parser('add', parents = [commonargs], help = 'Add a user to the Murmur database') delargs = subparsers.add_parser('rm', parents = [commonargs], help = 'Remove a user from the Murmur database') listargs = subparsers.add_parser('ls', help = 'List users in the Murmur database') editargs = subparsers.add_parser('edit', parents = [commonargs], help = 'Edit a user in the Murmur database') # Operation-specific optional arguments addargs.add_argument('-n', '--name', type = str, metavar = '"Firstname Lastname"', dest = 'name', default = None, help = 'The new user\'s (real) name') addargs.add_argument('-c', '--comment', type = str, metavar = '"This comment becomes the user\'s profile."', dest = 'comment', default = None, help = 'The comment for the new user') addargs.add_argument('-e', '--email', type = str, metavar = 'email@domain.tld', dest = 'email', default = None, help = 'The email address for the new user') addargs.add_argument('-C', '--certhash', type = str, metavar = 'CERTIFICATE_FINGERPRINT_HASH', default = None, dest = 'certhash', help = ('The certificate fingerprint hash. See genfprhash.py. ' + 'If you do not specify this, you must specify -p/--passwordhash')) addargs.add_argument('-p', '--passwordhash', type = str, dest = 'password', choices = ['stdin', 'prompt'], default = None, help = ('If not specified, you must specify -C/--certhash. Otherwise, either ' + '\'stdin\' (the password is being piped into this program) or \'prompt\' ' + '(a password will be asked for in a non-echoing prompt). "prompt" is much more secure and recommended.')) addargs.add_argument('-g', '--groups', type = str, metavar = 'GROUP1(,GROUP2,GROUP3...)', default = None, help = ('A comma-separated list of groups the user should be added to. If a group ' + 'doesn\'t exist, it will be created')) # Listing should only take the DB as the "common" arg listargs.add_argument('-g', '--groups', action = 'store_true', dest = 'groups', help = 'If specified, list groups (and their members), not users') listargs.add_argument('-s', '--server', type = str, dest = 'server', default = None, help = 'The server ID. Defaults to all servers. Specify one by the numerical ID.') listargs.add_argument('-d', '--database', type = str, dest = 'database', metavar = '/path/to/murmur.sqlite3', default = _db, help = 'The path to the sqlite3 database for Murmur. Default: \033[1m{0}\033[0m'.format(_db)) # Deleting args delargs.add_argument('-n', '--no-prune', dest = 'noprune', action = 'store_true', help = ('If specified, do NOT remove the ACLs and user info for the user as well (profile, ' + 'certificate fingerprint, etc.)')) delargs.add_argument('-P', '--prune-groups', dest = 'prunegrps', action = 'store_true', help = 'If specified, remove any groups the user was in that are now empty (i.e. the user was the only member)') return(args) def main(): args = vars(parseArgs().parse_args()) if not args['operation']: #raise RuntimeError('You must specify an operation to perform. Try running with -h/--help.') exit('You must specify an operation to perform. Try running with -h/--help.') args['interactive'] = True #pprint.pprint(args) mgmt = Manager(args) if args['operation'] == 'add': if args['groups']: mgmt.args['groups'] = [g.strip() for g in args['groups'].split(',')] mgmt.add() elif args['operation'] == 'rm': mgmt.rm() elif args['operation'] == 'ls': if not args['groups']: mgmt.lsUsers() else: mgmt.lsGroups() elif args['operation'] == 'edit': mgmt.edit() else: pass # No-op because something went SUPER wrong. mgmt.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()