#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import os import re import stat class ConfStripper(object): def __init__(self, paths, comments = False, comment_syms = '#', inline = True, whitespace = False, leading = True, trailing = False, dry_run = False, symlinks = True): if __name__ == '__main__': # We're being run as a CLI utility, not an import. self.cli = True else: self.cli = False self.paths = self.paths_parser(paths) self.comments = comments self.comment_syms = comment_syms self.inline = inline self.whitespace = whitespace self.leading = leading self.trailing = trailing self.dry_run = dry_run self.symlinks = symlinks self.prep() def prep(self): self.regexes = [] # In self.regexes, we group what we *keep* into group #1. if not self.comments: if len(self.comment_syms) == 1: if self.inline: self.regexes.append(re.compile( '^(.*){0}.*'.format( self.comment_syms[0]))) else: self.regexes.append(re.compile( '^(\s*){0}.*'.format( self.comment_syms[0]))) else: syms = '|'.join(self.comment_syms) if self.inline: self.regexes.append(re.compile( '^(.*)({0}).*'.format(syms))) else: self.regexes.append(re.compile( '^(\s*)({0}).*'.format(syms))) return() def parse(self, path): if os.path.islink(path): if self.symlinks: # Check for a broken symlink try: os.stat(path) except FileNotFoundError: if self.cli: print('{0}: Broken symlink'.format(path)) return(None) else: # We don't even WANT to follow symlinks. if self.cli: print('{0}: Symlink'.format(path)) return(None) if stat.S_ISSOCK(os.stat(path).st_mode): # It's a socket if self.cli: print('{0}: Socket'.format(path)) return(None) if stat.S_ISFIFO(os.stat(path).st_mode): # It's a named pipe if self.cli: print('{0}: Named pipe'.format(path)) return(None) try: with open(path, 'r') as f: conf = [i.strip() for i in f.readlines()] except UnicodeDecodeError: # It's a binary file. Oops. if self.cli: print('{0}: Binary file? (is not UTF-8/ASCII)'.format(path)) return(None) except PermissionError: if self.cli: print('{0}: Insufficient permission'.format(path)) return(None) except Exception as e: if self.cli: print('{0}: {1}'.format(path, e)) return(None) # Okay, so now we can actually parse. # Comments first. for idx, line in enumerate(conf): for r in self.regexes: conf[idx] = r.sub('\g<1>', conf[idx]) # Then leading spaces... if not self.leading: for idx, line in enumerate(conf): conf[idx] = conf[idx].lstrip() # Then trailing spaces... if not self.trailing: for idx, line in enumerate(conf): conf[idx] = conf[idx].rstrip() # Lastly, if set, remove blank lines. if not self.whitespace: conf = [i for i in conf if i != ''] return(conf) def recurse(self, path): files = [] for r, d, f in os.walk(path): for i in f: files.append(os.path.join(r, i)) return(files) def main(self): # Handle the files first. for p in self.paths['files']: try: new_content = '\n'.join(self.parse(p)) except TypeError: # Binary file, etc. continue self.writer(p, new_content) # Then the directories... for d in self.paths['dirs']: for f in self.recurse(d): try: new_content = '\n'.join(self.parse(f)) except TypeError: # Binary file, etc. continue self.writer(f, new_content) return() def writer(self, path, new_content): if self.dry_run: print('\n== {0} =='.format(path)) print(new_content, end = '\n\n') return() try: with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(new_content) except PermissionError: if self.cli: print('{0}: Cannot write (insufficient permission)'.format( path)) return() return() def paths_parser(self, paths): realpaths = {'files': [], 'dirs': []} for p in paths: path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(p)) if not os.path.exists(path): if self.cli: print('{0} does not exist; skipping...'.format(path)) continue if os.path.isfile(path): realpaths['files'].append(path) elif os.path.isdir(path): realpaths['dirs'].append(path) return(realpaths) def parseArgs(): args = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = ('Remove extraneous ' + 'formatting/comments from ' + 'files')) args.add_argument('-c', '--keep-comments', dest = 'comments', action = 'store_true', help = ('If specified, retain all comments')) args.add_argument('-C', '--comment-symbol', metavar = 'SYMBOL', dest = 'comment_syms', action = 'append', default = [], help = ('The character(s) to be treated as comments. ' + 'Can be specified multiple times (one symbol ' + 'per flag, please, unless a specific sequence ' + 'denotes a comment). Default is just #')) args.add_argument('-i', '--no-inline', dest = 'inline', action = 'store_false', help = ('If specified, do NOT parse the files as ' + 'having inline comments (the default is to ' + 'look for inline comments)')) args.add_argument('-s', '--keep-whitespace', dest = 'whitespace', action = 'store_true', help = ('If specified, retain whitespace')) args.add_argument('-t', '--keep-trailing', dest = 'trailing', action = 'store_true', help = ('If specified, retain trailing whitespace on ' + 'lines')) args.add_argument('-l', '--no-leading-whitespace', dest = 'leading', action = 'store_false', help = ('If specified, REMOVE leading whitespace')) args.add_argument('-d', '--dry-run', dest = 'dry_run', action = 'store_true', help = ('If specified, don\'t actually overwrite the ' + 'file(s) - just print to stdout instead')) args.add_argument('-S', '--no-symlinks', dest = 'symlinks', action = 'store_false', help = ('If specified, don\'t follow symlinks')) args.add_argument('paths', metavar = 'PATH/TO/DIR/OR/FILE', nargs = '+', help = ('The path(s) to the file(s) to strip down. If ' + 'a directory is given, files will ' + 'recursively be modified (unless -d/--dry-run ' + 'is specified). Can be specified multiple ' + 'times')) return(args) def main(): args = vars(parseArgs().parse_args()) if not args['comment_syms']: args['comment_syms'].append('#') c = ConfStripper(**args) c.main() if __name__ == '__main__': main()