#!/usr/bin/env python3.6 # stdlib import argparse import collections import copy import datetime import hashlib import importlib import ipaddress import json import os import pprint import re import shutil import socket import ssl from urllib import parse # PyPi/PIP # These are handled automagically. # If you'd rather install them via your distro's package manager (YOU SHOULD), # then install them first then run this script. # Otherwise you'll have to use pip to remove them. thrd_prty = {'OpenSSL': 'pyOpenSSL', #'pyasn1': 'pyasn1', #'jinja2': 'Jinja2', 'validators': 'validators'} cols = shutil.get_terminal_size((80, 20)).columns for mod in thrd_prty: try: globals()[mod] = importlib.import_module(mod) except ImportError: import pip pip.main(['install', '--quiet', '--quiet', '--quiet', '--user', thrd_prty[mod]]) globals()[mod] = importlib.import_module(mod) class CertParse(object): def __init__(self, target, port = 443, force = None, cert_type = 'pem', json_fmt = False, starttls = False, extensions = False, alt_names = False): self.target = target self.port = port self.force_type = force self.cert_type = cert_type self.starttls = starttls self.json_fmt = json_fmt self.extensions = extensions self.alt_names = alt_names self.cert = None self.certinfo = None self.get_type() def getCert(self): if self.cert_type.lower() == 'pem': self.cert_type = OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM elif self.cert_type.lower() == 'asn1': self.cert_type = OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1 else: raise ValueError(('{0} is not a valid cert type; must be either ' + '"pem" or "asn1"').format(self.cert_type)) if not self.force_type in ('url', 'domain', 'ip'): with open(self.target, 'rb') as f: self.cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(self.cert_type, f.read()) else: _cert = ssl.get_server_certificate((self.target, self.port)) self.cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(self.cert_type, _cert) return() def parseCert(self): certinfo = collections.OrderedDict() timefmt = '%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ' certinfo['Subject'] = self.parse_name(self.cert.get_subject().\ get_components()) certinfo['EXPIRED'] = self.cert.has_expired() certinfo['Issuer'] = self.parse_name(self.cert.get_issuer().\ get_components()) certinfo['Issued'] = str(datetime.datetime.strptime( self.cert.get_notBefore().decode('utf-8'), timefmt)) certinfo['Expires'] = str(datetime.datetime.strptime( self.cert.get_notAfter().decode('utf-8'), timefmt)) if self.extensions: certinfo['Extensions'] = self.parse_ext() elif self.alt_names: certinfo['SANs'] = self.parse_ext_san_only() # TODO: parse? #certinfo['Pubkey'] = self.cert.get_pubkey() certinfo['Serial'] = int(self.cert.get_serial_number()) certinfo['Signature Algorithm'] = self.cert.get_signature_algorithm().\ decode('utf-8') certinfo['Version'] = self.cert.get_version() certinfo['Subject Name Hash'] = self.cert.subject_name_hash() certinfo['Fingerprints'] = self.gen_hashes() self.certinfo = certinfo #print(certinfo) return() def print(self, json_fmt = None): if json_fmt is None: json_fmt = self.json_fmt if json_fmt: output = json.dumps(self.certinfo, indent = 4) else: output = self.certinfo if __name__ == '__main__': if not json_fmt: pprint.pprint(output, compact = False, width = cols) else: print(output) return() return(output) def gen_hashes(self): hashes = {} # Note: MD2 is *so old* that they aren't even # *supported in python 3*. # If we NEED to implement, https://urchin.earth.li/~twic/md2.py fpt_types = sorted([i.lower() for i in ['md2', 'md5', 'sha1', 'mdc2', 'ripemd160', 'blake2b512', 'blake2s256', 'sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512']]) supported_types = sorted([i.lower() for i in \ list(hashlib.algorithms_available)]) cert_hash_types = [i for i in fpt_types if i in supported_types] for h in cert_hash_types: hashes[h.upper()] = self.cert.digest(h).decode('utf-8') return(hashes) def parse_name(self, item): component_map = {'C': 'Country', 'countryName': 'Country', 'ST': 'State/Province', 'stateOrProvinceName': 'State/Province', 'L': 'Locality/City/Town/Region', 'localityName': 'Locality/City/Town/Region', 'O': 'Organization', 'organizationName': 'Organization', 'OU': 'Department/Team/Organization Unit', 'organizationalUnitName': ('Department/Team/' + 'Organization Unit'), 'CN': 'Common name', 'commonName': 'Common name', 'emailAddress': 'eMail Address'} info = {} for c in item: item = c[0].decode('utf-8') value = c[1].decode('utf-8') if item in component_map.keys(): info[component_map[item]] = value else: info[item] = value return(info) def parse_ext_san_only(self): SANs = [] for idx in range(0, self.cert.get_extension_count()): ext = self.cert.get_extension(idx) name = ext.get_short_name().decode('utf-8').lower() x = str(ext).strip() if name == 'subjectaltname': val_lst = [i.strip() for i in x.split(',')] for v in val_lst: parsed_val = re.sub('^\s*DNS:\s*(.*)', '\g<1>', v) if parsed_val not in ('\n', ''): SANs.append(parsed_val.lower()) return(SANs) def parse_ext(self): exts = {} for idx in range(0, self.cert.get_extension_count()): ext = self.cert.get_extension(idx) keyname = ext.get_short_name().decode('utf-8') value_str = str(ext).strip() # These should be split into lists by commas. if keyname in ('subjectAltName', 'keyUsage', 'extendedKeyUsage', 'basicConstraints'): val_lst = [i.strip() for i in value_str.split(',')] value_str = [] for v in val_lst: parsed_val = re.sub('^\s*DNS:\s*(.*)', '\g<1>', v) if parsed_val not in ('\n', ''): value_str.append(parsed_val) # These should be split into lists by lines. elif keyname in ('certificatePolicies', 'ct_precert_scts', 'authorityInfoAccess'): val_lst = [i.strip() for i in value_str.splitlines()] value_str = [] for v in val_lst: value_str.append(v) exts[keyname] = value_str # These are split FURTHER into dicts but require unique... massaging. # authorityInfoAccess if 'authorityInfoAccess' in exts.keys(): _tmp = copy.deepcopy(exts['authorityInfoAccess']) exts['authorityInfoAccess'] = {} for i in _tmp: x = [n.strip() for n in i.split('-', 1)] y = [n.strip() for n in x[1].split(':', 1)] exts['authorityInfoAccess'][x[0]] = {y[0]: y[1]} # authorityKeyIdentifier if 'authorityKeyIdentifier' in exts.keys(): _tmp = copy.deepcopy(exts['authorityKeyIdentifier']) exts['authorityKeyIdentifier'] = {_tmp.split(':', 1)[0]: _tmp.split(':', 1)[1]} # basicConstraints if 'basicConstraints' in exts.keys(): _tmp = copy.deepcopy(exts['basicConstraints']) exts['basicConstraints'] = {} for i in _tmp: x = [n.strip() for n in i.split(':', 1)] if len(x) >= 1: if x[1].lower() in ('true', 'false'): x[1] = (x[1].lower() == 'true') exts['basicConstraints'][x[0]] = x[1] else: exts['basicConstraints'][x[0]] = True # certificatePolicies # What a mess. if 'certificatePolicies' in exts.keys(): _tmp = copy.deepcopy(exts['certificatePolicies']) exts['certificatePolicies'] = {} last_key = None for i in [n.strip() for n in _tmp]: l = [y for y in i.split(':', 1) if y not in ('', None)] if len(l) > 1: # It MAY be a key:value. if re.search('^\s+', l[1]) and last_key != 'User Notice': # It's a value. last_key = l[0].strip() exts['certificatePolicies'][last_key] = l[1].strip() elif re.search('^\s+', l[1]): k = l[0].strip() exts['certificatePolicies'][last_key][k] = l[1].strip() else: # Standalone key line last_key = l[0].strip() exts['certificatePolicies'][last_key] = {} # ct_precert_scts # another mess. a much. much, bigger mess. if 'ct_precert_scts' in exts.keys(): _tmp = copy.deepcopy(exts['ct_precert_scts']) exts['ct_precert_scts'] = {} last_key = None last_sub_key = None cnt = 0 for i in [n.strip() for n in _tmp]: l = [y for y in i.split(':', 1) if y not in ('', None)] if len(l) > 1: print(l) # Is it a line continuation (of a hex value)? if ((re.search('^[0-9A-Z]{2}$', l[0])) and (re.search('^[0-9A-Z:]*:?$', ':'.join(l)))): exts['ct_precert_scts'][last_key][cnt]\ [last_sub_key] += ':'.join(l) continue # It MAY be a key:value. if re.search('^\s+', l[1]) and ( last_key != 'Signed Certificate Timestamp'): # It's a value. last_key = l[0].strip() val = l[1].strip() if val.lower() == 'none': val = None exts['ct_precert_scts'][last_key] = val elif re.search('^\s+', l[1]): last_sub_key = l[0].strip() val = l[1].strip() if val.lower() == 'none': val = None if last_sub_key == 'Signature': val += ' ' exts['ct_precert_scts'][last_key][cnt]\ [last_sub_key] = val else: # Standalone key line last_key = l[0].strip() if last_key == 'Signed Certificate Timestamp': if last_key not in exts['ct_precert_scts'].keys(): exts['ct_precert_scts'][last_key] = [{}] else: exts['ct_precert_scts'][last_key].append({}) cnt += 1 # some laaaast bit of cleanup... if 'Signed Certificate Timestamp' in exts['ct_precert_scts']: for i in exts['ct_precert_scts']\ ['Signed Certificate Timestamp']: if 'Signature' in i.keys(): d = i['Signature'].split() i['Signature'] = {d[0]: d[1]} return(exts) def get_domain_from_url(self, url): orig_url = url # Needed in case a URL is passed with no http:// or https://, etc. url = re.sub('^((ht|f)tps?://)*', 'https://', url, re.IGNORECASE).lower() if not self.validURL(url): raise ValueError(('{0} is not a valid URL').format(orig_url)) domain = parse.urlparse(url).netloc return(domain) def validIP(self, ip): is_valid = False try: ipaddress.ip_address(self.target) is_valid = True except ValueError: pass return(is_valid) def validDomain(self, domain): is_valid = False if not isinstance(validators.domain(domain), validators.utils.ValidationFailure): is_valid = True return(is_valid) def validURL(self, url): is_valid = False if not isinstance(validators.url(url), validators.utils.ValidationFailure): is_valid = True return(is_valid) def validPath(self, path): is_valid = False if os.path.isfile(path): is_valid = True return(is_valid) def get_type(self): if self.force_type: # Just run the validator and some cleanup. if self.force_type == 'url': self.target = self.get_domain_from_url(self.target) chk = self.validURL(self.target) if chk: self.force_type = 'domain' elif self.force_type == 'ip': chk = self.validIP(self.target) elif self.force_type == 'domain': chk = self.validDomain(self.target) elif self.force_type == 'file': self.target = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(self.target)) chk = self.validPath(self.target) if not chk: raise TypeError(('{0} does not appear to be a valid ' + 'instance of type {1}'.format(self.target, self.force_type) )) if self.force_type in ('url', 'domain', 'ip'): self.remote = True else: self.remote = False return() # Is it an IP address? if self.validIP(self.target): self.force_type = 'ip' return() # Is it a filepath? fpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(self.target)) if self.validPath(fpath): self.target = fpath self.force_type = 'file' return() # Is it a domain? if self.validDomain(self.target): self.force_type = 'domain' return() # Lastly, is it a URL? if self.validURL(self.target): domain = self.get_domain_from_url(self.target) if self.validDomain(domain): self.target = domain self.force_type = 'domain' if not self.force_type: # We couldn't detect it raise RuntimeError(('Automatic type detection of {0} requested ' + 'but we could not determine what type of ' + 'resource it is')) return() def parseArgs(): args = argparse.ArgumentParser() args.add_argument('-e', '--extensions', dest = 'extensions', action = 'store_true', help = ('If specified, include ALL extension info ' + '(this DRASTICALLY increases the output. You ' + 'have been warned)')) args.add_argument('-a', '--alt-names', dest = 'alt_names', action = 'store_true', help = ('If specified, ONLY include the SAN (Subject ' + 'Alt Name) extension. This is highly ' + 'recommended over -e/--extensions. Ignored if ' + '-e/--extensions is set (as the SANs are ' + 'included in that)')) args.add_argument('-j','--json', dest = 'json_fmt', action = 'store_true', help = ('If specified, return the results in JSON')) args.add_argument('-f', '--force', choices = ['url', 'domain', 'ip', 'file'], default = None, help = ('If specified, force the TARGET to be parsed ' + 'as the given type')) args.add_argument('-p', '--port', dest = 'port', type = int, default = 443, help = ('Use a port other than 443 (only used for ' + 'URL/domain/IP address targets)')) args.add_argument('-t', '--cert-type', dest = 'cert_type', default = 'pem', choices = ['pem', 'asn1'], help = ('The type of certificate (only used for ' 'file targets). Note that "DER"-encoded ' + 'certificates should use "asn1". The default ' + 'is pem')) # TODO: I think the starttls process depends on the protocol? If so, this... # won't be feasible. # args.add_argument('-s', '--starttls', # dest = 'starttls', # action = 'store_true', # help = ('If specified, initiate STARTTLS on the ' + # 'target instead of pure SSL/TLS')) args.add_argument('TARGET', help = ('The target to gather cert info for. Can be a ' + 'filepath (to the certificate, not key etc.), ' + 'a URL/domain, or IP address')) return(args) def main(): args = vars(parseArgs().parse_args()) args['target'] = copy.deepcopy(args['TARGET']) del(args['TARGET']) p = CertParse(**args) p.getCert() p.parseCert() p.print() if __name__ == '__main__': main()