#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import os import re import subprocess import sys import warnings ## # The yum API is *suuuper* cantankerous and kind of broken, even. # Patches welcome, but for now we just use subprocess. import yum from lxml import etree # Detect RH version. ver_re =re.compile('^(centos.*|red\s?hat.*) ([0-9\.]+) .*$', re.IGNORECASE) # distro module isn't stdlib, and platform.linux_distribution() (AND platform.distro()) are both deprecated in 3.7. # So we get hacky. with open('/etc/redhat-release', 'r') as f: rawver = f.read() distver = [int(i) for i in ver_re.sub('\g<2>', rawver.strip()).split('.')] distname = re.sub('(Linux )?release', '', ver_re.sub('\g<1>', rawver.strip()), re.IGNORECASE).strip() # Regex pattern to get the repo name. We compile it just to speed up the execution. repo_re = re.compile('^@') # Python version pyver = sys.hexversion py3 = 0x30000f0 # TODO: check the version incompats if pyver < py3: import copy class Reinstaller(object): def __init__(self, pkglist_path, latest = True): self.latest = latest pkglist_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(pkglist_path)) with open(pkglist_file, 'rb') as f: self.pkgs = etree.fromstring(f.read()) if not self.latest: # Make sure the versions match, otherwise Bad Things(TM) can occur. if not all(((distname == self.pkgs.attrib['distro']), ('.'.join([str(i) for i in distver]) == self.pkgs.attrib['version']))): err = ('This package set was created on {0} {1}. ' 'The current running OS is {2} {3} and you have set latest = False/None. ' 'THIS IS A VERY BAD IDEA.').format(self.pkgs.attrib['distro'], self.pkgs.attrib['version'], distname, '.'.join([str(i) for i in distver])) raise RuntimeError(err) # Make it run silently. self.yb = yum.YumBase() self.yb.preconf.quiet = 1 self.yb.preconf.debuglevel = 0 self.yb.preconf.errorlevel = 0 self.yb.preconf.assumeyes = 1 self.yb.preconf.rpmverbosity = 'error' def iterPkgs(self): for repo in self.pkgs.findall('repo'): # Base install packages ("anaconda") don't play nicely with this. They should be expected to # already be installed anyways, and self.latest is irrelevant - downgrading these can cause # *major* issues. # And "installed" repo are packages installed manually from RPM. if self.latest: if repo.attrib['name'].lower() in ('anaconda', 'installed'): continue reponm = repo.attrib['desc'] # This is only needed for the subprocess workaround. cmd = ['yum', '-q', '-y', # '--disablerepo=*', '--enablerepo={0}'.format(repo.attrib['name'])] pkgs = {'new': [], 'upgrade': [], 'downgrade': []} for pkg in repo.findall('package'): pkg_found = False is_installed = False if self.latest: pkgnm = pkg.attrib['name'] else: pkgnm = pkg.attrib['NEVRA'] pkglist = self.yb.doPackageLists(patterns = [pkgnm], showdups = True) if pkglist.updates: for pkgobj in reversed(pkglist.updates): if pkgobj.repo.name == reponm: # Haven't gotten this working properly. Patches welcome. # self.yb.install(po = pkgobj) # self.yb.resolveDeps() # self.yb.buildTransaction() # self.yb.processTransaction() if self.latest: pkgs['upgrade'].append(pkgobj.name) else: pkgs['upgrade'].append(pkgobj.nevra) pkg_found = True is_installed = False break if pkglist.installed and not pkg_found: for pkgobj in reversed(pkglist.installed): if pkgobj.repo.name == reponm: warn = ('{0} from {1} is already installed; skipping').format(pkgobj.nevra, repo.attrib['name']) warnings.warn(warn) pkg_found = True is_installed = True if not all((is_installed, pkg_found)): if pkglist.available: for pkgobj in reversed(pkglist.available): if pkgobj.repo.name == reponm: # Haven't gotten this working properly. Patches welcome. # self.yb.install(po = pkgobj) # self.yb.resolveDeps() # self.yb.buildTransaction() # self.yb.processTransaction() if self.latest: pkgs['new'].append(pkgobj.name) else: pkgs['new'].append(pkgobj.nevra) is_installed = False pkg_found = True break if not self.latest: if pkglist.old_available: for pkgobj in reversed(pkglist.old_available): if pkgobj.repo.name == reponm: # Haven't gotten this working properly. Patches welcome. # self.yb.install(po = pkgobj) # self.yb.resolveDeps() # self.yb.buildTransaction() # self.yb.processTransaction() pkgs['downgrade'].append(pkgobj.nevra) pkg_found = True break # # This... seems to always fail. Patches welcome. # # self.yb.processTransaction() for k in pkgs: if not pkgs[k]: continue if pyver < py3: _cmd = copy.deepcopy(cmd) else: _cmd = cmd.copy() if k == 'downgrade': _cmd.append('downgrade') else: if self.latest: _cmd.append('install') else: if distver[0] >= 7: _cmd.append('install-nevra') else: _cmd.append('install') _cmd.extend(pkgs[k]) if pyver >= py3: subprocess.run(_cmd) else: subprocess.call(_cmd) return() def parseArgs(): args = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = ('Reinstall packages from a generated XML package list')) args.add_argument('-V', '--version', dest = 'latest', action = 'store_false', help = ('If specified, (try to) install the same version as specified in the package list.')) args.add_argument('pkglist_path', metavar = 'PKGLIST', help = ('The path to the generated packages XML file.')) return(args) def main(): args = parseArgs().parse_args() dictargs = vars(args) r = Reinstaller(**dictargs) r.iterPkgs() return() if __name__ == '__main__': main()