#!/usr/bin/env python3 import configparser import hashlib import os import re from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse from urllib.request import urlopen try: import lxml htmlparser = 'lxml' except ImportError: htmlparser = 'html.parser' cfgpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser( '~/.config/optools/relchk/arch.ini')) cfg = configparser.ConfigParser() cfg['arch'] = {'url': 'https://arch.mirror.square-r00t.net/iso/latest/', 'path': '/boot/iso/arch.iso', 'hashtype': 'sha1', 'hashurl': ( 'https://arch.mirror.square-r00t.net/iso/latest/sha1sums.txt') } if not os.path.isfile(cfgpath): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(cfgpath), exist_ok = True) with open(cfgpath, 'w') as f: cfg.write(f) else: cfg.read(cfgpath) cfg['arch']['path'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(cfg['arch']['path'])) # We need the hashes first. We'll pop them into memory, # no need to save locally. # Must be in GNU checksum format (i.e. " \n"). hashes = {} if 'hashurl' in cfg['arch']: with urlopen(cfg['arch']['hashurl']) as h: for i in h.read().decode('utf-8').splitlines(): line = [x.strip() for x in i.split()] hashes[os.path.basename(line[1])] = line[0] chksum = hashlib.new(cfg['arch']['hashtype']) # Now we (try to) get a list of files available for download. We're looking # for .iso or .img files. Compressed images not currently supported; TODO. exts = re.compile('.*\.(iso|img)$', re.IGNORECASE) imgfiles = [] with urlopen(cfg['arch']['url']) as u: dlsoup = BeautifulSoup(u.read().decode('utf-8'), htmlparser) for a in dlsoup.find_all('a'): if a['href']: if exts.search(a['href']): if not urlparse(a['href']).netloc: imgfiles.append(urljoin(cfg['arch']['url'], a['href'])) else: imgfiles.append(a['href']) if not imgfiles: raise RuntimeError('Could not find any ISO or IMG files at {0}'.format( cfg['arch']['url'])) # Not foolproof, but will handle standard Arch ISO mirrors just fine. imgfiles.sort() iso = imgfiles[0] # Now we get the existing file (if it exists) and grab the hash (if we have # one fetched). up2date = False if os.path.isfile(cfg['arch']['path']): _fname = os.path.basename(iso) if _fname in hashes: with open(cfg['arch']['path'], 'rb') as f: chksum.update(f.read()) if chksum.hexdigest().lower() == hashes[_fname].lower(): up2date = True if not up2date: print('Downloading...') os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(cfg['arch']['path']), exist_ok = True) with open(cfg['arch']['path'], 'wb') as f, urlopen(iso) as u: f.write(u.read()) else: print('No need to download; we are up to date') print('Done')