#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import csv import datetime import email import os import re import shutil import subprocess from io import BytesIO from socket import * import urllib.parse import gpgme # non-stdlib; Arch package is "python-pygpgme" # TODO: # -attach pubkey when sending below email # mail to first email address in key with signed message: #Subj: Your GPG key has been signed # #Hello! Thank you for participating in a keysigning party and exchanging keys. # #I have signed your key (KEYID) with trust level "TRUSTLEVEL" because: # #* You have presented sufficient proof of identity # #The signatures have been pushed to KEYSERVERS. # #I have taken the liberty of attaching my public key in the event you've not signed it yet and were unable to find it. #Please feel free to push to pgp.mit.edu or hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net. # #As a reminder, my key ID, Keybase.io username, and verification/proof of identity can all be found at: # #https://devblog.square-r00t.net/about/my-gpg-public-key-verification-of-identity # #Thanks again! def getKeys(args): # Get our concept os.environ['GNUPGHOME'] = args['gpgdir'] gpg = gpgme.Context() keys = {} allkeys = [] # Do we have the key already? If not, fetch. for k in args['rcpts'].keys(): if args['rcpts'][k]['type'] == 'fpr': allkeys.append(k) if args['rcpts'][k]['type'] == 'email': # We need to actually do a lookup on the email address. with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f: # TODO: replace with gpg.keylist_mode(gpgme.KEYLIST_MODE_EXTERN) and internal mechanisms? keyout = subprocess.run(['gpg2', '--search-keys', '--with-colons', '--batch', k], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = f) keyout = keyout.stdout.decode('utf-8').splitlines() for line in keyout: if line.startswith('pub:'): key = line.split(':')[1] keys[key] = {} keys[key]['uids'] = {} keys[key]['time'] = int(line.split(':')[4]) elif line.startswith('uid:'): uid = re.split('<(.*)>', urllib.parse.unquote(line.split(':')[1].strip())) uid.remove('') uid = [u.strip() for u in uid] keys[key]['uids'][uid[1]] = {} keys[key]['uids'][uid[1]]['comment'] = uid[0] keys[key]['uids'][uid[1]]['time'] = int(line.split(':')[2]) if len(keys) > 1: # Print the keys and prompt for a selection. print('\nWe found the following keys for <{0}>...\n\nKEY ID:'.format(k)) for k in keys: print('{0}\n{1:6}(Generated at {2}) UIDs:'.format(k, '', datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(keys[k]['time']))) for email in keys[k]['uids']: print('{0:42}(Generated {3}) <{2}> {1}'.format('', keys[k]['uids'][email]['comment'], email, datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(keys[k]['uids'][email]['time']))) print() while True: key = input('Please enter the (full) appropriate key: ') if key not in keys.keys(): print('Please enter a full key ID from the list above or hit ctrl-d to exit.') else: allkeys.append(key) break else: if not len(keys.keys()) >= 1: print('Could not find {0}!'.format(k)) del(args['rcpts'][k]) continue key = list(keys.keys())[0] print('\nFound key {0} for {1} (Generated at {2}):'.format(key, k, datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(keys[key]['time']))) for email in keys[key]['uids']: print('\t(Generated {2}) {0} <{1}>'.format(keys[key]['uids'][email]['comment'], email, datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(keys[key]['uids'][email]['time']))) allkeys.append(key) print() ## And now we can (FINALLY) fetch the key(s). # TODO: replace with gpg.keylist_mode(gpgme.KEYLIST_MODE_EXTERN) and internal mechanisms? recvcmd = ['gpg2', '--recv-keys', '--batch', '--yes'] # We'll add the keys onto the end of this next. recvcmd.extend(allkeys) with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f: fetchout = subprocess.run(recvcmd, stdout = f, stderr = f) # We hide stderr because gpg, for some unknown reason, spits non-errors to stderr. return(allkeys) def trustKeys(keyids, args): # Map the trust levels to "human" equivalent trustmap = {-1: ['never', gpgme.VALIDITY_NEVER], # this is... probably? not ideal, but. 0: ['unknown', gpgme.VALIDITY_UNKNOWN], 1: ['untrusted', gpgme.VALIDITY_UNDEFINED], 2: ['marginal', gpgme.VALIDITY_MARGINAL], 3: ['full', gpgme.VALIDITY_FULL], 4: ['ultimate', gpgme.VALIDITY_ULTIMATE]} pushmap = {-1: ['never', None], 0: ['no', False], 1: ['yes', True]} def promptTrust(kinfo): for k in list(kinfo): if 'trust' not in kinfo[k].keys(): trust_lvl = None trust_in = input(('\nWhat trust level should we assign to {0}?\n\t\t\t\t ({1} <{2}>)' + '\n\n\t\033[1m-1 = Never\n\t 0 = Unknown\n\t 1 = Untrusted\n\t 2 = Marginal\n\t 3 = Full' + '\n\t 4 = Ultimate\033[0m\nTrust: ').format(k, kinfo[k]['name'], kinfo[k]['email'])) for dictk, dictv in trustmap.items(): if trust_in.lower().strip() == dictv[0]: trust_lvl = int(dictk) elif trust_in == str(dictk): trust_lvl = dictk if not trust_lvl: print('Not a valid trust level; skipping. Run kant again to fix.') continue kinfo[k]['trust'] = trustmap[trust_lvl][1] if 'push' not in kinfo[k].keys(): push = True if args['keyservers']: push_in = input('\nShould we push {0} to the keyserver(s) (\033[1mYES\033[0m/No/Never)? '.format(k)) if push_in.lower() == 'never': push = None elif push_in.lower().startswith('n'): push = False kinfo[k]['push'] = push return(kinfo) os.environ['GNUPGHOME'] = args['gpgdir'] gpg = gpgme.Context() # Build out some info about keys kinfo = {} for k in keyids: if k not in kinfo.keys(): kinfo[k] = {} else: continue # The key was already parsed; don't waste time adding the info try: kobj = gpg.get_key(k) kinfo[k]['name'] = kobj.uids[0].name kinfo[k]['email'] = kobj.uids[0].email except gpgme.GpgmeError: print('Can\'t get information about key {0}; skipping.'.format(k)) del(kinfo[k]) if not args['batch']: trusts = promptTrust(kinfo) else: trusts = {} csvd = {} # We import the CSV into a totally separate dict so we can do some validation loops with open(args['keys'], 'r') as f: for row in csv.reader(f, delimiter = ',', quotechar = '"'): csvd[row[0]] = {'trust': row[1], 'push': row[2]} for k in list(csvd): if re.match('^?$', k): # is it an email address? fullkey = gpg.get_key(k) csvd[fullkey.subkeys[0].fpr] = csvd[k] del(csvd[k]) k = fullkey.subkeys[0].fpr if k not in trusts.keys(): trusts[k] = {} if 'trust' not in trusts[k].keys(): # Properly index the trust strval = str(csvd[k]['trust']).lower().strip() if strval == 'true': trusts[k]['trust'] = True elif strval == 'false': trusts[k]['trust'] = False elif strval == 'none': trusts[k]['trust'] = None else: for dictk, dictv in trustmap.items(): # "no"/"yes" if strval == dictv[0]: trusts[k]['trust'] = trustmap[dictk][1] elif strval == str(dictk): trusts[k]['trust'] = trustmap[dictk][1] if 'trust' not in trusts[k].keys(): # yes, again. we make sure it was set. otherwise, we need to skip this key. print('Key {0}: trust level "{1}" is invalid; skipping.'.format(k, csvd[k]['trust'])) del(trusts[k]) continue # Now we need to index whether we push or not. if 'push' not in trusts[k].keys(): strval = str(csvd[k]['push']).lower().strip() if strval == 'true': trusts[k]['push'] = True elif strval == 'false': trusts[k]['push'] = False elif strval == 'none': trusts[k]['push'] = None else: for dictk, dictv in pushmap.items(): # "no"/"yes" if strval in dictv[0]: trusts[k]['push'] = pushmap[dictk][1] elif strval == str(dictk): trusts[k]['push'] = pushmap[dictk][1] if 'push' not in trusts[k].keys(): # yep. double-check print('Key {0}: push option "{1}" is invalid; skipping.'.format(k, csvd[k]['push'])) del(trusts[k]) continue # WHEW. THAT'S A LOT OF VALIDATIONS. Now the Business-End(TM) # Reverse mapping of constants to human-readable rmap = {gpgme.VALIDITY_NEVER: 'Never', gpgme.VALIDITY_UNKNOWN: 'Unknown', gpgme.VALIDITY_UNDEFINED: 'Untrusted', gpgme.VALIDITY_MARGINAL: 'Marginal', gpgme.VALIDITY_FULL: 'Full', gpgme.VALIDITY_ULTIMATE: 'Ultimate'} mykey = gpg.get_key(args['sigkey']) for k in list(trusts): keystat = None try: tkey = gpg.get_key(k) except gpgme.GpgmeError: print('Cannot find {0} in keyring at all; skipping.'.format(k)) del(trusts[k]) continue curtrust = rmap[tkey.owner_trust] newtrust = rmap[trusts[k]['trust']] if tkey.owner_trust == trusts[k]['trust']: trusts[k]['change'] = False continue # Don't bother; we aren't changing the trust level, it's the same (OR we haven't trusted yet) elif tkey.owner_trust == gpgme.VALIDITY_UNKNOWN: keystat = 'a NEW TRUST' elif tkey.owner_trust > trusts[k]['trust']: keystat = 'a DOWNGRADE' elif tkey.owner_trust < trusts[k]['trust']: keystat = 'an UPGRADE' print(('\nKey 0x{0} [{1} ({2})]:\n' + '\tThis trust level ({3}) is {4} from the current trust level ({5}).').format(k, kinfo[k]['name'], kinfo[k]['email'], newtrust, keystat, curtrust)) tchk = input('Continue? (yes/\033[1mNO\033[0m) ') if tchk.lower().startswith('y'): trusts[k]['change'] = True else: trusts[k]['change'] = False for k in list(trusts): if trusts[k]['change']: gpgme.editutil.edit_trust(gpg, k, trusts['k']['trust']) print() return(trusts) def sigKeys(trusts, args): # The More Business-End(TM) import pprint pprint.pprint(trusts) os.environ['GNUPGHOME'] = args['gpgdir'] gpg = gpgme.Context() gpg.keylist_mode = gpgme.KEYLIST_MODE_SIGS mkey = gpg.get_key(args['sigkey']) gpg.signers = [mkey] global_policy = {} global_policy['push'] = True # I may be able to provide a way to explicitly change this at runtime later global_policy['sign'] = True if not args['keyservers']: global_policy['sign'] = 'local' global_policy['push'] = False for k in list(trusts): sign = True key = gpg.get_key(k) for uid in key.uids: for s in uid.signatures: try: signerkey = gpg.get_key(s.keyid).subkeys[0].fpr if signerkey == mkey.subkeys[0].fpr: sign = False # We already signed this key def pushKeys(): # The Last Business-End(TM) pass def modifyDirmngr(op, args): if not args['keyservers']: return() pid = str(os.getpid()) activecfg = os.path.join(args['gpgdir'], 'dirmngr.conf') bakcfg = '{0}.{1}'.format(activecfg, pid) if op in ('new', 'start'): if os.path.lexists(activecfg): shutil.copy2(activecfg, bakcfg) with open(bakcfg, 'r') as read, open(activecfg, 'w') as write: for line in read: if not line.startswith('keyserver '): write.write(line) with open(activecfg, 'a') as f: for s in args['keyservers']: uri = '{0}://{1}:{2}'.format(s['proto'], s['server'], s['port'][0]) f.write('keyserver {0}\n'.format(uri)) if op in ('old', 'stop'): if os.path.lexists(bakcfg): with open(bakcfg, 'r') as read, open(activecfg, 'w') as write: for line in read: write.write(line) os.remove(bakcfg) else: os.remove(activecfg) subprocess.run(['gpgconf', '--reload', 'dirmngr']) return() def serverParser(uri): # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_server_(cryptographic)#Keyserver_examples # We need to make a mapping of the default ports. server = {} protos = {'hkp': [11371, ['tcp', 'udp']], 'hkps': [443, ['tcp']], # Yes, same as https 'http': [80, ['tcp']], 'https': [443, ['tcp']], # SSL/TLS 'ldap': [389, ['tcp', 'udp']], # includes TLS negotiation since it runs on the same port 'ldaps': [636, ['tcp', 'udp']]} # SSL urlobj = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri) server['proto'] = urlobj.scheme lazy = False if not server['proto']: server['proto'] = 'hkp' # Default server['server'] = urlobj.hostname if not server['server']: server['server'] = re.sub('^([A-Za-z]://)?(.+[^:][^0-9])(:[0-9]+)?$', '\g<2>', uri) lazy = True server['port'] = urlobj.port if not server['port']: if lazy: p = re.sub('.*:([0-9]+)$', '\g<1>', uri) server['port'] = protos[server['proto']] # Default return(server) def parseArgs(): def getDefGPGDir(): try: gpgdir = os.environ['GNUPGHOME'] except KeyError: try: homedir = os.environ['HOME'] gpgdchk = os.path.join(homedir, '.gnupg') except KeyError: # There is no reason that this should ever get this far, but... edge cases be crazy. gpgdchk = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.gnupg') if os.path.isdir(gpgdchk): gpgdir = gpgdchk else: gpgdir = None return(gpgdir) def getDefKey(defgpgdir): os.environ['GNUPGHOME'] = defgpgdir if not defgpgdir: return(None) defkey = None gpg = gpgme.Context() for k in gpg.keylist(None, True): # params are query and secret keyring, respectively if k.can_sign and True not in (k.revoked, k.expired, k.disabled): defkey = k.subkeys[0].fpr break # We'll just use the first primary key we find that's valid as the default. return(defkey) def getDefKeyservers(defgpgdir): srvlst = [None] # We don't need these since we use the gpg agent. Requires GPG 2.1 and above, probably. #if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(defgpgdir, 'dirmngr.conf')): # pass dirmgr_out = subprocess.run(['gpg-connect-agent', '--dirmngr', 'keyserver', '/bye'], stdout = subprocess.PIPE) for l in dirmgr_out.stdout.decode('utf-8').splitlines(): #if len(l) == 3 and l.lower().startswith('s keyserver'): # It's a keyserver line if l.lower().startswith('s keyserver'): # It's a keyserver line s = l.split()[2] if len(srvlst) == 1 and srvlst[0] == None: srvlst = [s] else: srvlst.append(s) return(','.join(srvlst)) defgpgdir = getDefGPGDir() defkey = getDefKey(defgpgdir) defkeyservers = getDefKeyservers(defgpgdir) args = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Keysigning Assistance and Notifying Tool (KANT)', epilog = 'brent s. || 2017 || https://square-r00t.net', formatter_class = argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) args.add_argument('-k', '--keys', dest = 'keys', metavar = 'KEYS | /path/to/batchfile', required = True, help = 'A single or comma-separated list of keys to sign,\n' + 'trust, and notify. Can also be an email address.\n' + 'If -b/--batch is specified, this should instead be\n' + 'a path to the batch file.') args.add_argument('-K', '--sigkey', dest = 'sigkey', default = defkey, help = 'The key to use when signing other keys.\nDefault is \033[1m{0}\033[0m.'.format(defkey)) args.add_argument('-t', '--trust', dest = 'trustlevel', default = None, help = 'The trust level to automatically apply to all keys\n' + '(if not specified, kant will prompt for each key).\n' + 'See -b/--batch for trust level notations.') args.add_argument('-s', '--keyservers', dest = 'keyservers', default = defkeyservers, help = 'The comma-separated keyserver(s) to push to. If\n' + '"None", don\'t push signatures (local-only signatures\n' + 'will be made). Default keyserver list is: \n\n\t\033[1m{0}\033[0m\n\n'.format(re.sub(',', '\n\t', defkeyservers))) # This will require some restructuring... args.add_argument('-b', '--batch', dest = 'batch', action = 'store_true', help = 'If specified, -k/--keys is a CSV file to use as a\n' + 'batch run in the format of (one per line):\n' + '\n\033[1mKEY_FINGERPRINT_OR_EMAIL_ADDRESS,TRUSTLEVEL,PUSH_TO_KEYSERVER\033[0m\n\n' '\033[1mTRUSTLEVEL\033[0m can be numeric or string:' + '\n\n\t\033[1m-1 = Never\n\t 0 = Unknown\n\t 1 = Untrusted\n\t 2 = Marginal\n\t 3 = Full\n\t 4 = Ultimate\033[0m\n' + '\n\033[1mPUSH_TO_KEYSERVER\033[0m can be \033[1m1/True\033[0m, \033[1m0/False\033[0m, or \033[1m-1/Never\033[0m.\n' + 'If marked as False, the signature will be made local.\n' + '(If marked as Never, the signature will be non-exportable.)') args.add_argument('-d', '--gpgdir', dest = 'gpgdir', default = defgpgdir, help = 'The GnuPG configuration directory to use (containing\n' + 'your keys, etc.); default is \033[1m{0}\033[0m.'.format(defgpgdir)) args.add_argument('-T', '--testkeyservers', dest = 'testkeyservers', action = 'store_true', help = 'If specified, initiate a test connection with each\n' 'set keyserver before anything else. Disabled by default.') return(args) def verifyArgs(args): ## Some pythonization... if not args['batch']: args['keys'] = [re.sub('\s', '', k) for k in args['keys'].split(',')] else: ## Batch file batchfilepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(args['keys'])) if not os.path.isfile(batchfilepath): raise ValueError('{0} does not exist or is not a regular file.'.format(batchfilepath)) else: args['keys'] = batchfilepath args['keyservers'] = [re.sub('\s', '', s) for s in args['keyservers'].split(',')] args['keyservers'] = [serverParser(s) for s in args['keyservers']] ## Key(s) to sign args['rcpts'] = {} if not args['batch']: keyiter = args['keys'] else: keyiter = [] with open(args['keys'], 'r') as f: for row in csv.reader(f, delimiter = ',', quotechar = '"'): keyiter.append(row[0]) for k in keyiter: args['rcpts'][k] = {} try: int(k, 16) ktype = 'fpr' except: # If it isn't a valid key ID... if not re.match('^?$', k): # is it an email address? raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid email address'.format(k)) else: ktype = 'email' args['rcpts'][k]['type'] = ktype if ktype == 'fpr' and not len(k) == 40: # Security is important. We don't want users getting collisions, so we don't allow shortened key IDs. raise ValueError('{0} is not a full 40-char key ID or key fingerprint'.format(k)) ## Signing key if not args['sigkey']: raise ValueError('A key for signing is required') # We need a key we can sign with. else: if not os.path.lexists(args['gpgdir']): raise FileNotFoundError('{0} does not exist'.format(args['gpgdir'])) elif os.path.isfile(args['gpgdir']): raise NotADirectoryError('{0} is not a directory'.format(args['gpgdir'])) try: os.environ['GNUPGHOME'] = args['gpgdir'] gpg = gpgme.Context() except: raise RuntimeError('Could not use {0} as a GnuPG home'.format(args['gpgdir'])) # Now we need to verify that the private key exists... try: sigkey = gpg.get_key(args['sigkey'], True) except GpgmeError: raise ValueError('Cannot use key {0}'.format(args['sigkey'])) # And that it is an eligible candidate to use to sign. if not sigkey.can_sign or True in (sigkey.revoked, sigkey.expired, sigkey.disabled): raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid candidate for signing'.format(args['sigkey'])) ## Keyservers if args['testkeyservers']: for s in args['keyservers']: # Test to make sure the keyserver is accessible. # First we need to construct a way to use python's socket connector # Great. Now we need to just quickly check to make sure it's accessible - if specified. if args['netproto'] == '4': nettype = AF_INET elif args['netproto'] == '6': nettype = AF_INET6 for proto in s['port'][1]: if proto == 'udp': netproto = SOCK_DGRAM elif proto == 'tcp': netproto = SOCK_STREAM sock = socket(nettype, netproto) sock.settimeout(10) tests = sock.connect_ex((s['server'], int(s['port'][0]))) uristr = '{0}://{1}:{2} ({3})'.format(s['proto'], s['server'], s['port'][0], proto.upper()) if not tests == 0: raise RuntimeError('Keyserver {0} is not available'.format(uristr)) else: print('Keyserver {0} is accepting connections.'.format(uristr)) sock.close() return(args) def main(): rawargs = parseArgs() args = verifyArgs(vars(rawargs.parse_args())) modifyDirmngr('new', args) fprs = getKeys(args) trusts = trustKeys(fprs, args) sigs = sigKeys(trusts, args) modifyDirmngr('old', args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()