import json import re from flask import render_template, make_response, request from app import app @app.route('/', methods = ['GET']) #@app.route('/') def index(): # First we define interactive browsers _intbrowsers = {'camino': ['', 'Camino'], 'chrome': ['', 'Google Chrome'], 'firefox': ['', 'Mozilla Firefox'], 'galeon': ['', 'Galeon'], 'kmeleon': ['', 'K-Meleon'], 'konqueror': ['', 'Konqueror'], 'links': ['', 'Links'], 'lynx': ['', 'Lynx']} _os = {'aix': ['', 'AIX'], 'amiga': ['', 'Amiga'], 'android': ['', 'Android'], 'bsd': ['', 'BSD'], 'chromec': ['', 'ChromeOS'], 'hpux': ['', 'HP-UX'], 'iphone': ['', 'iPhone'], 'ipad': ['', 'iPad'], 'irix': ['', 'IRIX'], 'linux': ['', 'GNU/Linux'], 'macos': ['', 'macOS'], 'sco': ['', 'SCO'], 'solaris': ['', 'Solaris'], 'wii': ['', 'Wii'], 'windows': ['', 'Windows']} _alts = {'amiga': ' (have you tried AROS yet?)', 'macos': ' (have you tried ElementaryOS yet?)', 'sgi': ' (have you tried MaXX yet?)', 'windows': ' (have you tried ReactOS yet?)'} # And then we set some parameter options for less typing later on. _yes = ('y', 'yes', 'true', '1', True) _no = ('y', 'no', 'false', '0', False, 'none') # visitor = {'client': {'str': request.user_agent.string, 'browser': request.user_agent.browser, 'os': request.user_agent.platform, 'language': request.user_agent.language, 'to_header': request.user_agent.to_header(), 'version': request.user_agent.version}, 'ip': re.sub('^::ffff:', '', request.remote_addr), 'headers': dict(request.headers)} # We have to convert these to strings so we can do tuple comparisons on lower()s. params = {'json': str(request.args.get('json')).lower(), 'html': str(request.args.get('html')).lower(), 'raw': str(request.args.get('raw')).lower()} if visitor['client']['browser'] in _intbrowsers.keys(): if params['html'] == 'none': params['html'] = True if params['json'] == 'none': params['json'] = False elif params['json'] in _yes: params['json'] = True for k in params.keys(): if params[k] in _no: params[k] = False else: params[k] = True # Set the tabs for JSON try: params['tabs'] = int(request.args.get('tabs')) except (ValueError, TypeError): if visitor['client']['browser'] in _intbrowsers.keys() or params['html']: params['tabs'] = 4 else: params['tabs'] = None j = json.dumps(visitor, indent = params['tabs']) if (visitor['client']['browser'] in _intbrowsers.keys() and params['html'] and not params['raw']) or \ (visitor['client']['browser'] not in _intbrowsers.keys() and params['html']): return(render_template('index.html', visitor = visitor, browsers = _intbrowsers, os = _os, alts = _alts, json = j, params = params)) else: if visitor['client']['browser'] in _intbrowsers.keys() and not params['raw']: return(render_template('json.html', json = j, params = params)) return(j) @app.route('/about', methods = ['GET']) def about(): return(render_template('about.html')) @app.route('/usage', methods = ['GET']) def usage(): return(render_template('usage.html'))