#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import datetime # import dns # TODO: replace server['ipv4'] with IPv4 address(es)? etc. import json import re import sys from urllib.request import urlopen ## import iso3166 servers_json_url = 'https://www.archlinux.org/mirrors/status/json/' protos = ('http', 'https', 'rsync') class MirrorIdx(object): def __init__(self, country = None, proto = None, is_active = None, json_url = servers_json_url, name_re = None, ipv4 = None, ipv6 = None, isos = None, statuses = False, *args, **kwargs): _tmpargs = locals() del (_tmpargs['self']) for k, v in _tmpargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) self.validateParams() self.servers_json = {} self.servers = [] self.servers_with_scores = [] self.ranked_servers = [] self.fetchJSON() self.buildServers() self.rankServers() def fetchJSON(self): if self.statuses: sys.stderr.write('Fetching servers from {0}...\n'.format(self.json_url)) with urlopen(self.json_url) as u: self.servers_json = json.load(u) return() def buildServers(self): _filters = (self.country, self.proto, self.ipv4, self.ipv6, self.isos, self.name_re) if self.statuses: sys.stderr.write('Applying filters (if any)...\n') for s in self.servers_json['urls']: # We handle these as "tri-value" (None, True, False) if self.is_active is not None: if s['active'] != self.is_active: continue if not any(_filters): self.servers.append(s.copy()) if s['score']: self.servers_with_scores.append(s) continue # These are based on string values. if self.name_re: if not self.name_re.search(s['url']): continue # These are regular True/False switches skip = False while not skip: for value, limiter in (('country_code', self.country), ('protocol', self.proto), ('ipv4', self.ipv4), ('ipv6', self.ipv6), ('isos', self.isos)): if limiter: if s[value] != limiter: skip = True if skip: continue self.servers.append(s.copy()) return() def rankServers(self): if self.statuses: sys.stderr.write('Ranking mirrors...\n') self.ranked_servers = sorted(self.servers_with_scores, key = lambda i: i['score']) return() def validateParams(self): if self.proto and self.proto.lower() not in protos: err = '{0} must be one of: {1}'.format(self.proto, ', '.join([i.upper() for i in protos])) raise ValueError(err) elif self.proto: self.proto = self.proto.upper() if self.country and self.country.upper() not in iso3166.countries: err = ('{0} must be a valid ISO-3166-1 ALPHA-2 country code. ' 'See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_3166_country_codes' '#Current_ISO_3166_country_codes').format(self.country) raise ValueError() elif self.country: self.country = self.country.upper() if self.name_re: self.name_re = re.compile(self.name_re) return() def parseArgs(): args = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Fetch and rank Arch Linux mirrors', epilog = ('NOTE: Applying any filters will vastly increase the amount ' 'of processing time!')) args.add_argument('-c', '--country', dest = 'country', help = ('If specified, limit results to this country (in ISO-3166-1 ALPHA-2 format)')) args.add_argument('-p', '--protocol', choices = protos, dest = 'proto', help = ('If specified, limit results to this protocol')) args.add_argument('-r', '--name-regex', dest = 'name_re', help = ('If specified, limit results to URLs that match this regex pattern (Python re syntax)')) args.add_argument('-4', '--ipv4', dest = 'ipv4', action = 'store_true', help = ('If specified, limit results to servers that support IPv4')) args.add_argument('-6', '--ipv6', dest = 'ipv6', action = 'store_true', help = ('If specified, limit results to servers that support IPv6')) args.add_argument('-i', '--iso', dest = 'isos', action = 'store_true', help = ('If specified, limit results to servers that have ISO images')) is_active = args.add_mutually_exclusive_group() is_active.add_argument('-a', '--active-only', default = None, const = True, action = 'store_const', dest = 'is_active', help = ('If specified, only include active servers (default is active + inactive)')) is_active.add_argument('-n', '--inactive-only', default = None, const = False, action = 'store_const', dest = 'is_active', help = ('If specified, only include inactive servers (default is active + inactive)')) return(args) if __name__ == '__main__': args = vars(parseArgs().parse_args()) m = MirrorIdx(**args, statuses = True) for s in m.ranked_servers: print('Server = {0}$repo/os/$arch'.format(s['url']))