= kant(1) Brent Saner v1.0.0 :doctype: manpage :manmanual: KANT - Keysigning and Notification Tool :mansource: KANT :man-linkstyle: pass:[blue R < >] == NAME kant - Sign GnuPG/OpenPGP/PGP keys and notify the key owner(s) == SYNOPSIS *kant* [_OPTION_] -k/--key __ == OPTIONS Keysigning (and keysigning parties) can be a lot of fun, and can offer someone with new keys a way into the WoT (Web-of-Trust). Unfortunately, they can be intimidating to those new to the experience. This tool offers a simple and easy-to-use interface to sign public keys (normal, local-only, and/or non-exportable), set owner trust, specify level of checking done, and push the signatures to a keyserver. It even supports batch operation via a CSV file. *-h*, *--help*:: Display brief help/usage and exit. *-k* _KEY_IDS|BATCHFILE_, *--key* _KEY_IDS|BATCHFILE_:: A single or comma-separated list of key IDs (see *KEY ID FORMAT*) to sign, trust, and notify. Can also be an email address. If *-b*/*--batch* is specified, this should instead be a path to the batch file (see *BATCHFILE*). *-K* _KEY_ID_, *--sigkey* _KEY_ID_:: The key to use when signing other keys (see *KEY ID FORMAT*). The default key is automatically determined at runtime (it will be displayed in *-h*/*--help* output). *-t* _TRUSTLEVEL_, *--trustlevel* _TRUSTLEVEL_:: The trust level to automatically apply to all keys (if not specified, kant will prompt for each key). See *BATCHFILE* for trust level notations. *-c* _CHECKLEVEL_, *--checklevel* _CHECKLEVEL_:: The level of checking that was done to confirm the validity of ownership for all keys being signed. If not specified, the default is for kant to prompt for each key we sign. See *BATCHFILE* for check level notations. *-e* _EXPORT_, *--export* _EXPORT_:: Whether the signature(s) should be made exportable or not. See *BATCHFILE* for more information on exportability. The default is True (signatures will be exportable). *-l* _LOCAL_, *--local* _LOCAL_:: Make the signature(s) local-only (i.e. don't push to a keyserver). *-s* _KEYSERVER(S)_, *--keyservers* _KEYSERVER(S)_:: The comma-separated keyserver(s) to push to. The default keyserver list is automatically generated at runtime. *-b*, *--batch*:: If specified, operate in batch mode. See *BATCHFILE* for more information. *-d* _GPGDIR_, *--gpgdir* _GPGDIR_:: The GnuPG configuration directory to use (containing your keys, etc.). The default is automatically generated at runtime, but will probably be */home//.gnupg* or similar. *-T*, *--testkeyservers*:: If specified, initiate a basic test connection with each set keyserver before anything else. Disabled by default. == KEY ID FORMAT Key IDs can be specified in one of two ways. The first (and preferred) way is to use the full 160-bit (40-character, hexadecimal) key ID. A little known fact is the fingerprint of a key: *DEAD BEEF DEAD BEEF DEAD BEEF DEAD BEEF DEAD BEEF* is actually the full key ID of the primary key; i.e.: *DEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEF* The second way to specify a key, as far as KANT is concerned, is to use an email address. Do note that if more than one key is found that matches the email address given, you will be prompted to select the specific correct key ID anyways so it's usually a better idea to have the owner present their full key ID/fingerprint right from the get-go. == BATCHFILE === Format The batch file is a CSV-formatted (comma-delimited) file containing keys to sign and other information about them. It keeps the following format: *KEY_ID,TRUSTLEVEL,PUSH,CHECKLEVEL,EXPORT* === KEY_ID See *KEY ID FORMAT*. === TRUSTLEVEL The _TRUSTLEVEL_ is specified by the following levels: *THIS IS A TEST* == SEE ALSO gpg(1), gpgcong(1) == RESOURCES * Author's web site:* https://square-r00t.net/ == COPYING Copyright \(C) 2017 {author}. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GPLv3 License.