
286 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Get various information about an SKS keyserver from its status page
# without opening a browser.
# Requires BeautifulSoup4 and (optional but recommended) the lxml module.
# stdlib
import argparse
import datetime
import os
import re
import socket
from urllib.request import urlopen, urlparse
# pypi/pip
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import lxml
bs_parser = 'lxml'
except ImportError:
bs_parser = 'html.parser'
socket_orig = socket.getaddrinfo
def ForceProtov4(host, port, family = 0, socktype = 0, proto = 0,
flags = 0):
return(socket_orig(host, port, socket.AF_INET, socktype, proto, flags))
def ForceProtov6(host, port, family = 0, socktype = 0, proto = 0,
flags = 0):
return(socket_orig(host, port, socket.AF_INET6, socktype, proto, flags))
class KeyStats(object):
def __init__(self, server, port = None, tls = True, netproto = None,
proto = 'http', output = 'py', verbose = True):
self.stats = {'server': {},
'keys': 0}
if verbose:
self.stats['peers'] = {}
self.stats['histograms'] = {}
# Currently I only support scraping the stats page of the keyserver.
# TODO: Can I do this directly via HKP/HKPS? Is there a python module
# for it?
self.port_dflts = {'http': {True: 443,
False: 80,
None: 80}}
self.server = server
self.tls = tls
self.netproto = netproto
# We need to do some... ugly, hacky stuff to *force* a particular
# network stack (IPv4 vs. IPv6).
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/6319043/733214
if self.netproto:
if self.netproto == 'ipv6':
socket.getaddrinfo = ForceProtov6
elif self.netproto == 'ipv4':
socket.getaddrinfo = ForceProtov4
self.verbose = verbose
self.output = output
self.proto = proto.lower()
# TODO: would need to add add'l protocol support here.
if self.proto in ('http', 'https'):
self.proto = 'http'
if not port:
self.port = self.port_dflts[self.proto][self.tls]
self.port = int(port)
if self.proto == 'http':
def getStatsPage(self):
if self.proto is not 'http':
# Something went wrong; this function shouldn't be used for
# non-http.
_str_map = {'Hostname': 'name',
'Nodename': 'hostname',
'Version': 'version',
'Server contact': 'contact',
'HTTP port': 'hkp_port',
'Recon port': 'recon_port',
'Debug level': 'debug'}
_uri = 'pks/lookup?op=stats'
_url = '{0}://{1}:{2}/{3}'.format(('https' if self.tls else 'http'),
with urlopen(_url) as u:
_webdata = u.read()
_soup = BeautifulSoup(_webdata, bs_parser)
for e in _soup.find_all('h2'):
# General server info
if e.text == 'Settings':
t = e.find_next('table',
attrs = {'summary': 'Keyserver Settings'})
for r in t.find_all('tr'):
h = None
row = [re.sub(':$', '',
i.text.strip()) for i in r.find_all('td')]
h = row[0]
if h in _str_map.keys():
if _str_map[h] in ('debug', 'hkp_port', 'recon_port'):
self.stats['server'][_str_map[h]] = int(row[1])
elif _str_map[h] == 'version':
self.stats['server'][_str_map[h]] = tuple(
self.stats['server'][_str_map[h]] = row[1]
# "Gossip" (recon) peers list
elif e.text == 'Gossip Peers' and self.verbose:
self.stats['peers']['recon'] = []
t = e.find_next('table',
attrs = {'summary': 'Gossip Peers'})
for r in t.find_all('tr'):
_peer = list(r.children)[0].text.split()
# A tuple consisting of host/name, port.
# Mailsync peers list
elif e.text == 'Outgoing Mailsync Peers' and self.verbose:
self.stats['peers']['mailsync'] = []
t = e.find_next('table', attrs = {'summary': 'Mailsync Peers'})
for r in t.find_all('tr'):
_address = list(r.children)[0].text.strip()
# Number of keys
elif e.text == 'Statistics':
self.stats['keys'] = int(e.find_next('p').text.split()[-1])
# Histograms
for e in _soup.find_all('h3'):
# Dailies
if e.text == 'Daily Histogram' and self.verbose:
_dfmt = '%Y-%m-%d'
t = e.find_next('table', attrs = {'summary': 'Statistics'})
for r in t.find_all('tr'):
row = [i.text.strip() for i in r.find_all('td')]
if row[0] == 'Time':
_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(row[0], _dfmt)
_new = int(row[1])
_updated = int(row[2])
# JSON can't convert datetime objects to strings
# automatically like PyYAML can.
if self.output == 'json':
k = str(_date)
k = _date
self.stats['histograms'][k] = {'total': {'new': _new,
'updated': \
'hourly': {}}
# Hourlies
elif e.text == 'Hourly Histogram' and self.verbose:
_dfmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H'
t = e.find_next('table', attrs = {'summary': 'Statistics'})
for r in t.find_all('tr'):
row = [i.text.strip() for i in r.find_all('td')]
if row[0] == 'Time':
_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(row[0], _dfmt)
_new = int(row[1])
_updated = int(row[2])
_day = datetime.datetime(year = _date.year,
month = _date.month,
day = _date.day)
if self.output == 'json':
k1 = str(_day)
k2 = str(_date)
k1 = _day
k2 = _date
self.stats['histograms'][k1]['hourly'][k2] = {'new': _new,
'updated': \
def print(self):
if self.output == 'json':
import json
#indent = 4,
default = str))
elif self.output == 'yaml':
has_yaml = False
if 'YAML_MOD' in os.environ.keys():
_mod = os.environ['YAML_MOD']
import importlib
yaml = importlib.import_module(_mod)
has_yaml = True
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
raise RuntimeError(('Module "{0}" is not ' +
import yaml
has_yaml = True
except ImportError:
import pyaml as yaml
has_yaml = True
except ImportError:
if not has_yaml:
raise RuntimeError(('You must have the PyYAML or pyaml ' +
'module installed to use YAML ' +
elif self.output == 'py':
import pprint
def parseArgs():
args = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args.add_argument('-i', '--insecure',
dest = 'tls',
action = 'store_false',
help = ('If specified, do not use TLS encryption ' +
'querying the server (default is to use TLS)'))
args.add_argument('-P', '--port',
dest = 'port',
type = int,
default = None,
help = ('The port number to use. If not specified, ' +
'use the default port per the normal protocol ' +
'(i.e. for HTTPS, use 443)'))
fmt = args.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
fmt.add_argument('-j', '--json',
default = 'py',
dest = 'output',
action = 'store_const',
const = 'json',
help = ('Output the data in JSON format'))
fmt.add_argument('-y', '--yaml',
default = 'py',
dest = 'output',
action = 'store_const',
const = 'yaml',
help = ('Output the data in YAML format (requires ' +
'PyYAML or pyaml module). You can prefer which ' +
'one by setting an environment variable, ' +
'YAML_MOD, to "yaml" or "pyaml" (for PyYAML or ' +
'pyaml respectively); otherwise preference ' +
'will be PyYAML > pyaml'))
fmt.add_argument('-p', '--python',
default = 'py',
dest = 'output',
action = 'store_const',
const = 'py',
help = ('Output the data in pythonic format (default)'))
args.add_argument('-v', '--verbose',
dest = 'verbose',
action = 'store_true',
help = ('If specified, print out ALL info (peers, ' +
'histogram, etc.), not just the settings/' +
'number of keys/contact info/server info'))
proto_grp = args.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
proto_grp.add_argument('-4', '--ipv4',
dest = 'netproto',
default = None,
action = 'store_const',
const = 'ipv4',
help = ('If specified, force IPv4 (default is ' +
'system\'s preference)'))
proto_grp.add_argument('-6', '--ipv6',
dest = 'netproto',
default = None,
action = 'store_const',
const = 'ipv6',
help = ('If specified, force IPv6 (default is ' +
'system\'s preference)'))
help = ('The keyserver ((sub)domain, IP address, etc.)'))
def main():
args = vars(parseArgs().parse_args())
import pprint
ks = KeyStats(**args)
if __name__ == '__main__':