2019-06-02 11:38:50 -04:00

73 lines
5.2 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<borg xmlns="http://git.square-r00t.net/OpTools/tree/storage/backups/borg/"
<!-- You can have multiple server elements, but each one *MUST* have a unique "target" attribute. -->
<!-- "target" = either the local filesystem path (absolute or relative to execution) or the remote host
"remote" = 1/true if "target" is a remote host or 0/false if it's a local filepath
"rsh" = (remote host only) the ssh command to use. The default is given below.
"user" = (remote host only) the ssh user to use. -->
<server target="fq.dn.tld" remote="true" rsh="ssh -p 22" user="root">
<!-- You can (and probably will) have multiple repos for each server. -->
<!-- "name" = the repositoriy name.
"password" = the repository's password for the key. If not specified, you will be prompted
to enter it interactively and securely.
"compression" = see https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/create.html (-C option) -->
<repo name="testrepo" password="SuperSecretPassword" compression="lzma,9">
<!-- Each path entry is a path to back up.
See https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/create.html for examples of globbing, etc. -->
<!-- Each exclude entry should be a subdirectory of a <path> (otherwise it wouldn't match, obviously).
See https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/create.html for examples of globbing etc. -->
<!-- Prep items are executed in non-guaranteed order (but are likely to be performed in order given).
If you require them to be in a specific order, you should use a wrapper script and
use that as a prep item. -->
<!-- "inline" = if true/1, the provided text will be temporarily written to disk, executed, and deleted.
if false/0, the provided text is assumed to be a single-shot command/path to a script
(arguments are not currently supported, but may be in the future). -->
<!-- If using inline especially, take note of and use XML escape characters:
" = &quot;
' = &apos;
< = &lt;
> = &gt;
& = &amp;
and note that whitespace (including leading!) *is* preserved. -->
<!-- It *MUST* return 0 on success. -->
<prep inline="1">#!/bin/bash
# this is block text
<prep inline="0">/usr/local/bin/someprep.sh</prep>
<!-- Plugins are direct Python modules, and are alternatives to prep items.
They must:
- be in the Python's path environment (or a path must be provided) either absolute or relative to
*execution*, not the script's placement in the filesystem)
- contain a class called <module>.Backup() (which will execute all tasks on initialization)
See plugins/ directory for examples and below for example of invocation. -->
<!-- Each plugin item MUST define a "name" attribute. This is the name of the module to import.
"path" = (optional) the directory containing the plugin module; it must end in .py -->
<plugin name="mysql" path="./plugins">
<!-- Param elements are optional. Each param element MUST define a "key" attribute; this is
the name of the parameter. (For positional attributes, this should match the name used
by the <module>.Backup().init() parameter name.)
If you want a parameter to be provided but with a None value, make it self-enclosed
(e.g. '<param key="someparam"/>').
If you need to serialize pythonic objects (lists, dicts, booleans),
then set the "json" attribute to 1/true and provide the data in minified
JSON format (also referred to as "compressed JSON") - see "tools/minify_json.py -h". -->
<param key="dbs" json="true">["db1","db2"]</param>
<param key="splitdumps" json="true">true</param>
<param key="dumpopts" json="true">["--routines","--add-drop-database","--add-drop-table","--allow-keywords","--complete-insert","--create-options","--extended-insert"]</param>
<plugin name="ldap" path="./plugins">
<param key="server">ldap://my.server.tld</param>
<param key="binddn">cn=Manager,dc=server,dc=tld</param>
<param key="password">SuperSecretPassword</param>
<param key="splitldifs" json="true">false</param>