#!/usr/bin/env python3.6 # stdlib import os import re # pypi import gpg import gpg.constants import gpg.errors # Re-sign all episode files that have an invalid signature. # The GPG home GNUPGHOME = '~/podcast/gpg' # The key ID to use to sign/verify. Must exist in the local keyring, trusted, etc. GPGKEY = '0x63D1CEA387C27A92E0D50AB8343C305F9109D4DC' # The "parent" path that contains both audio files and detached sigs. # It is assumed that the sigs for each episode file live in ../gpg/* (relative # to the media file(s)). # If you need to change this, check the signer class. EPPATH = '~/podcast/releases' FILEEXTS = ('mp3', 'ogg') class signer(object): def __init__(self, key_id, gpg_home = '~/.gnupg', sig_ext = '.asc', gpg_armor = True): os.environ['GNUPGHOME'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(gpg_home)) self.sig_ext = sig_ext self.gpg = gpg.Context() # has to be an iterable self.gpg.signers = [] self.key = self.gpg.get_key(key_id, True) if self.key.can_sign: self.gpg.signers.append(self.key) self.gpg.armor = True def chkSigValid(self, fpath, sigpath_base): sigpath = '.'.join((sigpath_base, re.sub('^\.', '', self.sig_ext))) with open(sigpath, 'rb') as sig, open(fpath, 'rb') as f, \ open(os.devnull, 'wb') as DEVNULL: try: self.gpg.verify(f, signature = sig, sink = DEVNULL, verify = self.gpg.signers) return(True) except (gpg.errors.BadSignatures, gpg.errors.GPGMEError, FileNotFoundError): print('BAD/MISSING SIGNATURE: {0}'.format(fpath)) return(False) def signEpFile(self, fpath, sigpath_base): sigpath = '.'.join((sigpath_base, re.sub('^\.', '', self.sig_ext))) with open(sigpath, 'wb') as f, open(fpath, 'rb') as s: f.write(self.gpg.sign(s, mode = gpg.constants.SIG_MODE_DETACH)[0]) print('Signed/re-signed {0}'.format(fpath)) return() def getEpFiles(path, exts): print('Building list of media files; please wait...') fpaths = [] path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path)) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for f in files: if f.endswith(exts): fpaths.append(os.path.join(root, f)) return(fpaths) def main(GPGHOME = GNUPGHOME, KEYID = GPGKEY, EPSPATH = EPPATH, FILEEXT = FILEEXTS): fpaths = getEpFiles(EPSPATH, FILEEXT) sig = signer(KEYID, gpg_home = GPGHOME) print('Verifying files (and signing if necessary)...') for f in fpaths: sigfilebase = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(f), os.path.join('..', 'gpg', os.path.basename(f)))) if not sig.chkSigValid(f, sigfilebase): sig.signEpFile(f, sigfilebase) if __name__ == '__main__': main()