diff --git a/repomirror/__init__.py b/repomirror/__init__.py
index 725b28d..f413ea0 100644
--- a/repomirror/__init__.py
+++ b/repomirror/__init__.py
@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@ from . import logger
import logging
+_logger = logging.getLogger()
from . import config
from . import constants
+from . import fetcher
from . import sync
-_logger = logging.getLogger()
+Sync = sync.Sync
diff --git a/repomirror/constants.py b/repomirror/constants.py
index 72b97c4..bd025e6 100644
--- a/repomirror/constants.py
+++ b/repomirror/constants.py
@@ -1,2 +1,12 @@
PROTO_DEF_PORTS = {'ftp': 21,
'rsync': 873}
+RSYNC_DEF_ARGS = ['recursive',
+ 'times',
+ 'links',
+ 'hard-links',
+ 'delete-after',
+ 'delay-updates',
+ 'copy-links',
+ 'safe-links',
+ 'delete-extended',
+ 'exclude=.*']
diff --git a/repomirror/fetcher/__init__.py b/repomirror/fetcher/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d66f3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repomirror/fetcher/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from . import ftp
+from . import rsync
+FTP = ftp.FTP
+RSync = rsync.RSync
diff --git a/repomirror/fetcher/_base.py b/repomirror/fetcher/_base.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b70c553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repomirror/fetcher/_base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import datetime
+import logging
+import os
+_logger = logging.getLogger()
+class BaseFetcher(object):
+ type = None
+ def __init__(self, domain, port, path, dest, owner = None, filechecks = None, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.domain = domain
+ self.port = int(port)
+ self.path = path
+ self.dest = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(dest))
+ self.url = '{0}://{1}:{2}/{3}'.format(self.type, self.domain, self.port, self.path.lstrip('/'))
+ self.owner = owner
+ self.filechecks = filechecks
+ self.timestamps = {}
+ os.makedirs(self.dest, mode = 0o0755, exist_ok = True)
+ if self.owner:
+ os.chown(self.dest, **self.owner)
+ def check(self):
+ for k, v in self.filechecks['remote']:
+ if v:
+ tstmp_raw = self.fetch_content(v.path).decode('utf-8').strip()
+ tstmp = datetime.datetime.strptime(tstmp_raw, v.fmt)
+ self.timestamps[k] = tstmp
+ _logger.debug('Updated timestamps: {0}'.format(self.timestamps))
+ return(None)
+ def fetch_content(self, path):
+ # Dummy func.
+ return(b'')
diff --git a/repomirror/fetcher/ftp.py b/repomirror/fetcher/ftp.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3269e25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repomirror/fetcher/ftp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+import ftplib
+import logging
+import io
+import os
+import pathlib
+from . import _base
+_logger = logging.getLogger()
+class FTP(_base.BaseFetcher):
+ type = 'ftp'
+ def __init__(self, domain, port, path, dest, owner = None, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(domain, port, path, dest, owner = owner, *args, **kwargs)
+ _logger.debug('Instantiated FTP fetcher')
+ self.handler = ftplib.FTP(self.domain)
+ _logger.debug('Configured handler for {0}'.format(self.domain))
+ self.handler.port = self.port
+ _logger.debug('Set port for {0} to {1}'.format(self.domain, self.port))
+ self.connected = None
+ def _connect(self):
+ if not self.connected:
+ self.handler.login()
+ _logger.debug('Connected to {0}:{1} as Anonymous'.format(self.domain, self.port))
+ self.connected = True
+ return(None)
+ def _disconnect(self):
+ if self.connected:
+ self.handler.quit()
+ _logger.debug('Disconnected from {0}:{1} as Anonymous'.format(self.domain, self.port))
+ self.connected = False
+ return(None)
+ def _pathtuple(self, path):
+ relpath = path.lstrip('/')
+ relpath_stripped = str(pathlib.Path(relpath).relative_to(self.path))
+ destdir = os.path.join(self.dest, os.path.dirname(relpath_stripped))
+ destpath = os.path.join(self.dest, relpath_stripped)
+ return((relpath, destdir, destpath))
+ def _prepdir(self, destdir):
+ os.makedirs(destdir, mode = 0o0755, exist_ok = True)
+ _logger.debug('Created directory {0} (if it did not exist)'.format(destdir))
+ if self.owner:
+ os.chown(destdir, **self.owner)
+ _logger.debug('Chowned {0} to {uid}:{gid}'.format(destdir, **self.owner))
+ return()
+ def fetch(self):
+ def getter(path, relroot):
+ _logger.debug('getter invoked with path={0}, relroot={1}'.format(path, relroot))
+ if relroot == path:
+ parentdir = path
+ _logger.debug('relroot and path are the same')
+ else:
+ parentdir = relroot
+ _logger.debug('relroot and path are not the same')
+ _logger.debug('parentdir set to {0}'.format(parentdir))
+ _logger.debug('Executing LS on {0}'.format(parentdir))
+ for itemspec in self.handler.mlsd(parentdir):
+ relpath, spec = itemspec
+ if relpath in ('.', '..'):
+ continue
+ _logger.debug(('Parsing path ('
+ 'relroot: {0}, '
+ 'path: {1}, '
+ 'relpath: {2}) with spec {3}').format(relroot, path, relpath, itemspec))
+ ptype = spec['type']
+ newpath = os.path.join(parentdir, relpath)
+ itemspec = (newpath, itemspec[1])
+ if ptype.startswith('OS.unix=slink'):
+ _logger.debug('Fetching symlink {0}'.format(parentdir))
+ self.fetch_symlink(itemspec)
+ elif ptype == 'dir':
+ _logger.debug('Fetching dir {0}'.format(parentdir))
+ self.fetch_dir(itemspec)
+ _logger.debug('Recursing getter with relpath={0}, parentdir={1}'.format(relpath, parentdir))
+ getter(relpath, newpath)
+ elif ptype == 'file':
+ _logger.debug('Fetching file {0}'.format(parentdir))
+ self.fetch_file(itemspec)
+ return(None)
+ self._connect()
+ getter(self.path, self.path)
+ self._disconnect()
+ return(None)
+ def fetch_content(self, remote_filepath):
+ self._connect()
+ buf = io.BytesIO()
+ self.handler.retrbinary('RETR {0}'.format(remote_filepath), buf.write)
+ self._disconnect()
+ buf.seek(0, 0)
+ return(buf.read())
+ def fetch_dir(self, pathspec):
+ self._connect()
+ # Relative to FTP root.
+ relpath, destdir, destpath = self._pathtuple(pathspec[0])
+ mode = int(pathspec[1]['unix.mode'], 8)
+ os.makedirs(destpath, mode = mode, exist_ok = True)
+ _logger.debug('Created directory {0} with mode {1} (if it did not exist)'.format(destpath, oct(mode)))
+ if self.owner:
+ os.chown(destpath, **self.owner)
+ _logger.debug('Chowned {0} to {uid}:{gid}'.format(destpath, **self.owner))
+ return(None)
+ def fetch_file(self, pathspec):
+ self._connect()
+ relpath, destdir, destpath = self._pathtuple(pathspec[0])
+ self._prepdir(destdir)
+ with open(destpath, 'wb') as fh:
+ self.handler.retrbinary('RETR {0}'.format(relpath), fh.write)
+ _logger.debug('Created file {0}'.format(destpath))
+ mode = int(pathspec[1]['unix.mode'], 8)
+ os.chmod(destpath, mode)
+ _logger.debug('Chmodded {0} to {1}'.format(destpath, oct(mode)))
+ if self.owner:
+ os.chown(destpath, **self.owner)
+ _logger.debug('Chowned {0} to {uid}:{gid}'.format(destpath, **self.owner))
+ return(None)
+ def fetch_symlink(self, pathspec):
+ relpath, destdir, destpath = self._pathtuple(pathspec[0])
+ self._prepdir(destdir)
+ # For symlinks, this is something like: OS.unix=slink:path/to/target
+ target = pathspec[1]['type'].split(':', 1)[1]
+ # We don't care if the target exists.
+ os.symlink(target, destpath)
+ _logger.debug('Created symlink {0} -> {1}'.format(destpath, target))
+ return(None)
diff --git a/repomirror/fetcher/rsync.py b/repomirror/fetcher/rsync.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3ae612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repomirror/fetcher/rsync.py
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+import logging
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import warnings
+_cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(__file__)))
+sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(_cur_dir, '..')))
+import constants
+# import logger
+from . import _base
+_logger = logging.getLogger()
+class RSync(_base.BaseFetcher):
+ type = 'rsync'
+ def __init__(self,
+ domain,
+ port,
+ path,
+ dest,
+ rsync_args = None,
+ owner = None,
+ log = True,
+ filechecks = None,
+ *args,
+ **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(domain, port, path, dest, owner = owner, filechecks = filechecks, *args, **kwargs)
+ _logger.debug('Instantiated RSync fetcher')
+ if rsync_args:
+ self.rsync_args = rsync_args
+ else:
+ self.rsync_args = constants.RSYNC_DEF_ARGS
+ _logger.debug('RSync args given: {0}'.format(self.rsync_args))
+ if log:
+ # Do I want to do this in subprocess + logging module? Or keep this?
+ # It looks a little ugly in the log but it makes more sense than doing it via subprocess just to write it
+ # back out.
+ _log_path = None
+ for h in _logger.handlers:
+ if isinstance(h, logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler):
+ _log_path = h.baseFileName
+ break
+ self.rsync_args.extend(['--verbose',
+ '--log-file-format="[RSYNC {0}:{1}]:%l:%f%L"'.format(self.domain, self.port),
+ '--log-file={0}'.format(_log_path)])
+ def fetch(self):
+ path = self.url.rstrip('/')
+ if not path.endswith('/.'):
+ path += '/.'
+ dest = self.dest
+ if not dest.endswith('/.'):
+ dest += '/.'
+ # Yes, I know it's named "cmd_*str*". Yes, I know it's a *list*.
+ cmd_str = ['rsync',
+ *self.rsync_args,
+ path,
+ dest]
+ cmd = subprocess.run(cmd_str,
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdout = cmd.stdout.read().decode('utf-8').strip()
+ stderr = cmd.stderr.read().decode('utf-8').strip()
+ if stdout != '':
+ _logger.debug('STDOUT: {0}'.format(stdout))
+ if stderr != '' or cmd.returncode != 0:
+ _logger.error('Rsync to {0}:{1} returned exit status {2}'.format(self.domain, self.port, cmd.returncode))
+ _logger.debug('STDERR: {0}'.format(stderr))
+ warnings.warn('Rsync process returned non-zero')
+ return(None)
+ def fetch_content(self, remote_filepath):
+ tf = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
+ url = os.path.join(self.url.rstrip('/'),remote_filepath.lstrip('/'))
+ cmd_str = ['rsync',
+ *self.rsync_args,
+ url,
+ tf]
+ cmd = subprocess.run(cmd_str,
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdout = cmd.stdout.read().decode('utf-8').strip()
+ stderr = cmd.stderr.read().decode('utf-8').strip()
+ if stdout != '':
+ _logger.debug('STDOUT: {0}'.format(stdout))
+ if stderr != '' or cmd.returncode != 0:
+ _logger.error('Rsync to {0}:{1} returned exit status {2}'.format(self.domain, self.port, cmd.returncode))
+ _logger.debug('STDERR: {0}'.format(stderr))
+ warnings.warn('Rsync process returned non-zero')
+ with open(tf, 'rb') as fh:
+ raw_content = fh.read()
+ os.remove(tf)
+ return(raw_content)
diff --git a/repomirror/logger.py b/repomirror/logger.py
index 8d8fa53..980c7e3 100644
--- a/repomirror/logger.py
+++ b/repomirror/logger.py
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ if _has_journald:
h = journal.JournaldLogHandler()
# Systemd includes times, so we don't need to.
h.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(style = '{',
- fmt = ('{name}:{levelname}:{name}:{filename}:'
+ fmt = ('{name}:{levelname}:{filename}:'
'{funcName}:{lineno}: {message}')))
diff --git a/repomirror/sync.py b/repomirror/sync.py
index 885c505..c243d15 100644
--- a/repomirror/sync.py
+++ b/repomirror/sync.py
@@ -1,13 +1,40 @@
import datetime
import logging
+import pwd
+import grp
import os
+import socket
from . import config
+from . import constants
+from . import fetcher
_logger = logging.getLogger()
+def get_owner(owner_xml):
+ owner = {}
+ user = owner_xml.find('user')
+ if user:
+ user = user.text
+ group = owner_xml.find('group')
+ if group:
+ group = group.text
+ if user:
+ user_obj = pwd.getpwnam(user)
+ else:
+ user_obj = pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid())
+ owner['uid'] = user_obj.pw_uid
+ if group:
+ group_obj = grp.getgrnam(group)
+ else:
+ group_obj = grp.getgrgid(pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid()).pw_gid)
+ owner['gid'] = group_obj.gr_gid
+ _logger.debug('Resolved owner xml to {0}'.format(owner))
+ return(owner)
class Args(object):
def __init__(self, args_xml):
self.xml = args_xml
@@ -15,8 +42,20 @@ class Args(object):
def _parse_xml(self):
+ self.args = []
for arg_xml in self.xml.xpath('(short|long)'):
+ val = arg_xml.attrib.get('value')
+ if arg_xml.tag == 'short':
+ prefix = '-'
+ # elif arg_xml.tag == 'long':
+ else:
+ prefix = '--'
+ arg = '{0}{1}'.format(prefix, arg_xml.text)
+ if val:
+ arg += '={0}'.format(val)
+ self.args.append(arg)
+ _logger.debug('Generated args list: {0}'.format(self.args))
+ return(None)
class Mount(object):
@@ -26,36 +65,194 @@ class Mount(object):
def _check_mount(self):
+ _logger.debug('Getting mount status for {0}'.format(self.path))
with open('/proc/mounts', 'r') as fh:
raw = fh.read()
for line in raw.splitlines():
l = line.split()
mp = l[1]
if mp == self.path:
+ _logger.debug('{0} is mounted.'.format(self.path))
self.is_mounted = True
self.is_mounted = False
+ _logger.debug('{0} is not mounted.'.format(self.path))
class TimestampFile(object):
- def __init__(self, ts_xml):
+ def __init__(self, ts_xml, owner_xml = None):
self.fmt = ts_xml.attrib.get('timeFormat', 'UNIX_EPOCH')
if self.fmt == 'UNIX_EPOCH':
self.fmt = '%s'
elif self.fmt == 'MICROSECOND_EPOCH':
self.fmt = '%s.%f'
+ _logger.debug('Set timestamp format string to {0}'.format(self.fmt))
+ self.owner_xml = owner_xml
+ self.owner = {}
+ if self.owner_xml:
+ self.owner = get_owner(self.owner_xml)
+ _logger.debug('Owner set is {0}'.format(self.owner))
self.path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(ts_xml.text))
+ _logger.debug('Path resolved to {0}'.format(self.path))
+ def read(self, parentdir = None):
+ if parentdir:
+ path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(parentdir)),
+ self.path.lstrip('/'))
+ else:
+ path = self.path
+ with open(path, 'r') as fh:
+ timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(fh.read().strip(), self.fmt)
+ _logger.debug('Read timestamp {0} from {1}'.format(str(timestamp), self.path))
+ return(timestamp)
+ def write(self):
+ dname = os.path.dirname(self.path)
+ if not os.path.isdir(dname):
+ os.makedirs(dname, mode = 0o0755)
+ if self.owner:
+ os.chown(dname, **self.owner)
+ _logger.debug('Created {0}'.format(dname))
+ with open(self.path, 'w') as fh:
+ fh.write(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime(self.fmt))
+ fh.write('\n')
+ os.chmod(self.path, mode = 0o0644)
+ if self.owner:
+ os.chown(self.path, **self.owner)
+ _logger.debug('Wrote timestamp to {0}'.format(self.path))
+ return(None)
class Upstream(object):
- def __init__(self, upstream_xml):
- pass
+ def __init__(self, upstream_xml, dest, rsync_args = None, owner = None, filechecks = None):
+ self.xml = upstream_xml
+ # These are required for all upstreams.
+ self.sync_type = self.xml.find('syncType').text.lower()
+ self.domain = self.xml.find('domain').text
+ self.path = self.xml.find('path').text
+ self.dest = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(dest))
+ self.owner = owner
+ self.filechecks = filechecks
+ self.has_new = False
+ # These are optional.
+ for i in ('port', 'bwlimit'):
+ e = self.xml.find(i)
+ if e:
+ setattr(self, i, int(e.text))
+ else:
+ setattr(self, i, None)
+ if not getattr(self, 'port'):
+ self.port = constants.PROTO_DEF_PORTS[self.sync_type]
+ self.available = None
+ if self.sync_type == 'rsync':
+ self.fetcher = fetcher.RSync(self.domain,
+ self.port,
+ self.path,
+ self.dest,
+ rsync_args = rsync_args,
+ filechecks = self.filechecks,
+ owner = self.owner)
+ else:
+ self.fetcher = fetcher.FTP(self.domain, self.port, self.path, self.dest, owner = self.owner)
+ self._check_conn()
+ def _check_conn(self):
+ sock = socket.socket()
+ sock.settimeout(7)
+ try:
+ sock.connect((self.domain, self.port))
+ sock.close()
+ self.available = True
+ except (socket.timeout, socket.error):
+ self.available = False
+ return(None)
+ def sync(self):
+ self.fetcher.fetch()
+ return(None)
+class Distro(object):
+ def __init__(self, distro_xml):
+ self.xml = distro_xml
+ self.name = distro_xml.attrib['name']
+ self.dest = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(distro_xml.find('dest').text))
+ self.mount = Mount(self.xml.find('mountCheck'))
+ self.filechecks = {'local': {'check': None,
+ 'sync': None},
+ 'remote': {'update': None,
+ 'sync': None}}
+ self.timestamps = {}
+ self.rsync_args = None
+ self.owner = None
+ self.upstreams = []
+ # These are optional.
+ self.owner_xml = self.xml.find('owner')
+ if self.owner_xml:
+ self.owner = get_owner(self.owner_xml)
+ self.rsync_xml = self.xml.find('rsyncArgs')
+ if self.rsync_xml:
+ self.rsync_args = Args(self.rsync_xml)
+ for i in ('Check', 'Sync'):
+ e = self.xml.find('lastLocal{0}'.format(i))
+ if e:
+ self.filechecks['local'][i.lower()] = TimestampFile(e)
+ for i in ('Sync', 'Update'):
+ e = self.xml.find('lastRemote{0}'.format(i))
+ if e:
+ self.filechecks['remote'][i.lower()] = TimestampFile(e)
+ for u in self.xml.findall('upstream'):
+ self.upstreams.append(Upstream(u,
+ self.dest,
+ rsync_args = self.rsync_args,
+ owner = self.owner,
+ filechecks = self.filechecks))
+ def check(self):
+ for k, v in self.filechecks['local']:
+ if v:
+ tstmp = v.read()
+ self.timestamps[k] = tstmp
+ _logger.debug('Updated timestamps: {0}'.format(self.timestamps))
+ def sync(self):
+ self.check()
+ for u in self.upstreams:
+ if not u.available:
+ continue
+ u.fetcher.check(self.filechecks['local'])
+ if u.has_new:
+ u.sync()
+ if self.filechecks['local']['sync']:
+ self.filechecks['local']['sync'].write()
+ break
+ if self.filechecks['local']['check']:
+ self.filechecks['local']['check'].write()
+ return(None)
class Sync(object):
def __init__(self, cfg = None, dummy = False, distro = None, logdir = None, *args, **kwargs):
- _args = dict(locals())
- del(_args['self'])
- _logger.debug('Sync class instantiated with args: {0}'.format(_args))
- self.cfg = config.Config(cfg)
+ try:
+ _args = dict(locals())
+ del(_args['self'])
+ _logger.debug('Sync class instantiated with args: {0}'.format(_args))
+ self.dummy = dummy
+ if distro:
+ self.distro = distro
+ else:
+ self.distro = []
+ self._distro_objs = []
+ self.logdir = logdir
+ self.xml = config.Config(cfg)
+ self._distro_populate()
+ except Exception:
+ _logger.error('FATAL ERROR. Stacktrace follows.', exc_info = True)
+ def _distro_populate(self):
+ pass
+ def sync(self):
+ for d in self._distro_objs:
+ d.sync()
diff --git a/repomirror/test.py b/repomirror/test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..82ca827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repomirror/test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import shutil
+import logger
+import fetcher
+dest = '/tmp/ipxe_ftp'
+path = 'ipxe'
+def main():
+ if os.path.isdir(dest):
+ shutil.rmtree(dest)
+ f = fetcher.FTP('', 21, path, dest)
+ f.fetch()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/reposync.py b/reposync.py
index 62aac9b..3b5ccf1 100644
--- a/reposync.py
+++ b/reposync.py
@@ -25,11 +25,12 @@ def parseArgs():
dest = 'cfg',
help = ('The path to the config file. If it does not exist, a bare version will be created. '
'Default: ~/.config/repomirror.xmlost'))
- args.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run',
- action = 'store_true',
- dest = 'dummy',
- help = ('If specified, do not actually sync anything (other than timestamp files if '
- 'applicable to determine logic); do not actually sync any repositories'))
+ # args.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run',
+ # action = 'store_true',
+ # dest = 'dummy',
+ # help = ('If specified, do not actually sync anything (other than timestamp files if '
+ # 'applicable to determine logic); do not actually sync any repositories. Useful for '
+ # 'generating logs to determine potential issues before they happen'))
args.add_argument('-d', '--distro',
dest = 'distro',
action = 'append',
@@ -46,8 +47,8 @@ def parseArgs():
def main():
args = parseArgs().parse_args()
- r = repomirror.Sync()
+ r = repomirror.Sync(**vars(args))
+ r.sync()
diff --git a/sample.config.xml b/sample.config.xml
index 14c60a8..db68d96 100644
--- a/sample.config.xml
+++ b/sample.config.xml
@@ -61,7 +61,21 @@
@@ -96,7 +110,7 @@