2020-06-17 01:05:32 -04:00

158 lines
6.7 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
This is by default placed in ~/.config/repomirror.xml
Remember to replace any necessary special characters (
<mirror xmlns:xsi=""
<distro name="arch">
If provided (and the sync script is running as the root user), the files/directories can be chowned to the
provided user/group. Otherwise they'll be owned by whatever user the script is running as (and its primary group).
The local path to where the hierarchy/files should be synced to.
The local file to update with a timestamp with the last time we *checked* for updates.
If not provided, don't update a file (NOT recommended!).
It may or may not be optional; check with the spec for mirroring for the specified distro.
If the timeFormat attribute is provided, write the timestamp format in the specified format.
See the following for details:
The default is to use a regular UNIX Epoch integer (e.g. June 13, 2020 5:03:53 PM UTC => 1592067833).
This can be manually specified by the special string "UNIX_EPOCH".
Optionally, you can use the special string "MICROSECOND_EPOCH", which will specify the above with left-padded
microseconds (e.g. June 13, 2020 5:09:13.995777 PM UTC => 1592068153.995777).
<lastLocalCheck timeFormat="MICROSECOND_EPOCH">/srv/http/arch.lastcheck</lastLocalCheck>
The file to update with a timestamp with the last time we *synced from our upstream*.
If not provided, don't update a file (NOT recommended!).
It may or may not be optional; check with the spec for mirroring for the specified distro.
If not provided, don't update a file (NOT recommended!).
It takes the same optional attribute "timeFormat" as above, with the same behaviour.
<lastLocalSync timeFormat="UNIX_EPOCH">/srv/repos/arch/lastsync</lastLocalSync>
The path to a file on the upstream(s) that gives a time when it last updated.
The optional timeFormat attribute behavior is the same as above.
If neither this nor lastRemoteSync is provided, a sync will be attempted regardless of when the last one was
<lastRemoteUpdate timeFormat="UNIX_EPOCH">/lastupdate</lastRemoteUpdate>
The path to a file on the upstream(s) that gives a time when it last synced from its upstream.
The optional timeFormat attribute behavior is the same as above.
If neither this nor lastRemoteUpdate is provided, a sync will be attempted regardless of when the last one was
<lastRemoteSync timeFormat="UNIX_EPOCH">/lastsync</lastRemoteSync>
The path that must be currently mounted for sync to proceed.
This is required.
You cannot reliably use two dashes in XML strings, so this is a workaround.
The following is only used for rsync upstreams and is optional. The default is the following:
<long value=".*">exclude</long>
These arguments should be sane for most, if not all, rsync-driven repository mirroring. The last one (exclude) may
be removed in future versions.
If arguments are provided, the defaults are overwritten so if you need the above, be sure to specify them.
See the rsync man page (rsync(1)) for more details and a listing of supported flags on your system.
A "long" option (two hyphens).
An argument with a value (info=progress2).
<long value="progress2">info</long>
A "short" option (single hyphen).
<short>c</short><!-- checksum -->
The following example uses "rsync://"
If you need to find a mirror, you may be interested in the utils/find_fastest_upstream/ scripts. They will
automatically find (and sort based on connection speed) all mirrors in your country for a given distro.
They can even generate stubbed configuration files using those upstreams.
Currently only Arch Linux and CentOS are supported.
Required; one of:
* rsync
* ftp
Required; ONLY the domain (or IP) goes here.
Optional; if not specified,the protocol's default port will be used.
Required; the *remote* path part of the URI. The leading / is necessary. A trailing one will be assumed.
Multiple upstreams can be specified. They are tried in order specified and if connection fails or times out,
the next one will be tried until no more specified upstreams exist.
Only passive (PASV) mode for FTP is supported.
<distro name="centos">
<lastLocalCheck timeFormat="MICROSECOND_EPOCH">/srv/repos/centos/CHECKED</lastLocalCheck>
<lastLocalSync timeFormat="UNIX_EPOCH">/srv/repos/centos/TIME</lastLocalSync>
<lastRemoteUpdate timeFormat="%a %d %b %H:%M:%S UTC %Y">/timestamp.txt</lastRemoteUpdate>
<lastRemoteSync timeFormat="UNIX_EPOCH">/TIME</lastRemoteSync>