import argparse def parseArgs(): args = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = ('Dynamically update and enable/disable ' 'Hurricane Electric Tunnelbroker')) args.add_argument('-i', '--no-wan-ip', dest = 'wan_ip', action = 'store_false', help = ('If specified, use the RFC1918 IP address assigned to this machine instead of the WAN ' 'IP (necessary if this machine is behind NAT)')) args.add_argument('-c', '--config', dest = 'conf', default = '~/.config/he_tunnelbroker.ini', help = ('The path to the config. ' 'Default: ~/.config/he_tunnelbroker.ini')) args.add_argument('-t', '--tunnel-id', dest = 'tun_id', help = ('The tunnel profile ID/name to use in -c/--config. ' 'Default is to use the first one found.')) args.add_argument('-u', '--no-update', dest = 'update', action = 'store_false', help = ('If specified, do not perform the automatic update for start operations. Has no effect ' 'for other operations')) args.add_argument('oper', metavar = 'OPERATION', choices = ('update', 'start', 'stop'), help = ('The operation to perform ("start", "stop", or "update"). "update" is performed ' 'automatically by "start", but otherwise will just update the IPv4 address on record ' 'at tunnelbroker')) return(args)