import logging import os import socket logger = logging.getLogger() ## import requests from pyroute2 import IPRoute ## from . import config class TunnelBroker(object): url_ip = '' params_ip = {'raw': '1'} url_api = '' def __init__(self, conf_xml, tun_id = None, wan_ip = True, update = True, *args, **kwargs): self.conf_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(conf_xml)) logger.debug('Using config path: {0}'.format(self.conf_file)) self._conf = config.Config(self.conf_file) if tun_id: self.cfg = self._conf.tunnels[int(tun_id)] else: tun_id = list(self._conf.tunnels.keys())[0] self.cfg = self._conf.tunnels[tun_id] self.wan = wan_ip self.update = update self.my_ip = None def _get_my_ip(self): if self.wan: logger.debug('WAN IP tunneling enabled; fetching WAN IP.') req = requests.get(self.url_ip, params = self.params_ip) if not req.ok: logger.error('Could not fetch self IP. Request returned {0}.'.format(req.status_code)) raise RuntimeError('Could not fetch self IP') self.my_ip = config.IP4(req.json()['ip'], 32) logger.debug('Set my_ip to {0}.'.format(self.my_ip.str)) else: logger.debug('WAN IP tunneling disabled; fetching LAN IP.') ipr = IPRoute() _defrt = ipr.get_default_routes(family = socket.AF_INET) if len(_defrt) != 1: # This (probably) WILL fail on multipath systems. logger.error('Could not determine default route. Does this machine have a single default route?') raise RuntimeError('Could not determine default IPv4 route') self.my_ip = config.IP4(_defrt[0]['attrs']['RTA_PREFSRC'], 32) logger.debug('Set my_ip to {0}.'.format(self.my_ip.str)) return(None)