import logging import os import subprocess import warnings ## import jinja2 logger = logging.getLogger() def_tpl_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(__file__))), 'tpl') class RA(object): def __init__(self, conf = None, tpl_name = None, tpl_dir = None, *args, **kwargs): self.conf = RAConf(conf = conf, tpl_name = tpl_name, tpl_dir = tpl_dir, *args, **kwargs) self.svc = RASvc() class RAConf(object): def_tpl_name = None def_conf = None cfgstr = None def __init__(self, conf = None, tpl_name = None, tpl_dir = None, *args, **kwargs): for k in ('name', 'dir'): n = 'tpl_{0}'.format(k) d = 'def_tpl_{0}'.format(k) v = locals()[n] if not v: setattr(self, n, getattr(self, d)) else: setattr(self, n, v) if not conf: self.conf = self.def_conf else: self.conf = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(conf)) def ext_init(self): self.tpl_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(self.tpl_dir)) self.loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(self.tpl_dir) self.tpl_env = jinja2.Environment(loader = self.loader) self.tpl = self.tpl_env.get_template(self.tpl_name) return(None) def generate(self, assignments): self.cfgstr = self.tpl.render(assignments = assignments) return(None) def write(self): if not self.cfgstr: raise RuntimeError('Must run .generate() first') os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.conf), exist_ok = True, mode = 0o0700) with open(self.conf, 'w') as fh: fh.write(self.cfgstr) class RASvc(object): name = None is_systemd = False cmd_tpl = None has_pkill = False start_cmd = None stop_cmd = None restart_cmd = None def __init__(self): self._get_manager() def _exec(self, cmd): cmd_exec =, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) if cmd_exec.returncode != 0: logger.warning('Could not execute {0}; returned status {1}'.format(' '.join(cmd), cmd_exec.returncode)) for i in ('stdout', 'stderr'): s = getattr(cmd_exec, i).decode('utf-8') if s.strip() != '': logger.warning('{0}: {1}'.format(i.upper(), s)) return(None) def _get_manager(self): chkpaths = ('/run/systemd/system', '/dev/.run/systemd', '/dev/.systemd') for _ in chkpaths: if os.path.exists(_): self.is_systemd = True break if self.is_systemd: self.cmd_tpl = 'systemctl {op} {name}' else: # Systemd haters, if you don't understand the benefits of unified service management across all linux # distros, you've obviously never done wide-platform management or scripting. # Let this else block be a learning experience for you. self.cmd_tpl = None self.has_pkill = False for p in os.environ.get('PATH', '/usr/bin').split(':'): fpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(p)) bins = os.listdir(fpath) if 'pkill' in bins: self.has_pkill = True if 'service' in bins: # CentOS/RHEL pre-7.x self.cmd_tpl = 'service {name} {op}' break elif 'initctl' in bins: # older Ubuntu and other Upstart distros self.cmd_tpl = 'initctl {op} {name}' break elif 'rc-service' in bins: # OpenRC self.cmd_tpl = 'rc-service {name} {op}' break # That wasn't even all of them. if not self.cmd_tpl and not self.has_pkill: logger.error('Could not find which service manager this system is using.') raise RuntimeError('Could not determine service manager') elif self.has_pkill: # Last-ditch effort. self.start_cmd = [] self.stop_cmd = ['pkill',] self.restart_cmd = ['pkill', '-HUP',] else: for k in ('start', 'stop', 'restart'): setattr(self, '{0}_cmd'.format(k), self.cmd_tpl.format(name =, op = k).split()) return(None) def restart(self): cmd = self.restart_cmd self._exec(cmd) return(None) def start(self): cmd = self.start_cmd self._exec(cmd) return(None) def stop(self): cmd = self.stop_cmd self._exec(cmd) return(None) class RADVD(RA): name = 'radvd' def_conf = '/etc/radvd.conf' def_tpl_name = 'radvd.conf.j2' def __init__(self, conf = None, tpl_name = None, tpl_dir = None): super().__init__(conf = conf, tpl_name = tpl_name, tpl_dir = tpl_dir) self.conf.ext_init() class DNSMasq(RA): name = 'dnsmasq' def_conf = '/etc/dnsmasq.d/ra.conf' def_tpl_name = 'dnsmasq.include.j2' def __init__(self, conf = None, tpl_name = None, tpl_dir = None): super().__init__(conf = conf, tpl_name = tpl_name, tpl_dir = tpl_dir) self.conf.ext_init()