#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import json import os import re import shutil import socket import subprocess import time ## import hvac import psutil from lxml import etree ## from . import serverconf from . import vaultpassconf _url_re = re.compile(r'^(?Phttps?)://(?P[^:/]+)(:(?P[0-9]+)?)?(?P/.*)?$') class VaultSpawner(object): client = hvac.Client() binary_name = 'vault' # The name of the process, not a path! binary_path = binary_name # Can be an absolute path; the binary Vault should be started via. client_conf = None cmd = None unseal = None is_running = None local = True pid = None def __init__(self, conf, genconf = True, clientconf_file = './test.config.xml', test_data = True, *args, **kwargs): self.conf = conf self.genconf = genconf self.clientconf_file = clientconf_file self.test_data = test_data # TODO self._parseConf() self._getCreds() self._connCheck() def _connCheck(self, bind = True): listener = self.conf['listener'][0]['tcp'] addr = listener['address'] is_not_tls = listener.get('tls_disable', False) url = '{0}://{1}'.format(('http' if is_not_tls else 'https'), addr) if not _url_re.search(url): raise ValueError('Invalid server address') self.client.url = url r = _url_re.search(self.client.url) if not r: raise ValueError('Invalid server URL') try: self.port = int(r.groupdict().get('port', 80)) except ValueError: self.port = 80 self.ip = socket.gethostbyname(r.groupdict()['addr']) sock = socket.socket() try: if bind: try: sock.bind((self.ip, self.port)) self.pid = None self.is_running = False except OSError as e: if e.errno == 98: self.is_running = True elif e.errno == 99: # The address isn't on this box. self.local = False self.pid = None sock.connect((self.ip, self.port)) sock.close() except (ConnectionRefusedError, ConnectionAbortedError, ConnectionResetError): self.is_running = False finally: try: sock.close() except NameError: # No idea how we got here, but... pass return(None) def _getClientConf(self, fpath = None): if not fpath: fpath = self.clientconf_file clientconf = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(fpath)) self.client_conf = vaultpassconf.getConfig(clientconf) return(None) def _getCreds(self, new_unseal = None, new_auth = None, write_conf = None): if not write_conf: write_conf = self.clientconf_file self._getClientConf() rewrite_xml = False # TODO: finish regen of client conf and re-parse so new elements get added to both, # and write out namespaced xml unseal_xml = self.client_conf.namespaced_xml.find('.//{0}unseal'.format(self.client_conf.xml.nsmap[None])) self.unseal = unseal_xml.text auth_xml = self.client_conf.xml.find('.//{0}auth'.format(self.client_conf.xml.nsmap[None])) token_xml = auth_xml.find('.//token') if unseal_xml is not None and not new_unseal: self.unseal = unseal_xml.text if token_xml is not None and not new_auth: self.client.token = token_xml.text if new_unseal: unseal_xml.getparent().replace(unseal_xml, new_unseal) rewrite_xml = True if new_auth: auth_xml.getparent().replace(auth_xml, new_auth) rewrite_xml = True if rewrite_xml: write_conf = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(write_conf)) with open(write_conf, 'w') as fh: fh.write() # TODO: which object? return(None) def _getProcess(self): # TODO: check for pidfile in self.conf and read if file exists def clear(): self.pid = None return(None) self._getCreds() if not self.local: clear() return(None) processes = [p for p in psutil.process_iter() if p.name() == self.binary_name] if not processes: clear() return(None) if self.is_running: if len(processes) != 1 and os.geteuid() != 0: # Vault hides its PID in the network connections/hides its FDs, # so we have *no* way to get the PID as a regular user. raise RuntimeError('Cannot determine Vault instance to manage') elif len(processes) == 1: self.pid = self.processes[0].pid else: # We're running as root. conns = [c for c in psutil.net_connections() if c.laddr.ip == ip and c.laddr.port == port] if not len(conns) == 1: # This, theoretically, should never happen. raise RuntimeError('Cannot determine Vault instance to manage') else: self.pid = conns[0].pid return(None) return(None) def _initChk(self): self._getClientConf() self._connCheck() if not self.is_running: return(False) if not self.client.sys.is_initialized(): init_rslt = self.client.sys.initialize(secret_shares = 1, secret_threshold = 1) self.unseal = init_rslt['keys_base64'][0] self.client.token = init_rslt['root_token'] newauth = etree.Element('auth') newtoken = etree.Element('token') newtoken.text = self.client.token newauth.append(newtoken) newunseal = etree.Element('unseal') newunseal.text = self.unseal self._getCreds(new_auth = newauth, new_unseal = newunseal) if self.client.sys.is_sealed(): self.client.sys.submit_unseal_key(self.unseal) return(True) def _parseConf(self): is_hcl = False rawconf = None if not self.conf: if os.path.isfile(serverconf.conf_file): self.conf = serverconf.conf_file else: # Use the default. self.genconf = True self.conf = serverconf.default_conf elif not isinstance(self.conf, dict): # Assume it's a file. self.conf = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(self.conf)) with open(self.conf, 'r') as fh: rawconf = fh.read() try: self.conf = json.loads(rawconf) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: is_hcl = True # It's probably HCL. if is_hcl: self.conf = serverconf.parseHCL(rawconf) if self.genconf: serverconf.genConf(confdict = self.conf) return(None) def cleanup(self): storage = self.conf.get('storage', {}).get('file', {}).get('path') if not storage: return(None) storage = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(storage)) if os.path.isdir(storage): shutil.rmtree(storage) return(None) def start(self): self._getProcess() if self.is_running: # Already started. self._initChk() return(None) if not self.local: # It's a remote address self._initChk() return(None) cmd_str = [self.binary_path, 'server'] cmd_str.extend(['-config', serverconf.conf_file]) # We have to use Popen because even vault server doesn't daemonize. # Gorram it, HashiCorp. self.cmd = subprocess.Popen(cmd_str, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) if self.cmd.returncode != 0: print('STDERR:\n{0}'.format(self.cmd.stderr.decode('utf-8'))) raise RuntimeError('Vault did not start correctly') attempts = 5 seconds = 3 while not self.is_running and attempts != 0: self._connCheck() time.sleep(seconds) if not self.is_running: raise TimeoutError('Could not start Vault') self._initChk() return(None) def stop(self): self._getProcess() if self.cmd: self.cmd.kill() else: os.kill(self.pid) return(None) def parseArgs(): args = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Start/Stop a test Vault instance and ensure sample data exists') args.add_argument('-n', '--no-test-data', dest = 'test_data', action = 'store_false', help = ('If specified, do not populate with test data (if it doesn\'t exist)')) args.add_argument('-d', '--delete', dest = 'delete_storage', action = 'store_false', help = ('If specified, delete the storage backend first so a fresh instance is created')) args.add_argument('-c', '--cleanup', dest = 'cleanup', action = 'store_true', help = ('If specified, remove the storage backend when stopping')) args.add_argument('-s', '--server-conf', dest = 'conf', help = ('Specify a path to an alternate server configuration file. ' 'If not provided, a default one will be used')) args.add_argument('-C', '--client-conf', default = './test.config.xml', dest = 'clientconf_file', help = ('Path to a vaultpass.xml to use. Default: ./test.config.xml')) args.add_argument('oper', choices = ['start', 'stop'], help = ('Operation to perform. One of: start, stop')) return(args) def main(): args = parseArgs().parse_args() s = VaultSpawner(**vars(args)) if args.delete_storage: s.cleanup() if args.oper == 'start': s.start() elif args.oper == 'stop': s.stop() if args.cleanup: s.cleanup() return(None) if __name__ == '__main__': main()