import argparse ## from . import constants def parseArgs(): args = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'VaultPass - a Vault-backed Pass replacement', prog = 'VaultPass', epilog = ('This program has context-specific help. Try "... cp --help". ' 'This help output is intentionally terse; see "man 1 vaultpass" and the ' 'README for more complete information, configuration, and usage.')) args.add_argument('-V', '--version', action = 'version', version = '%(prog)s {0}'.format(constants.VERSION)) args.add_argument('-c', '--config', default = '~/.config/vaultpass.xml', help = ('The path to your configuration file. Default: ~/.config/vaultpass.xml')) args.add_argument('-m', '--mount', dest = 'mount', required = False, help = ('The mount to use in OPERATION. If not specified, assume all mounts we have access ' 'to/all mounts specified in -c/--config')) # I wish argparse supported default subcommands. It doesn't as of python 3.8. subparser = args.add_subparsers(help = ('Operation to perform'), metavar = 'OPERATION', dest = 'oper') cp = subparser.add_parser('cp', description = ('Copy a secret from one path to another'), help = ('Copy a secret from one path to another'), aliases = ['copy']) edit = subparser.add_parser('edit', description = ('Edit an existing secret or create it if it does not exist'), help = ('Edit an existing secret or create it if it does not exist')) find = subparser.add_parser('find', description = ('Find the path to a secret given a regex of the name'), help = ('Find the path to a secret given a regex of the name'), aliases = ['search']) gen = subparser.add_parser('generate', description = ('Generate a password/passphrase'), help = ('Generate a password/passphrase')) # Dummy opt; do nothing git = subparser.add_parser('git', description = ('This operation does nothing except maintain compatibility')) grep = subparser.add_parser('grep', description = ('Search secret content by regex'), help = ('Search secret content by regex')) helpme = subparser.add_parser('help', description = ('Show this help and exit'), help = ('Show this help and exit')) initvault = subparser.add_parser('init', description = ('This operation does nothing except maintain compatibility'), help = ('This operation does nothing except maintain compatibility')) insertval = subparser.add_parser('insert', description = ('Add a new secret (or overwrite one)'), help = ('Add a new secret (or overwrite one)'), aliases = ['add']) ls = subparser.add_parser('ls', description = ('List names of secrets available'), help = ('List names of secrets available'), aliases = ['list']) mv = subparser.add_parser('mv', description = ('Moves a secret to a different path'), help = ('Moves a secret to a different path'), aliases = ['rename', 'move']) rm = subparser.add_parser('rm', description = ('Delete a secret'), help = ('Delete a secret'), aliases = ['remove', 'delete']) show = subparser.add_parser('show', description = ('Print/fetch a secret'), help = ('Print/fetch a secret')) version = subparser.add_parser('version', description = ('Print the VaultPass version and exit'), help = ('Print the VaultPass version and exit')) importvault = subparser.add_parser('import', description = ('Import your existing Pass into Vault'), help = ('Import your existing Pass into Vault')) # CP/COPY cp.add_argument('-f', '--force', dest = 'force', action = 'store_true', help = ('If specified, replace NEWPATH if it exists')) cp.add_argument('oldpath', metavar = 'OLDPATH', help = ('The original ("source") path for the secret')) cp.add_argument('newpath', metavar = 'NEWPATH', help = ('The new ("destination") path for the secret')) # EDIT edit.add_argument('-e', '--editor', metavar = '/PATH/TO/EDITOR', dest = 'editor', default = constants.EDITOR, help = ('The editor program to use (sourced from EDITOR environment variable). ' 'Default: {0}').format(constants.EDITOR)) edit.add_argument('path', metavar = 'PATH_TO_SECRET', help = ('Insert a new secret at PATH_TO_SECRET if it does not exist, otherwise edit it using ' 'your default editor (see -e/--editor)')) # FIND/SEARCH find.add_argument('pattern', metavar = 'NAME_PATTERN', help = ('List secrets\' paths whose names match the regex NAME_PATTERN')) # GENERATE # TODO: feature parity with passgen (spaces? etc.) gen.add_argument('-n', '--no-symbols', dest = 'symbols', action = 'store_false', help = ('If specified, generate a password with no non-alphanumeric chracters')) gen.add_argument('-c', '--clip', dest = 'clip', action = 'store_true', help = ('If specified, do not print the password but instead place in the clipboard for ' 'a given number of seconds (see -s/--seconds)')) gen.add_argument('-s', '--seconds', dest = 'seconds', type = int, default = constants.CLIP_TIMEOUT, help = ('If generating to the clipboard (see -c/--clip), clear the clipboard after this many ' 'seconds. Default: {0}').format(constants.CLIP_TIMEOUT)) gen.add_argument('-C', '--characters', dest = 'chars', default = constants.SELECTED_PASS_CHARS, help = ('The characters to use when generating a password (symbols included). ' 'Default: {0}').format(constants.SELECTED_PASS_CHARS.replace('%', '%%'))) gen.add_argument('-Cn', '--characters-no-symbols', dest = 'chars_plain', default = constants.SELECTED_PASS_NOSYMBOL_CHARS, help = ('The characters to use when generating an alphanumeric-only password, ' 'Default: {0}').format(constants.SELECTED_PASS_NOSYMBOL_CHARS)) # TODO: support? gen.add_argument('-i', '--in-place', dest = 'in_place', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Unused; kept for compatibility reasons)')) gen.add_argument('-q', '--qrcode', dest = 'qr', action = 'store_true', help = ('If specified, display the password as a QR code (graphically or in-terminal depending ' 'on supported environment)')) gen.add_argument('-f', '--force', dest = 'force', help = ('If specified and PATH/TO/SECRET exists, overwrite without prompting first')) gen.add_argument('path', metavar = 'PATH/TO/SECRET', help = ('The path to the secret')) gen.add_argument('length', type = int, default = constants.GENERATED_LENGTH, nargs = '?', metavar = 'LENGTH', help = ('The length (number of characters) in the generated password. ' 'Default: {0}').format(constants.GENERATED_LENGTH)) # GIT git.add_argument('dummy_opts', nargs = '+', default = None, metavar = 'dummy', help = ('(Unused; kept for compatibility reasons)')) # GREP # I wish argparse supported arbitrary arguments. # It *KIND* of does: but then I wouldn't be able to properly grab the # regex pattern without more hackery. So here's to wasting my life. ## DUMMY OPTIONS ## #################################################################################################################### grep.add_argument('-V', '--version', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-E', '--extended-regexp', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-F', '--fixed-strings', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-G', '--basic-regexp', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-P', '--perl-regexp', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-i', '--ignore_case', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('--no-ignore-case', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-v', '--invert-match', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-w', '--word-regexp', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-x', '--line-regexp', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-y', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-c', '--count', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-L', '--files-without-match', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-l', '--files-with-matches', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-o', '--only-matching', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', '--silent', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-s', '--no-messages', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-b', '--byte-offset', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-H', '--with-filename', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-n', '--line-number', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-T', '--initial-tab', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-u', '--unix-byte-offsets', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-Z', '--null', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-a', '--text', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-I', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-r', '--recursive', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-R', '--dereference-recursive', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('--line-buffered', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-U', '--binary', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-z', '--null-data', action = 'store_true', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-e', '--regexp', dest = 'dummy_0', metavar = 'PATTERNS', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-f', '--file', dest = 'dummy_1_0', metavar = 'FILE', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('--exclude-from', dest = 'dummy_1_1', metavar = 'FILE', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-m', '--max-count', dest = 'dummy_2_0', metavar = 'NUM', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-A', '--after-context', dest = 'dummy_2_1', metavar = 'NUM', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-B', '--before-context', dest = 'dummy_2_2', metavar = 'NUM', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-C', '--context', dest = 'dummy_2_3', metavar = 'NUM', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('--label', dest = 'dummy_3', metavar = 'LABEL', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('--binary-files', dest = 'dummy_4', metavar = 'TYPE', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-D', '--devices', dest = 'dummy_5_0', metavar = 'ACTION', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('-d', '--directories', dest = 'dummy_5_1', metavar = 'ACTION', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('--exclude', dest = 'dummy_6_0', metavar = 'GLOB', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('--exclude-dir', dest = 'dummy_6_1', metavar = 'GLOB', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('--include', dest = 'dummy_6_2', metavar = 'GLOB', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) grep.add_argument('--color', '--colour', dest = 'dummy_7', metavar = 'WHEN', const = None, nargs = '?', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) #################################################################################################################### grep.add_argument('pattern', metavar = 'REGEX_PATTERN', help = ('Regex pattern to search passwords')) # HELP has no arguments. # INIT initvault.add_argument('-p', '--path', dest = 'path', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) initvault.add_argument('gpg_id', dest = 'gpg_id', help = ('(Dummy option; kept for compatibility reasons)')) # INSERT # TODO: if -e/--echo is specified and sys.stdin, use sys.stdin rather than prompt insertval.add_argument('-e', '--echo', dest = 'allow_shouldersurf', action = 'store_true', help = ('If specified, enable keyboard echo (show the secret as it\'s being typed) and ' 'disable confirmation')) insertval.add_argument('-m', '--multiline', action = 'store_true', dest = 'multiline', help = ('If specified, keep reading stdin until EOF is reached or ctrl-d is pressed')) insertval.add_argument('-f', '--force', action = 'store_true', help = ('If specified, overwrite any existing secret without prompting')) insertval.add_argument('-n', '--no-confirm', dest = 'confirm', action = 'store_false', help = ('If specified, disable password prompt confirmation. ' 'Has no effect if -e/--echo is specified')) # LS ls.add_argument('path', metavar = 'PATH/TO/TREE/BASE', help = ('List names of secrets recursively, starting at PATH/TO/TREE/BASE')) # MV mv.add_argument('-f', '--force', dest = 'force', action = 'store_true', help = ('If specified, replace NEWPATH if it exists')) mv.add_argument('oldpath', metavar = 'OLDPATH', help = ('The original ("source") path for the secret')) mv.add_argument('newpath', metavar = 'NEWPATH', help = ('The new ("destination") path for the secret')) # RM # Is this argument even sensible since it isn't a filesystem? rm.add_argument('-r', '--recursive', dest = 'recurse', action = 'store_true', help = ('If PATH/TO/SECRET is a directory, delete all subentries')) rm.add_argument('-f', '--force', dest = 'force', action = 'store_true', help = ('If specified, delete all matching path(s) without prompting for confirmation')) rm.add_argument('path', metavar = 'PATH/TO/SECRET', help = ('The path to the secret or subdirectory')) # SHOW show.add_argument('-c', '--clip', nargs = '?', type = int, default = constants.SHOW_CLIP_LINENUM, metavar = 'LINE_NUMBER', dest = 'clip', help = ('If specified, copy line number LINE_NUMBER (Default: {0}) from the secret to the ' 'clipboard instead of printing it.').format(constants.SHOW_CLIP_LINENUM)) show.add_argument('-q', '--qrcode', nargs = '?', type = int, metavar = 'LINE_NUMBER', default = constants.SHOW_CLIP_LINENUM, help = ('If specified, do not print the secret at but instead ')) show.add_argument('-s', '--seconds', dest = 'seconds', type = int, default = constants.CLIP_TIMEOUT, help = ('If copying to the clipboard (see -c/--clip), clear the clipboard after this many ' 'seconds. Default: {0}').format(constants.CLIP_TIMEOUT)) return(args)