holy shit, more restructuring

This commit is contained in:
brent s 2020-05-15 18:01:03 -04:00
parent 429cf7b155
commit 363cdc712e
Signed by: bts
GPG Key ID: 8C004C2F93481F6B
7 changed files with 226 additions and 162 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from . import args from . import args
from . import radvd from . import ra
from . import tunnel from . import tunnel
from . import config from . import config
from . import logger from . import logger

View File

@ -41,12 +41,10 @@
<!-- <!--
Where to assign your allocations. The default allocation prefix is a /64 (prefix="64"), since that's what SLAAC Where to assign your allocations. The default allocation prefix is a /64 (prefix="64"), since that's what SLAAC
recommends. recommends.
It has two optional attributes: It has one optional attribute, "raProvider", which can be "dnsmasq" or "radvd". Further system configuration may
* "radvd" - a boolean; if true, /etc/radvd.conf will be automatically. be required. If not specified, the default is to not send router advertisements.
* "radvdDns" - a boolean, only used if radvd is true; if true, will specify the server's IP as an RDSS.
generated and restarted.
--> -->
<assignments radvd="true" radvdDns="true"> <assignments raProvider="dnsmasq">
<!-- <!--
Each assignment has the following required attributes: Each assignment has the following required attributes:
* "prefix" - the size of the subnet to assign to an interface, "64" (/64) by default since that's what SLAAC * "prefix" - the size of the subnet to assign to an interface, "64" (/64) by default since that's what SLAAC
@ -60,9 +58,20 @@
The interface will be assigned :1 (the first host in the subnet) as well, so it is recommended that you do not The interface will be assigned :1 (the first host in the subnet) as well, so it is recommended that you do not
assign a /128 prefix. assign a /128 prefix.
--> -->
<assign prefix="64" alloc="64" iface="eth0"/> <assign prefix="64" alloc="64" iface="eth0">
Each assignment can have an "ra" child. The default is to not implement RA for this interface if not
<assign prefix="64" alloc="48" iface="eth0"/> <assign prefix="64" alloc="48" iface="eth0"/>
<assign prefix="64" alloc="48" iface="eth1"/> <assign prefix="64" alloc="48" iface="eth1">

<assign prefix="64" alloc="48" iface="eth2"/> <assign prefix="64" alloc="48" iface="eth2"/>
</assignments> </assignments>
</tunnel> </tunnel>

utils/he_ipv6/ra.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import warnings
import jinja2

logger = logging.getLogger()
def_tpl_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(__file__))), 'tpl')

class RA(object):
def __init__(self, conf = None, tpl_name = None, tpl_dir = None, *args, **kwargs):
self.conf = RAConf(conf = conf, tpl_name = tpl_name, tpl_dir = tpl_dir, *args, **kwargs)
self.svc = RASvc()

class RAConf(object):
def_tpl_name = None
def_conf = None
cfgstr = None

def __init__(self, conf = None, tpl_name = None, tpl_dir = None, *args, **kwargs):
for k in ('name', 'dir'):
n = 'tpl_{0}'.format(k)
d = 'def_tpl_{0}'.format(k)
v = locals()[k]
if not v:
setattr(self, n, getattr(self, d))
setattr(self, n, v)
if not conf:
self.conf = self.def_conf
self.conf = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(conf))

def ext_init(self):
self.tpl_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(self.tpl_dir))
self.loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(self.tpl_dir)
self.tpl_env = jinja2.Environment(loader = self.loader)
self.tpl = self.tpl_env.get_template(self.tpl_name)

def generate(self, assignments):
ns = {}
for a in assignments:
if len(a.iface_addrs) > 3:
ns_addrs = a.iface_addrs[:3]
ns_addrs = a.iface_addrs
ns[a.iface] = ns_addrs
self.cfgstr = self.tpl.render(assignments = assignments, nameservers = ns)

def write(self):
if not self.cfgstr:
raise RuntimeError('Must run .generate() first')
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.conf), exist_ok = True, mode = 0o0700)
with open(self.conf, 'w') as fh:

class RASvc(object):
name = None
is_systemd = False
cmd_tpl = None
has_pkill = False
start_cmd = None
stop_cmd = None
restart_cmd = None

def __init__(self):

def _exec(self, cmd):
cmd_exec = subprocess.run(cmd, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
if cmd_exec.returncode != 0:
logger.warning('Could not execute {0}; returned status {1}'.format(' '.join(cmd),
for i in ('stdout', 'stderr'):
s = getattr(cmd_exec, i).decode('utf-8')
if s.strip() != '':
logger.warning('{0}: {1}'.format(i.upper(), s))

def _get_manager(self):
chkpaths = ('/run/systemd/system',
for _ in chkpaths:
if os.path.exists(_):
self.is_systemd = True
if self.is_systemd:
self.cmd_tpl = 'systemctl {op} {name}'
# Systemd haters, if you don't understand the benefits of unified service management across all linux
# distros, you've obviously never done wide-platform management or scripting.
# Let this else block be a learning experience for you.
self.cmd_tpl = None
self.has_pkill = False
for p in os.environ.get('PATH', '/usr/bin').split(':'):
fpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(p))
bins = os.listdir(fpath)
if 'pkill' in bins:
self.has_pkill = True
if 'service' in bins: # CentOS/RHEL pre-7.x
self.cmd_tpl = 'service {name} {op}'
elif 'initctl' in bins: # older Ubuntu and other Upstart distros
self.cmd_tpl = 'initctl {op} {name}'
elif 'rc-service' in bins: # OpenRC
self.cmd_tpl = 'rc-service {name} {op}'
# That wasn't even all of them.
if not self.cmd_tpl and not self.has_pkill:
logger.error('Could not find which service manager this system is using.')
raise RuntimeError('Could not determine service manager')
elif self.has_pkill: # Last-ditch effort.
self.start_cmd = [self.name]
self.stop_cmd = ['pkill', self.name]
self.restart_cmd = ['pkill', '-HUP', self.name]
for k in ('start', 'stop', 'restart'):
self.cmd_tpl.format(name = self.name, op = k).split())

def restart(self):
cmd = self.restart_cmd

def start(self):
cmd = self.start_cmd

def stop(self):
cmd = self.stop_cmd

class RADVD(RA):
name = 'radvd'
def_conf = '/etc/radvd.conf'
def_tpl_name = 'radvd.conf.j2'

def __init__(self, conf = None, tpl_name = None, tpl_dir = None):
super().__init__(conf = conf, tpl_name = tpl_name, tpl_dir = tpl_dir)

class DNSMasq(RA):
name = 'dnsmasq'
def_conf = '/etc/dnsmasq.d/ra.conf'
def_tpl_name = 'dnsmasq.include.j2'

def __init__(self, conf = None, tpl_name = None, tpl_dir = None):
super().__init__(conf = conf, tpl_name = tpl_name, tpl_dir = tpl_dir)

View File

@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import warnings

logger = logging.getLogger()

class RADVDSvc(object):
svc_name = 'radvd'

def __init__(self):
self.name = self.svc_name
self.is_systemd = False
self.cmd_tpl = None
self.has_pkill = False

def _get_manager(self):
chkpaths = ('/run/systemd/system',
for _ in chkpaths:
if os.path.exists(_):
self.is_systemd = True
if self.is_systemd:
self.cmd_tpl = 'systemctl {op} {name}'
# Systemd haters, if you don't understand the benefits of unified service management across all linux
# distros, you've obviously never done wide-platform management or scripting.
# Let this else block be a learning experience for you.
self.cmd_tpl = None
self.has_pkill = False
for p in os.environ.get('PATH', '/usr/bin').split(':'):
fpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(p))
bins = os.listdir(fpath)
if 'pkill' in bins:
self.has_pkill = True
if 'service' in bins: # CentOS/RHEL pre-7.x
self.cmd_tpl = 'service {name} {op}'
elif 'initctl' in bins: # older Ubuntu and other Upstart distros
cmd = ['initctl', 'restart', self.name]
elif 'rc-service' in bins: # OpenRC
cmd = ['rc-service', self.name, 'restart']
# That wasn't even all of them.
# This doesn't make sense since we template the command now.
# if not self.cmd_tpl and self.has_pkill: # last-ditch effort.
# cmd = ['pkill', '-HUP', self.name]
if not self.cmd_tpl:
logger.error('Could not find which service manager this system is using.')
raise RuntimeError('Could not determine service manager')

def restart(self):

def start(self):
cmd = self.cmd_tpl.format(op = 'start', name = self.name).split()
cmd_exec = subprocess.run(cmd, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
if cmd_exec.returncode != 0:
logger.warning('Could not successfully start {0}; returned status {1}'.format(self.name,
for i in ('stdout', 'stderr'):
s = getattr(cmd_exec, i).decode('utf-8')
if s.strip() != '':
logger.warning('{0}: {1}'.format(i.upper(), s))
warnings.warn('Service did not start successfully')

def stop(self):
cmd = self.cmd_tpl.format(op = 'stop', name = self.name).split()
cmd_exec = subprocess.run(cmd, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
if cmd_exec.returncode != 0:
logger.warning('Could not successfully stop {0}; returned status {1}'.format(self.name,
for i in ('stdout', 'stderr'):
s = getattr(cmd_exec, i).decode('utf-8')
if s.strip() != '':
logger.warning('{0}: {1}'.format(i.upper(), s))
warnings.warn('Service did not stop successfully')

class RADVDConf(object):
path = '/etc/radvd.conf'
tpl = ('interface {iface} {{\n'
'\tAdvSendAdvert on;\n'
# '\tAdvLinkMTU 1280;\n' # Is it 1480 or 1280? Arch wiki says 1480, but everything else (older) says 1280.
'\tAdvLinkMTU 1480;\n'
'\tMinRtrAdvInterval 60;\n'
'\tMaxRtrAdvInterval 600;\n'
'\tAdvDefaultLifetime 9000;\n'
'\troute ::/0 {{\n'
'\t\tAdvRouteLifetime infinity;\n'
tpl_prefix = ('\tprefix {subnet} {{\n'
'\t\tAdvOnLink on;\n'
'\t\tAdvAutonomous on;\n'
'\t\tAdvRouterAddr off;\n'
tpl_rdnss = ('\tRDNSS {client_ip} {{}};\n')

def __init__(self, cfg = None):
if not cfg:
self.cfg = self.path
self.cfg = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(cfg))
self.cfgStr = None

def generate(self, assign_objs):
self.cfgStr = ''
for assign_obj in assign_objs:
if not assign_obj.do_radvd:
for b in assign_obj.iface_blocks:
prefix = self.tpl_prefix.format(subnet = str(b))
if assign_obj.radvd_dns:
dns = self.tpl_rdnss.format(client_ip = str(next(b.iter_hosts())))
dns = ''
self.cfgStr += self.tpl.format(prefix = prefix, rdnss = dns, iface = assign_obj.iface)

def write(self):
with open(self.cfg, 'w') as fh:

class RADVD(object):
def __init__(self):
self.svc = RADVDSvc()
self.conf = RADVDConf(cfg = '/etc/radvd.conf')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# This file should be *included* in your dnsmasq configuration.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# Generated by he_ipv6
{% for assign in assignments %}
{% for assignment in assign.iface_blocks %}
interface {{ assignment.iface }} {
AdvSendAdvert on;
# Is it 1480 or 1280? Arch wiki says 1480, but everything else (older) says 1280.
# AdvLinkMTU 1280;
AdvLinkMTU 1480;
MinRtrAdvInterval 60;
MaxRtrAdvInterval 600;
AdvDefaultLifetime 9000;

{%- for block in assignment.iface_blocks %}
prefix {{ block|string }} {
AdvOnLink on;
{%- if block.prefixlen == 64 %}
AdvAutonomous on;
{%- endif %}
AdvRouterAddr off;
{%- endfor %}

{%- if ra.dns is true %}
RDNSS {{ nameservers[assignment.iface]|join(' ') }} {
{%- endif %}

{%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import netaddr
from pyroute2 import IPRoute from pyroute2 import IPRoute
## ##
from . import utils from . import utils
from . import radvd from . import ra

class IP(object): class IP(object):
@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ class IP6(IP):

class Assignment(object): class Assignment(object):
def __init__(self, assign_xml, radvd = False, dns = False): def __init__(self, assign_xml, ra = False, dns = False, ra_provider = 'dnsmasq'):
self.xml = assign_xml self.xml = assign_xml
self.do_radvd = radvd self.ra = ra
self.radvd_dns = dns self.dns = dns
self.iface = None self.iface = None
self.iface_idx = None self.iface_idx = None
self.iface_addrs = [] self.iface_addrs = []
@ -114,9 +114,10 @@ class Tunnel(object):
self.client = None self.client = None
self.server = None self.server = None
self.endpoint = None self.endpoint = None
self.radvd = None self.ra = False
self.enable_radvd = None self.ra_provider = None
self.radvd_dns = None self.ra_dns = False
self.ra_dhcp = False
self.allocations = {} # This is a dict of {}[alloc.id] = Allocation obj self.allocations = {} # This is a dict of {}[alloc.id] = Allocation obj
self.assignments = [] # This is a list of Assignment objs self.assignments = [] # This is a list of Assignment objs
self.parse() self.parse()
@ -127,10 +128,11 @@ class Tunnel(object):

def _assignments(self): def _assignments(self):
_assigns_xml = self.xml.find('assignments') _assigns_xml = self.xml.find('assignments')
self.enable_radvd = utils.xml2bool(_assigns_xml.attrib.get('radvd', 'false'))
self.radvd_dns = utils.xml2bool(_assigns_xml.attrib.get('radvdDns', 'false')) self.enable_ra = utils.xml2bool(_assigns_xml.attrib.get('radvd', 'false'))
self.ra_dns = utils.xml2bool(_assigns_xml.attrib.get('radvdDns', 'false'))
for _assign_xml in _assigns_xml.findall('assign'): for _assign_xml in _assigns_xml.findall('assign'):
assign = Assignment(_assign_xml, radvd = self.enable_radvd, dns = self.radvd_dns) assign = Assignment(_assign_xml, ra = self.enable_ra, dns = self.ra_dns)
assign.alloc = self.allocations[assign.alloc_id] assign.alloc = self.allocations[assign.alloc_id]
assign.parse_alloc() assign.parse_alloc()
self.assignments.append(assign) self.assignments.append(assign)
@ -153,7 +155,7 @@ class Tunnel(object):
return(None) return(None)

def _radvd(self): def _radvd(self):
self.radvd = radvd.RADVD()
self.radvd.conf.generate(self.assignments) self.radvd.conf.generate(self.assignments)
return(None) return(None)