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import copy
import logging
import re
2020-04-03 18:27:43 -04:00
import shutil
import time
import warnings
import dpath.util #
import hvac.exceptions
from . import constants
_logger = logging.getLogger()
_mount_re = re.compile(r'^(?P<mount>.*)/$')
_subpath_re = re.compile(r'^/?(?P<path>.*)/$')
_kv_re = re.compile(r'^kv(?:-v)?(?P<version>[0-9]+)$')
# TODO: for all write operations, modify handler call to first check if path exists and patch if it does?
class CubbyHandler(object):
# There is no upstream support for directly reading cubby. So we do it ourselves.
# TODO: custom class/handler?
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
2020-04-07 02:46:19 -04:00
def create_or_update_secret(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Alias function
return(self.write_secret(*args, **kwargs))
2020-04-12 22:54:03 -04:00
def list_secrets(self, path, mount_point = 'cubbyhole', *args, **kwargs):
path = path.lstrip('/')
2020-04-12 22:54:03 -04:00
uri = 'v1/{0}/{1}'.format(mount_point, path)
resp = self.client._adapter.list(url = uri)
2020-04-12 22:54:03 -04:00
def read_secret(self, path, mount_point = 'cubbyhole', *args, **kwargs):
path = path.lstrip('/')
2020-04-12 22:54:03 -04:00
uri = 'v1/{0}/{1}'.format(mount_point, path)
resp = self.client._adapter.get(url = uri)
2020-04-09 15:47:16 -04:00
def remove_secret(self, path, mount_point = 'cubbyhole', *args, **kwargs):
path = path.lstrip('/')
2020-04-12 22:54:03 -04:00
uri = 'v1/{0}/{1}'.format(mount_point, path)
2020-04-09 15:47:16 -04:00
resp = self.client._adapter.delete(url = uri)
2020-04-12 22:54:03 -04:00
def update_secret(self, secret, path, mount_point = 'cubbyhole', *args, **kwargs):
existing = self.read_secret(path, mount_point)
data = existing.get('data')
if not data:
resp = self.write_secret(path, secret, mount_point = mount_point)
self.remove_secret(path, mount_point)
resp = self.write_secret(path, data, mount_point)
2020-04-07 02:46:19 -04:00
def write_secret(self, path, secret, mount_point = 'cubbyhole', *args, **kwargs):
path = path.lstrip('/')
2020-04-12 22:54:03 -04:00
args = {'path': 'v1/{0}'.format('/'.join((mount_point, path)))}
for k, v in secret.items():
if k in args.keys():
_logger.error('Cannot use reserved secret name')
_logger.debug('Cannot use secret name {0} as it is reserved'.format(k))
raise ValueError('Cannot use reserved secret name')
args[k] = v
resp = self.client.write(**args)
2020-03-29 23:13:41 -04:00
class MountHandler(object):
internal_mounts = ('identity', 'sys')
2020-03-29 23:13:41 -04:00
def __init__(self, client, mounts_xml = None):
self.client = client
self.cubbyhandler = CubbyHandler(self.client)
self.xml = mounts_xml
self.mounts = {}
self.paths = {}
2020-03-29 23:13:41 -04:00
def createMount(self, mount_name, mount_type = 'kv2'):
orig_mtype = mount_type
if mount_type not in constants.SUPPORTED_ENGINES:
_logger.error('Invalid mount type')
_logger.debug(('The mount type {0} is invalid. '
'It must be one of: {1}').format(mount_type, ', '.join(constants.SUPPORTED_ENGINES)))
raise ValueError('Invalid mount type')
options = {}
r =
if r:
mount_type = 'kv'
options['version'] = r.groupdict()['version']
created = False
path = mount_name,
description = 'Created automatically by VaultPass',
options = options)
created = True
except hvac.exceptions.InvalidPath as e:
_logger.error('Invalid path')
_logger.debug('The mount path {0} (type {1}) is invalid: {2}'.format(mount_name, orig_mtype, e))
raise ValueError('Invalid path')
except hvac.exceptions.InvalidRequest as e:
_logger.error('Invalid request; does mount already exist?')
_logger.debug(('The creation of mount path {0} (type {1}) generated an invalid request: '
'{2}. Does it already exist?').format(mount_name, orig_mtype, e))
# Due to how KV2 is created, we can hit a timing/race condition.
if orig_mtype == 'kv2' and created:
def getMountType(self, mount):
if not self.mounts:
mtype = self.mounts.get(mount)
if not mtype:
_logger.error('Mount not found in defined mounts')
_logger.debug('The mount {0} was not found in the defined mounts.'.format(mount))
raise ValueError('Mount not found in defined mounts')
2020-04-07 02:46:19 -04:00
def getPath(self, path, mount):
relpath = path.lstrip('/')
fullpath = '/'.join((mount, relpath))
if not self.paths:
obj = dpath.util.get(self.paths, fullpath, None)
def getSecretNames(self, path, mount, version = None):
reader = None
mtype = self.getMountType(mount)
secrets_list = []
keypath = ['data']
args = {'path': path,
'mount_point': mount}
if mtype == 'cubbyhole':
reader = self.cubbyhandler.read_secret
elif mtype == 'kv1':
reader = self.client.secrets.kv.v1.read_secret
elif mtype == 'kv2':
if not any(((version is None), isinstance(version, int))):
_logger.error('version parameter must be an integer or None')
_logger.debug('The version parameter ({0}) must be an integer or None'.format(version))
raise ValueError('version parameter must be an integer or None')
reader = self.client.secrets.kv.v2.read_secret_version
args['version'] = version
keypath = ['data', 'data']
data = reader(**args)
# secrets_list = list(data.get('data', {}).keys())
secrets_list = list(dpath.util.get(data, keypath, {}).keys())
except (KeyError, TypeError):
secrets_list = []
def getSecretsTree(self, path = '/', mounts = None, version = None):
if not mounts:
mounts = self.mounts
if isinstance(mounts, dict):
mounts = list(mounts.keys())
if not isinstance(mounts, list):
mounts = [mounts]
for mount in mounts:
mtype = self.getMountType(mount)
handler = None
args = {'path': path,
'mount_point': mount}
relpath = path.replace('//', '/').lstrip('/')
fullpath = '/'.join((mount, relpath)).replace('//', '/').lstrip('/')
if mtype == 'cubbyhole':
handler = self.cubbyhandler
elif mtype == 'kv1':
handler = self.client.secrets.kv.v1
elif mtype == 'kv2':
if not any(((version is None), isinstance(version, int))):
_logger.error('version parameter must be an integer or None')
_logger.debug('The version parameter ({0}) must be an integer or None'.format(version))
raise ValueError('version parameter must be an integer or None')
handler = self.client.secrets.kv.v2
if mount not in self.paths.keys():
self.paths[mount] = {}
2020-04-01 11:37:21 -04:00
_logger.debug('Fetching path {0} on mount {1}...'.format(path, mount))
paths = handler.list_secrets(**args)
except hvac.exceptions.InvalidPath:
2020-04-01 11:37:21 -04:00
# It's a secret name or doesn't exist.
_logger.debug('Path {0} on mount {1} is a secret, not a subdir.'.format(path, mount)), fullpath, self.getSecretNames(path, mount, version = version))
# if 'data' not in paths.keys() or 'keys' not in paths['data'].keys():
paths_list = paths['data']['keys']
except (KeyError, TypeError):
_logger.warning('Mount has no secrets/subdirs')
_logger.debug('The mount {0} has no secrets or subdirectories'.format(mount))
warnings.warn('Mount has no secrets/subdirs')
for p in paths_list:
p_relpath = '/'.join((relpath, p)).replace('//', '/').lstrip('/')
p_fullpath = '/'.join((fullpath, p)).replace('//', '/').lstrip('/')
_logger.debug(('Recursing getSecretsTree. '
'path={0} '
'fullpath={1} '
'relpath={2} '
'p={3} '
'p_relpath={4} '
self.getSecretsTree(path = p_relpath, mounts = mount)
2020-03-29 23:13:41 -04:00
def getSysMounts(self):
for mount, mount_info in self.client.sys.list_mounted_secrets_engines()['data'].items():
r =
if r:
mount ='mount')
if mount in self.internal_mounts:
# Get the mount type.
mtype = mount_info['type']
if mtype == 'kv':
mntopts = mount_info['options']
if mntopts and isinstance(mntopts, dict):
mver = mntopts.get('version')
if mver == '2':
mtype = 'kv2'
elif mver == '1':
mtype = 'kv1'
self.mounts[mount] = mtype
_logger.debug('Added mountpoint {0} to mounts list with type {1}'.format(mount, mtype))
except hvac.exceptions.Forbidden:
_logger.warning('Client does not have permission to read /sys/mounts.')
# TODO: should I blindly merge in instead?
if self.xml:
for mount in self.xml.findall('.//mount'):
mname = mount.text
mtype = mount.attrib.get('type', 'kv2')
if mname not in self.mounts.keys():
self.mounts[mname] = mtype
_logger.debug('Added mountpoint {0} to mounts list with type {1}'.format(mount, mtype))
2020-03-29 23:13:41 -04:00
2020-04-14 14:33:33 -04:00
def printer(self, path = '/', mounts = None, output = None, indent = 4):
2020-04-03 18:27:43 -04:00
# def treePrint(obj, s = 'Password Store\n', level = 0):
# prefix = '├──'
# leading_prefix = '│'
# last_prefix = '└──'
# pass
# return(s)
if output:
output = output.lower()
2020-04-14 14:33:33 -04:00
if output and output not in constants.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS:
_logger.error('Invalid output format')
2020-04-14 14:33:33 -04:00
_logger.debug(('The output parameter ("{0}") must be one of: '
'{0}, or None').format(output, ', '.join(constants.SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS)))
raise ValueError('Invalid output format')
if output in ('pretty', 'yaml', 'json'):
if not any(((indent is None), isinstance(indent, int))):
_logger.error('indent parameter must be an integer or None')
_logger.debug('The indent parameter ({0}) must be an integer or None'.format(indent))
raise ValueError('indent parameter must be an integer or None')
if not self.paths:
2020-04-14 14:33:33 -04:00
_paths = {}
if not mounts:
mounts = self.mounts.keys()
for m in mounts:
_paths[m] = self.getPath(path, m)
if output == 'json':
import json
2020-04-14 14:33:33 -04:00
return(json.dumps(_paths, indent = indent))
elif output == 'yaml':
import yaml #
# import pyaml #
2020-04-14 14:33:33 -04:00
return(yaml.dump(_paths, indent = indent))
elif output == 'pretty':
import pprint
if indent is None:
indent = 1
2020-04-14 14:33:33 -04:00
return(pprint.pformat(_paths, indent = indent, width = shutil.get_terminal_size((80, 20)).columns))
# elif output == 'tree':
2020-04-02 14:55:26 -04:00
# import tree # TODO? Wayyy later.
elif not output:
2020-04-14 14:33:33 -04:00